Older People’s Service Providers Forum
Meeting Minutes
Date:Thursday 14 March 2013
Time:10.00am - 12noon
Place:PilmenyResource Centre
Teresa StraczynskiAlzheimer Scotland
Julie DickHealth in Mind
Mary KeeganPilmeny Development Project
Anne MunroPilmeny Development Project
Ann YoungSEAG (Meeting Chair)
Sarah HowardVolunteer Centre Edinburgh
Gwen JamesVolunteer Centre Edinburgh
Sharon Hampson-BahiaQueensferry Churches Care in the Community
Linda WrightPrestonfield Neighbourhood Workers’ Project
Anvil McKenzieEdinburgh Leisure
Ian BrookeEVOC
Lisa StewartNHS Lothian DALLAS Manager (Presentation)
Action1 / Apologies
Caroline MacphersonCalton Welfare
Stefan MilenkovicLGBT Centre for Health and Wellbeing
John MooreLCTS
Helen TaitPilton Equalities Project
Margaret StewartLifecare - Edinburgh
Sandra DixonOpen Door (Forum Chair)
Alison McGheeHealth in Mind
Helen GalliardHealth in Mind
Rhona MacAdamDunedin Canmore HA
Wilma NelsonLibertus
Marion FindlayVolunteer Centre Edinburgh
Ash CorryEdinburgh Leisure
Anita JeffriesEdinburgh Leisure
Bob RendallEric Liddell Centre
Alastair WattMECOPP
Liz McIntoshQueensferry Churches Care in the Community
2 / Minutes of Forum Meeting 16 January 2013
2.1 / The minutes of 16 January 2013 were accepted as an accurate record.
2.2 / Matters Arising not on main agenda
There were none.
3.6 / Adult Protection Committee (Feedback from provided)
Sandra Hampson-Bahia from QCCC and Marion Findlay from Volunteer Centre Edinburgh have been recruited to be the reps for the Forum on the committee. First meeting was held on 25 February. Additional comment was that the meeting was very dynamic with reps from all partner agencies in attendance. A focus of discussion was adults at risk who aren’t accessing services, and may appear to be fine.
The issue of local reporting of incidents was raised by Forum members. There doesn’t appear to be any networks at neighbourhood level to guide work etc. Also, smaller groups probably don’t have public or adult protection policies. Ian stated that EVOC are looking to draft a pro forma adult protection policy for community groups to use.
ACFAA(Feedback from provided)
The February and March meetings have been held and Ann reported that it was unclear where the priorities for the group lie and uncertainty about its future direction.
Adult Protection Committee Learning & Development Sub Group (feedback form provided)
Ian reported additionally that EVOC are exploring a subscription to the LearnPro online training resource (which includes videos) for the voluntary sector as a whole in adult protection training.
Shadow Health & Social Care Partnership (Feedback form provided)
Forum members asked about the attendance and status of EVOC at the partnership meetings, especially in light of a Public Partnership Forum discussion recently into the lack of participation by service users and voluntary organisations representing/ advocating for people with specific conditions. Ian stated that EVOC does have difficulty engaging with national organisations representing single issues (including their local branches), and it’s something that is being looked at. Overall, people felt that it’s never perfect and staff do do everything they can to involve relevant organisations.
Change Fund Core Group (Feedback form provided)
No comments.
Joint Older People’s Commissioning Plan CheckpointGroup (Feedback form provided)
No comments. / IB/ SH / MF
4.4 / Training
Upcoming courses funded through the Change Fund additional money will include Living Memory Association – reminiscence training and groupwork. If any forum members have any additional ideas, let Ian know.
Innovation Fund
The funding panel have nearly finished looking at all IF projects and made decisions about awarding year 2 funding. There has been an underspend and Living Memory Association were awarded money from the original 2011 applications to deliver a project providing more reminiscence work around the city.
Resilience Fund & Participatory Budgeting
Details of funding for voluntary organisations working with older people in the city of up to £10,000 is now on EVOC’s website. Closing date is 6 May.
People interested in the small community grants fund that is proposed for applications up to £1,500 have met and discussed using a participatory budgeting approach to distributing the money. This will involve older people themselves voting on allocating the awards. More details to follow.
Community Mapping
The Evaluation Support Scotland (ESS) EVOC the “Stitch in Time” funded project is ongoing, mapping across Edinburgh the smallest community groups that provide services and activities for the older population. / All
5.1 / It was agreed to leave discussion on the plans to the next meeting due to pressure of time:
- Commissioning Strategy for Adult Social Care
- Joint Commissioning Plan for Older People’s Services
- Commissioning Plan for Social Care Day Services
6.1 / Performing Rights Society Licences
Linda had previously asked for information on this issue, and handouts of the PRS website It was agreed that the wording does appear ambiguous with regard to community facilities solely used for therapy.
7.1 / Living Well in Later Life Event
To be held on Tues 23 April at St Ninian’s Church in Corstorphine, following the successful format of the earlier event held at the Assembly Rooms.
8 / Date of next meeting
8.1 / Monday 13 May, 2.00 – 4.00pm
Health in Mind, Shandwick Place
Wednesday 10 July, 2.00 – 4.00pm
Venue tbc