Lesson 4- My Plate


This lesson is designed for 2nd graders in the age range of 7-8.


This nutrition unit is a supplemental unit created and developed by Ashley Leneway to teach second graders about nutrition. The intent is to help them gain knowledge about the importance of leading an active lifestyle and making better choices about what they put into their bodies.


This fourth lesson is designed to be taught after lesson 3. This lesson has been designed to take the knowledge students have of the five basic food groups andthe newly updated food pyramidand apply it to what living an active lifestyle, eating a balanced diet and drinking plenty of water looks like in the real world, to them.

How Long

5days, 30-45 minutes per day (initial)

5 days, 30-45 minutes per day (final)

Description of Learning Activity

This lesson was designed in order for students to be able to:

  • Discuss necessary components of a balanced diet
  • Identify and describe the five major food groups including fruits, vegetables, grains, milk and milk products, meats/beans.
  • Compile a list of foods from each major food group and distinguish the foods that belong to each food group.
  • Conduct a dietary evaluation.

Washington State Learning Objectives

GLE 1.5.1Understand how the body’s function and composition are affected by food consumption.

2-3 SYSA A system is a group of interacting parts that form a whole.

2.4.B Collect, organize, represent, and interpretdata in bar graphs and picture graphs.

1.1.1Generate ideas and create original works for personal and group expression using a variety of digital tools.

1.1.2Use models and simulations to explore systems, identify trends and forecast possibilities.

2.2.1. Demonstrates understanding of different purposes for writing.

3.3.Knows and applies writing conventions appropriate for the grade level.


diet, balanced diet, half, whole grain, refined grain

Materials (*materials are found at the end of the lesson)

*MyPlate Image

*MyPlate Worksheet

*Food Diary Worksheet (3 copies per student)

*Daily Food Intake Graphing worksheet

*Initial vs. Final Graphing reflections worksheet

Class set of paper plates

Magazines (preferably ones with a variety of food)

OR student access to a printer and Google images

Images for completed plate, like shown in *MyPlate Image



Student access to computers and

Anticipatory Set

You will give each student a paper plate. Have a variety of magazines available. Explain that they will have 10-15 minutes to find foods in the magazine that they would like to combine to make a meal. They can choose any items they like but they must fill their plate. Allow them to work. After time is up, have the students share their plates with one another. Call on a few students to share their thoughts and ideas. Read the story The Monster Health Book: A Guide to Eating Healthy, Being Active & Feeling Great for Monsters and Kids! By Edward Miller

INITIAL:Lesson Day 1-

  1. Once you have completed the anticipatory set, gather the students, with their plates.
  2. Pose the questions; does your plate represent a balanced diet? Does it include all the food groups? Allow students time to discuss with a partner. Call on a few students to share.
  3. Then, share the My Plate image. As you discuss each part of the image, construct a plate using the images you set aside (see materials list). With each food group, emphasize:
  4. Fruit- ½ of your plate should be fruits and vegetables
  5. Vegetable- ½ of your plate should be fruits and vegetables
  6. Grain- Make ½ of your grains whole grains
  7. Protein- Make your protein lean.
  8. Dairy- switch to fat-free or low-fat options
  9. Explain to the students that the plate represents a balanced meal and that every time they eat, they should make it a goal for their plates to look just like the one you have just constructed.
  10. Pass out a copy of MyPlate Worksheet to each student. Have them construct their own balanced diet plate using this worksheet as a template.

INITIAL:Lesson Days 2 to 4-

  1. Start by passing out one copy of Food Diary Worksheet. Allow students to make observations with their team/table. Call on a few students to share their thoughts and ideas.
  2. Explain that for the next three days, they will need to record EVERYTHING they eat and their activity. Demonstrate how to complete the record sheet by recording, with them, what they have eaten and their activity for the day.
  3. Remind them they will need to record what they eat once they get home and bring the record sheet back to school the next day.
  4. Pass out the Initial Daily Food Intake Graphing worksheet. Allow students to make observations with their team/table. Call on a few students to share their thoughts and ideas.
  5. Demonstrate how to transfer data from the Food Diary Worksheet to the Initial Daily Food Intake Graphing worksheet. It would help, if time allows, to continue the color coding for this graphing activity.
  6. Repeat these steps on days 3 and 4.

INITIAL: Lesson Day 5-

  1. Take the students to the computer lab with their Initial Daily Food Intake Graphing worksheet.
  2. Get them access to
  3. Using their data from the Initial Daily Food Intake Graphing worksheet, have them create a bar graph. My recommendation would be to do an example as a class and then have them enter their own data.
  4. Make sure the students print their graphs.

At the end of the Nutrition Unit, you will return to this lesson to complete the final diet evaluation.

FINAL: Lesson Day 1-3

  1. Again, pass out one copy of Food Diary Worksheet. Allow students to make observations with their team/table. Call on a few students to share their thoughts and ideas.
  2. Explain that for the next three days, they will need to record EVERYTHING they eat and their activity. If needed, again demonstrate how to complete the record sheet by recording, with them, what they have eaten and their activity for the day.
  3. Remind them they will need to record what they eat once they get home and bring the record sheet back to school the next day.
  4. Pass out the Final Daily Food Intake Graphing worksheet. Allow students to make observations with their team/table. Call on a few students to share their thoughts and ideas.
  5. If needed, again demonstrate how to transfer data from the Food Diary Worksheet to the Final Daily Food Intake Graphing worksheet. It would help, if time allows, to continue the color coding for this graphing activity.
  6. Repeat these steps on days 3 and 4.

FINAL: Lesson Day 4-

  1. Take the students to the computer lab with their Final Daily Food Intake Graphing worksheet.
  2. Get them access to
  3. Using their data from the Final Daily Food Intake Graphing worksheet, have them create a bar graph. My recommendation would be to do an example as a class and then have them enter their own data.
  4. Make sure the students print their graphs.

FINAL: Lesson Day 4-

  1. Students will need both the initial and final 3 day food graphs.
  2. Analyzing these graphs, students will make some observation and reflections and record those on the Initial vs. Final Graphing reflections worksheet.
  3. Then, using their reflections, students will decide on 3 things they did really well (their stars) and then one thing they wished they had done better (their wish). They will record these on the Initial vs. Final Graphing reflections worksheet as well.
  4. Students will hand in both graphs and the Initial vs. Final Graphing reflections worksheet.

Supplemental Materials


  • The studentcreated graphs, by food group, of the foods they consume over the period of three days at the onset of this unit and at the end along with their reflection of the comparison of the two graphs will serve as a summative assessment.

My Plate Image

MyPlate Worksheet

This worksheet can also we found at:

Food Diary

This food diary record sheet can also be found at:

My Initial 3 Day Diet Results

Daily Food Intake Graph- Day 1

Foods / Color in a box per serving you ate of each food each day!
Fats & Oil

Daily Reflections: ______

Daily Food Intake Graph- Day 2

Foods / Color in a box per serving you ate of each food each day!
Fats & Oil

Daily Reflections: ______

Daily Food Intake Graph- Day 3

Foods / Color in a box per serving you ate of each food each day!
Fats & Oil

Daily Reflections: ______

Create a bar graph of all three days using

My Final 3 Day Diet Results

Daily Food Intake Graph- Day 1

Foods / Color in a box per serving you ate of each food each day!
Fats & Oil

Daily Reflections: ______

Daily Food Intake Graph- Day 2

Foods / Color in a box per serving you ate of each food each day!
Fats & Oil

Daily Reflections: ______

Daily Food Intake Graph- Day 3

Foods / Color in a box per serving you ate of each food each day!
Fats & Oil

Daily Reflections: ______

Create a bar graph of all three days using



Looking at your initial 3 day diet graph and your final 3 day diet graph, what do you notice? What have you learned? What can you still improve?


3 Stars and a Wish

Looking at your graphs and your reflection above, list 3 things you did well and one thing you wish you did better.
