International Conference on Radiation Biology
8th Annual Meeting of the Indian Society of Radiation Biology (ISRB)
5th LOWRAD (Low Radiation) International Conference on Low Dose Radiation Effects on Human Health and Environment
November 20-22, 2006
Organized by:
Institute of Medical Sciences
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
Website :,
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Postal Correspondence : Prof. Y. B. Tripathi, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, India
Important Date
Registration & Abstract– 15 October, 2006
Late Registration : 1st November , 2006
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing committee, we take this opportunity to invite you to participate in the International Conference on Radiation Biology with 8th Annual Meeting of the Indian Society of Radiation Biology (ISRB) and 5th LOWRAD (Low Radiation) International Conference on Low Dose Radiation Effects on Human Health and Environment on November 20-22, 2006 to be held at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
Radiation and radioactivity have been the integral part of society since origin of life. In addition to background radiation, the health consequences of accidental / occupational radiation exposure has been a matter of concern to public as well as to nuclear workers. With increasing applications of radiation/radio-nuclide based diagnosis and therapeutic strategies, living beings are deriving benefit of new techniques and they are faced with at the constant risk of low level radiation exposure.
Considering the relevance of radiation effects on environment and human health especially radiation risk assessment and in improvement of cancer radiotherapy, it is imperative to focus for the deeper insight of molecular mechanism of radiation effects on cellular and animal systems. Although radiotherapy is a treatment of choice with curative/palliative intent in the management of various malignancies, but it is associated with radio-resistance, chemo-resistance and unwanted side effects. This needs an urgent intervention of holistic approach, including life style, diet and drug, which are best available in Ayurveda, an Indian system of Medicine. Several Nutraceuticals have been demonstrated to have radioprotective properties with lower toxicity and side effects, which has also reduced the huge financial burden of the patient. The rationale of application of these agents used as “add-on therapy” or as “complete replacement of existing modern therapy”, needs to be evaluated, based on modern scientific perspectives.
This International Conference is an effort to provide a forum to discuss the frontier research areas in low and high dose radiation biology and to bring resource persons from different fields of radiation sciences and medicine at one platform. Besides, this is first golden opportunity to organize a joint meeting of ISRB and WONUC in India, which will provide immense opportunity for closer interactions between the leading experts in the emerging areas of radiation sciences.
We are sure that the ancient cultural heritage of art, dance and music of Varanasi and surrounding would further sweeten the scientific flavor of the Conference. As cultural exchange, a tour to Sarnath, the place of Lord Buddha, visit to the lanes and Ghats of Varanasi, full of traditional culture of Kashi, have been organized, which will add to the pleasure of the participants and their accompanies. The participants will also enjoy visiting the outlets of hand-woven Banarasi Silk Sarees and woolen carpets. We hope that participants in this grand event would have a memorable journey scientifically and culturally. We are looking forward to see you in Varanasi in November, 2006.
Prof. Yamini Bhusan Tripathi
Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Institute of Medical Sciences
Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi-221005, India
E-mail : ,
Tel. : (O)91-542-2307547, (H) 2366577
Fax : 91-542-2368174, 2366566
LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEEChief PatronProf. Panjab Singh, Vice Chancellor, BHU, VaranasiPatrons
Dr. R Chidambaram, Principal Scientific Advisor, Government of IndiaDr. Anil Kakodkar, Chairman, AEC, Mumbai
Dr. S Banarjee Director, BARC, Mumbai
Dr. W Selvamurti, Joint Director, DRDO, Delhi
Dr. R.A. Mashelkar, DG, CSIR, Delhi
Dr. M.K. Bhan, Secretary, DBT, Delhi
Dr. N.K. Ganguly, Director General, ICMR, New Delhi
Dr. V.S. Ramamurthy, Secretary DST, New Delhi
Prof G. Singh, Director, Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi
Prof S. N. Upadhyay, Director, Institute of Technology, BHU, Varanasi
Prof. S.R. Singh, Director, I.Ag. Science, BHU, Varanasi
Prof P. Chandra, Dean, Science Faculty, BHU, Varanasi
Prof. M. Dwivedi, Dean, Ayurveda, BHU, Varanasi
Jha, AN UK
André Maïsseu, France
J Cadet, France
C E Mothersill, Canada
David M. De Marini, USA
Ehud Ne'man, Israel
Eric Wright, UK
Erlinda Natera, Philippines
Estmond D., USA
Firouz Darroudi, The Netherlands
G. Iliakis, Germany
Grant S, USA
H Tanooka, Japan
H Thierens, Belgium
H Völkle, Switzerland
Jin Kyu Kim, Korea
Jovan Jovanovich, Canada
Junko Matsubara, Japan
Kenji Kamiya, Japan
Klaus Becker, Germany
Kun-Woo Cho, Korea
MP Hande, Singapore
M Hoshi, Japan.
Maria Helena, Brazil / Mark Little, UK
Masami Watanabe, Japan
Mortazavi S.M.J., Iran
Natarajan A.T., Netherlands
Nomura T., Japan
Philippe Duport, Canada
Philip Hanawalt, USA
Renate Domel, Australia
Richard Hill, Canada
Ronald L. Kathren, USA
Rajendra Mehta, USA
S Sasaki, Japan
Safrani G., Hungary
Sankaranarayanan K., Netherlands
Sigurdur M. Magnusson, Iceland
SMR Aghamiri, Iran
SV Singh, USA
SD Shukla, USA
T Sugahara, Japan
Terry C Pellmar, USA
VTKagiya, Japan
William F Morgan, USA
Yanick Nouailhetas, Brazil
Zbigniew Jaworowski, Poland
Anwar Nasim, PakistanAK Asthana, Varanasi
BSS Rao, Manipal
CKK Nair, BARC, Mumbai
CM Gupta, CDRI, Lucknow
GC Jagetia MAHE, Manipal
GK Rath AIIMS, New Delhi
HD Sarma, Mumbai
HS Kushwaha, BARC, Mumbai
JS Adhikari, Delhi
K. Dineshew, TMH, Mumbai
KB Sainis, BARC, Mumbai
N Huligol, Mumbai
PK Goel, Jaipur
PN Srivastava, Gurgaon
P Uma Devi, Bhopal / Ramesh Chandra, Varanasi
RB Grover, BARC, Mumbai
RC Chaubey, BARC, Mumbai
RK Kale, JNU, New Delhi
RK Sharma, INMAS, Delhi
RN Sharan, NEHU, Shilong
RP Tripathi, INMAS, New Delhi
R Sarin, ACTREC, Navi Mumbai
Ramadasan Kuttan
SC Jain, New Delhi
TN Mukharjee, BARC, Mumbai
VK Kalia, Bangalore
Viney K. Jain, New Delhi
V Vasudev, Shimoga
V Muthuswamy, ICMR, Delhi
AK Tripathi,A Chaudhary,
A Singh,
Aruna Agrawal,
B.N. Upadhyay,
B.D. Tripathi,
C.B. Jha,
D.N. Pandey,
H.H. Awasthi,
J. K. Roy,
K Patwardhan,
L.C. Rai,
YB Tripathi (Chairman) / Manoj Pandey,
M. J. Raman,
N. Murthy,
P.C. Mishra,
R.C. Shukla,
R.P. Malik,
R.S. Dubey,
S.K. Singh,
S.K. Pandey,
S.P. Mishra,
S. Pradhan,
U. P. Sahi,
TD Singh
(Last Date: October 15, 2006)
Registration information may be sent in the enclosed proforma, along with 2 copies of abstract and the bank draft towards the charges of registration and accommodation, as per detail, given below. Kit will be provided to the registered participants on the venue.
Registration includes seminar kit, Lunch & Dinner for 3 days and Boat ride in River Ganga. Registration fee is not refundable if requested after 10-10-06.
Bank Draft will be made in favour of “Convener, ISRB International Conference” (payable at Varanasi, India)
/ UP to 30/9/2006 / International ParticipantsDelegates
/ Rs. 2000 / $ 200Students / Rs. 1500 / $ 150
Accompanying person
(Children Below 5 yrs are free) / Rs. 1500 / $ 150
Member-Trade and Industry / Rs. 5000 / $ 350
Late registration after 1-11-06: It will be on additional cost of Rs. 500/= to each group for Indian participants and $30 for foreign nationals.
Spot registration will be on additional cost of Rs1000/= to each group for Indian participants, 2000 for industrial houses and $60 for foreign nationals.
For advance booking, one-day payment has to be sent along with the registration form. This will include morning breakfast and transport to the convention center.
Hotel Group / Hotel Name / For double bedA (Star hotels) / Taj, Clarks, Radission, Meridians / Rs 5000 above
B / Hindustan International / Rs 2000 – 3500
C / Diamond, Vindhyan, Hotel India, / Rs 1000 – 1500
D / Hostels & guest houses / Rs 400-800
Abstract will be published as a special issue of Indian Journal of Radiation Research (IJRR). In addition to this, invited articles and other submissions will be published in IJRR after usual Peer Review. Details may be found by visiting the website of IJRR:
1. Low dose radiation: Risk assessment and Cancer therapy
2. Health impacts of radiation
3. Radio-adaptation and its mechanism(s) of action
4. Models for radiation bio-dosimetry and biological monitoring
5. Genetic instability and Radiation induced carcinogenesis
6. Free radicals, anti-oxidants and oxidative radiation response
7. Cellular and molecular effects of ionizing radiation on DNA damage and membrane damage
8. Cytogenetic and molecular markers of low dose radiation damage for prediction of health risk
9. Radiation effects on apoptosis and cell cycle regulation
10. Radioprotection and Modification of radiation injuries
11. Radiation and aging
12. Heavy ion and High LET radiation biology
13. Radiation effect on population and risk assessment
14. Use of genomic and proteomic technologies in Radiation Biology
15. Ayurvedic research with potential for nuclear protection
16. Nutraceuticals in radiation medicine
17. Chemo preventive and radiotherapy in Cancer management
18. Any other topic related to radiation biology
CALL FOR PAPERS and projection arrangements:
Last Date : 15.10.06
Participants are invited to submit abstracts for Oral and Poster presentation before 15th October, 2006. Acceptance and mode of presentation shall be notified by 31st October, 2006. Each abstract should be typed in English in the given format. Official language of the seminar will be English. Multimedia, Slide Projectors and overhead projectors (OHP) will be available.
· They are meant to complement symposium and to cover additional topics
· The area for the poster is 1.5 m x 1.2 m.
· Necessary materials for display will be provided.
· The posters should be readable from 2-3 metre of distance.
· It is advisable to organize your poster in sections, e.g. introduction, methods, results, and conclusion.
ISRB has the following awards. The criteria of each can be seen in the website of the seminar.,
1. M.R. Raju award : 1
2. Young scientists award : 3
3. Poster award : 5
Life time Achievement award 1
The applications may be sent to DR KP Mishra, President ISRB at BARC, Mumbai.
Scientific Exhibition :
It will give a chance to interact directly with the scientific and commercial companies
and also to the publishers. Stall will be booked on first come first serve basis only on
advance payment.
Cultural Progrmme
Besides the scientific inputs, we have also organized a cultural program of classical music and dance. As regards to cultural exchange, a tour to Sarnath, the place of Lord Buddha and visit to the lanes and ghats of Varanasi with traditional culture of Kashi, have been organized, which will add to the pleasure of the participants and their accompanied members. The participants will also enjoy visiting the factories and outlets of hand-woven Banarasi Silk Sarees and woolen carpets. We have taken all precautions to have both, scientific and cultural exchange between East and West. There shall be special classes of Yoga during the seminar.
Companies and philanthropic societies are encouraged to sponsor this seminar by giving donations or advertisements and by purchasing exhibition stalls
Item Indian Rupees
Exhibition stalls 10 x 15 feets 10,000/=
Cover page (3 sides) 15,000/= each
Full page 10,000/=
Half page 7,000/=
¼ page 4,000/=
Varanasi-Sarnath-Ramnagar Rs.500/-
Lumbani-Kushinagar (2D) Rs.8000/-
Varanasi-Kathmando(3N/2D) Rs.18000/-
Ayodhya-Chitrakoot (2N) Rs. 8,000/-
VNS-KTM-POK-KTM-VNS(2N/3D) Rs.24,000/-
Bodh Gaya Rs.6000/-
Allahabad-Vindhyachal Chunar Rs.1800/-
The Varanasi, the oldest living city on the earth is situated on the bank of the Ganga River in Uttar Pradesh, India. It is the abode of Lord Shiva and the center of learning and textile. It is the place, where Lord Buddha acquired the spiritual enlightenment, Sant Tulsi Das wrote the Ramcharit Manas, Adiguru Shankaracharya received the knowledge of Bramha, Charak wrote the book of Ayurvedic Medicine, and Maharishi Sushruta, the father of surgery developed various surgical procedures. Besides, Varanasi is also famous for silk sarees, carpet and culture pageantry.
The Banaras Hindu University is the largest campus university of the country, founded in 1916 by a great visionary Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya Ji. It imparts teaching in almost all the branches of Science, Technology and Humanity through 3 Institutes, 14 Faculties and 127 Departments. At present it has 1500 teachers and 18,000 students. The Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU is the only place in the world, where 3 faculties i.e. Ayurveda, Modern Medicine and Dental are simultaneously active with profound collaboration with each other in research, teaching and patient care. Indian time is 51/2 hours ahead of GMT. The Weather in Varanasi in late November will be comfortable (Temperature- 18-210 C).
Name : ……………………………………………………………………….……….
Nationality : …………………………………………………Sex ..…………………
Address : …………………………………………………………………….……….
…………………………………………………………………………………………Phone:………………………………….……………Fax ………………………….…
E-mail : …………………………….………………………………………………….
Passport No. : ………………………...……………………………………….……….
Type of Membership
Only Participation Yes/ No
Presenting Paper Yes/ No
Post Seminar Tour Yes/ No
Name of accompanying person (s) …………………………………………………...
and their passport No (if foreigners) …………………………………………………
Title of Paper …………………………………………………………………………
Preference Topic ……………………………………………………………………...
Accommodation …………………………………………………………….………...
Hotel Category & Room Type ……………………………………………………….
Arrival Details ………………………………………………………………………...
Departure Details ……………………………………………………………………..
Registration fee details (bank draft no.)………………………………………………
Accommodation fee detail (bank draft no.) ……………………………….……….…
Signature of the participants
Name (s) of author (s) (Presenting author underlined), addressTITLE
After giving the Title in all capital letters, the name of authors should be given in the next line. Initials should be followed by the surname of author(s), underlining the presenting author. Department, Institution, City, Country, should be included in the third line. Except the title, all material in the abstract, should be typed in upper/lower case. The main body of the Abstract be limited to 250 words and should include: Objectives, Design, of experiment Main outcome measures, Results and Conclusions. Limitation of study, if any, may be mentioned.
The contributors are requested to write the appropriate topic, as footnote, for Classification of the Abstract.
Topic of Preference