This is supplemental language for a spec. This is not an all inclusive spec. This is language that is meant to be copied and pasted into an existing spec.


1.1Scope of Work

  1. Provide software to access the operator function from any PC via a remote connection.


  1. Coordinate networking, security, and user access to the Web Server interface with the Owner’s IT representative. Internet connections, ISP services, firewalls or proxy servers shall be provided by the owner as required to support the Web access feature.


2.1Intranet Accessible Operator Interface

  1. The BAS shall provide a graphical interface that allows users to access the BAS data and graphics via the Internet, extranet, or Intranet. The interface shall use Terminal Services to share the Operator Server application with another PC across a network.
  2. Provide client access to client-server workstation configurations over low-bandwidth network technologies via Windows Terminal Services or Web browser interface. Remote client access via Windows Terminal Services shall provide multiple, independent sessions of the workstations software. Terminal Services clients shall have workstation software access, without the need to install the workstation software on the local hard drive.
  3. All information exchanged over Internet shall be optionally encrypted and secure via SSL (provided by Owner).
  4. Access to the interface may be password protected. Users’ rights and privileges to points and graphics will be the same as those assigned at the BAS workstation. An option will exist to only allow users “read” access via the Web browser, while maintaining “command” privileges via the BAS workstation.
  5. The remote interface shall not require modification or creation of HTML or ASP pages. All graphics available at the BAS graphical workstation shall be automatically generated shared with the remote interface.
  6. The interface shall provide the following functionality to users, based on their access and privilege rights:
  7. Logon Screen - Allows the user to enter their name, password and domain name for logging into the Web server.
  8. Alarm Display - Display of current BAS system alarms to which the user has access will be displayed. Users will be able to acknowledge and erase active alarms, and link to additional alarm information including alarm messages. Any alarm acknowledgments initiated through the Web interface will be recorded to the BAS System log.
  9. Graphic Display - Display of system graphics, including animated motion, available in the BAS system workstation will be available for viewing over the Web browser. Software that requires the creation of dedicated “Web” graphics in order to display via the browser interface will not be acceptable. A graphic selector list will allow users to select any graphics to which they have access. Graphics displays will automatically refresh with the latest change of values. Users will have the ability to command and override points from the graphic display as determined by their user account rights.
  10. System Dashboard – Graphical interface consisting of gauges and charts that provide the user with a snapshot of system performance both dynamically and historically.
  11. Point Details - Users will have access to point detail information including operational status, operational priority, physical address, and alarm limits, for point objects to which they have access.
  12. Point Commanding - Users will be able to override and command points they have access to via the Web browser interface. Any commands or overrides initiated via the Web browser interface will be written to the BAS system central workstation activity log.
  13. The licensing options shall allow concurrent access by a minimum of twenty (20) separate user connections.
  14. Internet connections, ISP services, as well as necessary firewalls or proxy servers shall be provided by the owner as required to support the Web access feature.


Project Name230900 - 1BAS AND CONTROL FOR HVAC
