Revised Procurement Plan Number 4: Dated December 1, 2013 to May 31, 2015

Date of No-Objection Wednesday, January 8, 2014.

Sustainable Management of the Nyika Transfrontier Conservation Area Project

[P108879 - Malawi- TF099857/Zambia -TF099858]

I.  General

1.  Project information: Sustainable Management of the Nyika Transfrontier Conservation Area Project (P108879). The project is jointly implemented by the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) through a Global Environmental Fund (GEF) Trust Fund TF099858 and by the Department of National Park and Wildlife (DNPW) through a GEF TF099857and a grant from the Embassy of Norway. The objective is to establish more effective transfrontier management of biodiversity in the Nyika Transfrontier Conservation Area. The Project consists of the following components: Component 1: Institutional and Planning Framework. Under this component the project will establish and operationalize the governance and planning functions for the Nyika TFCA by financing the design of TFCA-wide planning instruments. Component 2: Sustainable Financing. Under this component the project will develop mechanisms for financial sustainability of TFCA management through the institutions responsible for the long term management and financing of the Nyika TFCA..Component 3: Protected Areas Management. Under this component the project improve management effectiveness of three Nyika TFCA management “blocks”: the Nyika, the Vwaza and the Chama

2. Bank’s approval Date of the procurement Plan: Original no objection: February 18, 2011; no objection for first revision received on 13 April 2012. No objection for second revision received on 7th January 2013. No objection for third revision received on 19 November 2013.This is the fourth version of the revised PP.

3.  Date of General Procurement Notice: N/A

4.  Period covered by this procurement plan: February 18,2011 to June 2013 and revised to May 2015

5.  Applicable Procurement and Consultants Guidelines: Procurement for the two GEF TF and the grant from Norway will be carried out in accordance with the World Bank's " Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits” published by the World Bank in May 2004 and revised in October 2006 and May 2010 (“Procurement Guidelines”) in the case of goods and works, and Sections I and IV of the “Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers” published by the World Bank in May 2004 and revised in October 2006 and May 2010 (“Consultant Guidelines”) and the provisions stipulated in the Legal Agreements.

II. Goods and Works and non-consulting services.

1.  Prior Review Threshold: Procurement Decisions subject to Prior Review by the World Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines for Procurement:

Category / Contract Value
USD / Procurement Method / Contracts Subject to
Prior Review
(a) Works / ≥10,000,000
<10,000,000 ˃200,000
All values
All values
All Values / ICB
Direct Contracting
Force Account
Community participation / All contracts
As in procurement plan
All contracts
All contracts
(b) Goods / ≥ 2,000,000
˂ 2,000,000 ˃200,000
All values
All values
All values
≤100,000 / ICB
Single Source
Commercial Practices
Shopping / All contracts
As in procurement plan
All contracts

2. Prequalification. In accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 2.9 and 2.10 of the Guidelines. N/A

3. Proposed Procedures for CDD Components (as per paragraph. 3.17 of the Guidelines: Yes, use of community participation in procurement is expected. The procedures for the use of CDD and the audit requirements will be stipulated in the project implementation manual which has been reviewed and approved by the World Bank on February 23, 2012.

4.  Reference to (if any) Project Operational/Procurement Manual: The implementing Agencies have prepared a projects implementation manual which has been reviewed and found to be acceptable to the Bank. It will need to be enhanced to address Community participation in procurement and how to handle of Service Delivery Contractors.

5.  Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements:

6.  Procurement Packages Subject to Bank Prior Review with Methods and Time Schedule


PART A – MALAWI (GEF TF099857and Norway Grant)


No / Contract (Description) / GEF MW / Norway / Start up Scope of Works and BoQs / Proc.
Method / Pre qualification (yes/no) / Domestic Preference (Yes/No) / Review by WB (Prior/Post) / Completed / Expected Completion Date / Progress
W1.2 / Miscellaneous works (roads, firebreaks, airstrips and early burning) / - / 41,000 / 15-Apr-13 / LS / N o / No / Post / April 2015 / More than 240 km cleared around Nyika NP, various firebreaks also made in the park, Burning done (Work In Progress – {WIP})
W1.3 / Rehabilitate airstrip hangars houses (2 small lots) ,offices, gates, workshop, operations room / - / 24,000 / 10 –Jan-13 / NS/A / No / No / Post / April, 2015 / Office and 5 houses under rehabilitation
W1.4 / Maintain water supply systems gravity water system) / 50,000 / 15-Mar-13 / NS/A / No / No / Post / April, 2015 / WIP
W1.5 / Miscellaneous works (roads, firebreaks, airstrips and early burning) / 35,600 / - / 15-Apr -13 / LS / No / No / Post / April, 2015 / WIP
W1.6 / Rehabilitation or building of gate, hangars, office and housing (divided in small lots), operations room at Nyika / 95,000 / 10 –Jan 13 / NS/A / No / No / Post / April, 2015 / WIP
W1.7 / Maintain water supply systems (boreholes) / 14,000 / 20,000 / 25-Apr-12 / NS/A / No / No / Post / April, 2015 / 2 Boreholes maintained; 1 at Bambanda and 1 at Kazuni (WIP). 3 boreholes to be done (1 Njalayankhunda,1 Uledi,& 1 Thazima)
W1.8 / Rehabilitation of Three strand Electric Wire Fence / 114,000 / - / Sept -13 / NS / No / No / Post / 30 Apr-14 / Intervention to reduce wildlife and human conflict at Vwaza Game Reserve
W1.9 / Rehabilitation or building of gate, hangars, office and housing (divided in small lots) workshop, operations room / 21,600 / 10 –Jan 13 / NS/A / No / No / Post / April, 2015 / 8 Houses rehabilitated in Bambanda
3 at Kazuni, still in progress

GOODS – MALAWI(GEF TF099857and Norway Grant)

Ref. No / Contract Description / GEF MW / Norway / Start-up Specifications date / Proc. Method / Pre-or Post Qualification / Review by Bank / Domestic Preference (Yes/No) / Expected Bid Opening Date / Completed / Expected Completion Date / Progress
G1.1 / 4x4 vehicles / 210,000 / 252,000 / 1 Mar 12 / UNOPS / Post / Post / No / Sept 12 / Mar 13 / Nine Vehicles delivered.
G1.2 / Lorry / 71,000 / 15-Sept-12 / NS / Post / Post / No / 30-Oct -13 / Dec-13 / Procurement method revised from UNOPS to NS
G1.3 / Tractors and trailers
(3) / 58,000 / 116,000 / 15-Sep-12 / NCB / Post / Post / No / 30-Jun 13 / 15-Sep-13 / Three Tractors & Three trailers delivered
G1.4 / Bicycles
(40) / 4500 / - / 15Apr 12 / NS / Post / Post / No / 4 Dec 12 / 30 Dec 12 / Thirty – Five Bicycles procured and delivered
G1.5 / Uniforms / 10,500 / 38,000 / 1-May 12 / DC / Post / Post / Yes / 4 Dec 12 / Aprl, 2014 / One Hundred Thirty – Five Pairs complete with socks, belts, berets and boots delivered. Fifty more pairs to be sown.
G1.6 / Field equipment including O&M / 18,300 / 53,000 / 1-May-12 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / 15 Nov 12 / April, 2014 / Tents, Sleeping Bags, Rack Sacks, Handcuffs, Drinking Bottles, Binoculars and GPS delivered
G1.7 / Computer equipment / 2000 / 1-Mar 12 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / 15-Mar-12 / 30-Mar-12 / Priority purchase eligible for retroactive reimbursement. Was purchased using PPF Pre-financing Budget
G1.8 / Computer equipment
(Office equipment) / 14,772 / 10,500 / 1-May 12 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / 11 Feb 13 / 30 Apr 13 / Desktops, Laptops, Printers and LCD projector delivered
G1.9 / Office furniture / 4000 / 1-Dec 11 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / 15-Mar-12 / 30-Mar-12 / Priority purchase eligible for retroactive reimbursement. Was purchased using PPF Pre-financing Budget
G10 / Office furniture / 4,400 / 10,500 / 15-Apr-12 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / 4 Dec 12 / 30 Dec 12 / Office Desks and Chairs delivered
G11 / Flail Shredder Machines (2 Heavy Duty Movers) / 20,000 / Jan 13 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / Oct -13 / Dec, 2013 / RFQs to be launched
G12 / Office Supplies / 1,200 / 2,000 / 15 May 12 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / May 12 / March, 2015 / Quarterly procurements done – On going
G13 / Generator & Accessories / 4,300 / 1,700 / Jan 13 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / Oct- 13 / Dec, 2013 / Completed and delivered
G14 / Water pump / 2,000 / 2,000 / Jan 13 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / 1 Feb 13 / Dec, 2013 / Completed and delivered
G15 / Welding Machine & Accessories / 1,200 / 1,200 / Jan 13 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / Oct -13 / Dec, 2013 / Completed and delivered
G16 / Materials for Rehabilitation of Mzuzu Office Complex / 4,400 / Apr-12 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / Jan 13 / Nov- 13 / Rehab works almost completed



No / Contract (Description) / GEF ZM / Start upScope of Works and BoQs / Procurement Method / Prequalification (yes/no) / Domestic Preference (Yes/No) / Review by Bank (Prior/Post) / Expected Bid Opening Date / Completed / Expected Completion Date / Progress
W2.1 / Rehabilitation or building of gate, office and housing and Guest house / 123,000 / 15-Oct-12 / Force Account / No / No / Post / Nov -13 / Julyr-14 / To commence in November 2013 under Force Account & materials to be bought through LS
W2.2 / Rehabilitation of offices and guest house at Chipata / 20,000 / 4 Jan 2014 / NS / No / Yes / Post / 1 Feb 2014 / 30 June 14
W2.3 / Miscellaneous works (roads, firebreaks, and early burning) / 46,781 / 19-July-13 / LS / No / Yes / Post / Dec, 2013 / Jun, 2014 / To commence in first quarter 2014
W2.4 / Miscellaneous works ( water crossing structures) / 7,085 / 19-July-13 / NS / No / Yes / Post / Dec, 2013 / Jun, 2014 / To commence in first quarter 2014
W2.6 / Facilitate chili fencing & blasting / 1,135.5 / 19-Julyl-13 / NS / No / Yes / Post / Dec, 2013 / Jun, 2014 / To commence in first quarter 2014
W2.7 / Rehabilitate office building at Chama / 60,000 / Dec 2013 / NS / No / No / Post / Feb 2014 / Dec 2014 / To commence in first quarter 2014
W2.8 / Rehabilitate Staff Houses in CCCA / 42,000 / Dec 2013 / NS / No / No / Post / Feb 2014 / Dec 2014 / To commence in first quarter 2014
W2.9 / Install Boreholes / 12,036 / Dec 2013 / NS / No / No / Post / Feb 2014 / Dec 2014 / To commence in first quarter 2014
W2.5 / Fence: ZAWA Office – Chipata / 32,000 / 15-April-12 / NS/A / No / No / Post / 30-May-12 / Dec 13 / WIP – nearing completion


Ref. No / Contract Description / GEF ZM / Start-up Specification date / Procurement Method / Pre-or Post Qualification / Review by Bank / Domestic Preference (Yes/No) / Expected Bid Opening Date / Completed / Expected Completion Date / Progress
GC1.1 / Patrol Boat / 27,040 / Dec, 2013 / NS / Post / Post / No / March,2014 / Jun, 2014 / To conclude 2nd quarter
GC1.2 / Towed Grader / 10,928 / Dec, 2013 / NS / Post / Post / No / March,2014 / Jun, 2014 / To conclude 2nd quarter
GC1.3 / 4x4 wheel drive tractor& trailer (1) / 60,000 / 19-July-13 / NS / Post / Post / No / Dec 20-13 / Jun,2014 / To conclude 2nd quarter
GC1.4 / Motorbikes(3) / 6,942.70 / 19-July-13 / NS / Post / Post / No / Dec 20-13 / Jun,2014 / To conclude 2nd quarter
GC1.5 / Bicycle (26) / 4,286 / 19-July-13 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / Dec 20 13 / Jun,2014 / To conclude 2nd quarter
GC1.6 / Office equipment & furniture / 9,650 / 19-July-13 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / Dec 2013 / Jun,2014 / To conclude 2nd quarter
GC1.7 / Uniforms / 11,571.2 / 23-July- 12 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / Dec 2013 / Jun, 2014 / To conclude 2nd quarter
GC1.8 / Field equipment – Nyika / 5,357 / 15-April-12 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / Apr 13 / Dec, 2013 / Done
G2.1 / 4x4 vehicles (ZM3 ) / 126,000 / 15 April 12 / UNOPS / Post / Post / No / 30-April-12 / 31 Jan 13 / Done - Three Vehicles Delivered
G2.3 / Uniforms / 4,821 / 15-Jun 12 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / Apr 13 / Dec, 2013 / .
G2.4 / Field equipment – chama / 5,464 / 19-July-13 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / Dec 2013 / Jun,2014 / WIP
G2.5a / Office equipment / 2,000 / 15-Mar 12 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / Apr 13 / March, 2014 / WIP
G2.6 / Sun System Accounting Software w/ Installation / 10, 504 / 15-Mar-12 / DC / Post / Prior / Yes / 30-May-12 / 15-Jun-12 / Installed and in use.
G2.7 / Office furniture / 2,200 / 15-Apr-12 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / Jan 13 / Mar 13 / Completed and delivered
G2.8 / Generator & Accessories / 5,000 / Jan – 13 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / Feb -13 / March, 2014 / WIP – RFQs to be launched
G2.9 / Fuel Tank and accessories / 3,300 / Jan 2013 / NS / Post / Post / Yes / Feb 2013 / June 2013

PART C – Joint procurement MALAWI GEF TF099857and Norway Grant as well as ZAMBIA TF099858

GOODS - COMMON MALAWI AND ZAMBIA - Goods which require cross country cooperation or standardization, which are co-financed and which may be used across the two boundaries are implemented as one procurement process. Contracts will be co-financed. The cost estimate is therefore the sum of funds under all sources of financing.