Czech Spaniel Club of Czech republic,

Jungmannova 25, 115 25 Praha 1

Spaniel Speciality Shows

10th September 2011

Luhačovice, Sporting Hall


7.00 – 08:45 Admission of dogs

08:50 – 09:00 Start of the show

09:00 – 14:30 Judging

15.00 - 17.00 Competitions

Completed entry forms send to the address:

Mgr. Renáta Tetřevová

286 01 Lovčice 76

The deadlines:

1st.- 25th July 2011

2nd. – 10th August 2011

The Jury:

English cocker spaniel - males: Tina Beswick, Kennel Cachel, Anglie

English cocker spaniel - females: Linda Robinson, Kennel Jozelah, Anglie

ESS + WSS: Mgr. Jana Janek, Kennel Jankina záhrada, Slovensko

CS + other breeds: Ludmila Fintorová, Slovensko


CAJC, CAC, Res. CAC, Best veteran, Speciality Winner, Speciality Young Winner, BOV, BOJ, BOB, BIS.


BIS BABY – for a babies with very promissing 1.

BIS PUPPY – for a puppies with very promissing 1.

BIS JUNIOR – for a winners from young class with title BOJ

BIS VETERNE – for a winners from veteran class with title BOV

BIS – for best of breed winners.

Best brace – a single owner´s female and male assessed at the competition on the same day.

Best breeding group – a group of min. 3 and max 5 individuals of the same breed coming from the same kennel, min. from two different sires or dames and are assessed at the competition that day.

Best progeny group – a stud with at least five descendents assessed at the competition that day. The assessment applies to the type and quality of the offspring.

The charge of 150 CZK is possible to pay in the place in the show office till the 14:00 o´clock.

Entry fees:

Entry fees in CZK / Ist Deadline 25.7.2011 / IInd Deadline 10.8.2011
KCHLS members / KCHLS members
The first dog + catalogue / 700,- CZK / 560,- / 800,- / 640,-
Other dog without catalogue / 500,- / 400,- / 600,- / 480,-
Babies, puppies, veteranes and honour class (can´t be the first dog) / 150,- / 120.- / 200,- / 160,-
(charge for 1 competition) / 100,- / 80,- / 150,- / 120,-

Bank account: Komerční banka, a.s.

Owner of the account: Klub chovatelů loveckých slídičů ČR

Jungmannova 25, 115 25 Praha 1

Account number: 22937531/0100

variabiable symbol: 444

constant symbol: 0558

IBAN CODE: CZ45 0100 0000 0000 2293 7531


An entry form not accompanied by a receipt of payment will not be accepted!


The show is held under FCI and ČMKÚ regulations and is accessible to all males and females of all Spaniel breeds and breeds included in the KCHLS listed in studbooks recognised by the FCI. On the day of the exhibition, the dogs must reach the age required for a competition class. The division into classes complies with the FCI and ČMKÚ exhibition regulations. Dogs whose entry forms will not contain required evidences (certificates, copies of champion title) necessary for the dog's inclusion in the working or champion class will be included in the open class without any prior notice. The organiser of the show is in no way liable for damage caused by dogs or exhibitor, or for loss or death of dog. Any changes in exterior of a dog performed by means of excessive use of lacquer, powder, hair tinting and basic trimming connected with a long-time tying up of the dog on a table are forbidden. A breach of these rules will result in the dog's exclusion from the exhibition. The owners of dogs which have been awarded the title of BOB - Breed Champion are required to take part in the final champion show with their dogs. The exhibitors are required to adhere to the provisions of the FCI exhibition regulations, these provisions and instructions of the exhibition committee, to which they consent on filing their application form. They are also required to keep the exhibition grounds tidy. If the show cannot take place due to objective reasons, the fees will be used to cover the incurred expenses. It is forbidden to bring puppies to the show with the intention to sell them. The organiser rejects any responsibility for undelivered entry forms. Documents posted after the deadline will not be considered.


®  All dogs participating in the show must be clinically healthy; a certificate of clinical examination is no longer required.

®  Dogs which do not go through the veterinary admission process will not be allowed to take part in the show. The dogs must have the pet passport as evidence that the dog was vaccinated against rabies min. 21 days and max. 12 months before the exhibition and is in immunity against canine distemper, parvovirosis and leptospirosis. Dogs coming from EU member states and from third countries must have a valid EU pet passport and must fulfil the conditions laid down by the EU Regulation 998/2003 of 26.5.2003.

®  During the show, the owners should take measures ensuring that mutual attacking of animals or injuring people is prevented.


The entry forms must be filled in on a typewriter or in block capitals. Each dog must have a separate entry form. Illegibly filled-in forms will not be accepted. The reduction for the second or other dog may only be claimed if this other dog's owner's name is identical with the name stated on the first entry form. Every other modification of the other entry form, i.e. an addition of joint ownership, will be considered a new entry for the full price. The organiser bears no responsibility for incorrectly filled-in entry forms. To each entry, a copy of the pedigree must be attached. In case of an imported dog, the abbreviation of the original studbook and the original registration number must be given in the entry form. It is necessary to attach the receipt of payment of the exhibition fee to the form. A reclassification of dogs after the deadline is not possible. The admission of the dog will be confirmed in the form of an admission notice approximately 10 days before the show.


Complaints about jury's decisions are not allowed. Complaints may be lodged only due to formal reasons, such as breaches of exhibition rules and provisions. Complaints must be filed in writing accompanied with a CZK 500 deposit and only during the course of the show. If the complaint is not acknowledged as justified, the deposit will be handed over to the organiser of the show.