Collaborative Partnerships Student Feedback Visit prompts
Student feedback visits should be undertaken by the Link Tutor at least once per session as part of annual quality monitoring. The visit normally takes place during the spring term but the link tutor should liaise with the partner at the start of the academic session to identify a suitable date to conduct the visit. This template can be used as a prompt for the Link Tutor to record student feedback on DMU programmes delivered at partner institutions. It is not compulsory to use this form if you have captured the feedback via another method. Notes or the completed form below should be emailed to the DAQQuality Officer (Partnerships) and the EP/ GPU Account Manager, copying in the partner, as well as presented to the DMU PMB (for discussion) and DMU FCPC (for note).
Please see Section 2 in theGuide to Managing Collaborative Provision and the Annual calendar of quality monitoring activities for collaborative provision (AQM).
To cover academic session:Partner institution: / Programme(s):
Date of meeting: / / / / Name of Link Tutor:
Approximate number of students present: / Student constitution present (e.g. mixture of levels, study mode):
Update on actions following feedback from the previous student meeting
To be completed BEFORE the meeting with students. It is good practice to share with students what actions were taken as a result of previous feedback meetings in order to reinforce to students that their opinions matter, are listened to and are acted upon.
Prompts for discussion / Views to report to the Programme Management Board, FCPC, and teaching team
The teaching on my course
- My course is intellectually stimulating
- Staff are approachable and enthusiastic about what they are teaching
- Staff have made the subject interesting
- Staff are good at explaining things
- Staff make effective use of technology to support my learning, such as Blackboard/Moodle and A.V. equipment
- My course has challenged me to achieve my best work.
Action points:
Learning opportunities
- My course has provided me with opportunities to explore ideas or concepts in depth
- My course has provided me with opportunities to bring information and ideas together from different topics
- My course has provided me with opportunities to apply what I have learnt.
Action points:
Assessment and feedback
- Feedback on my work is given within the agreed timescales
- Feedback on my work has helped me clarify things I did not understand
- The criteria used in marking have been clear in advance
- I have received helpful comments on my work
- Marking and assessment arrangements are fair.
Action points:
Academic support
- I have had sufficient advice and support with my studies
- I have been able to contact staff for support when I needed to
- Good advice was available when I needed to make study choices
- I have received sufficient advice and guidance in relation to my course
- I have been well supported in my studies by my personal tutor.
Action points:
Learning resources
- The library resources (e.g. books, online services and learning spaces) have supported my learning well
- I have been able to access course-specific resources (e.g. equipment, facilities, software, collections) when I needed to
- The IT resources and facilities provided have supported my learning well
- I have access to good spaces for quiet study
- I have access to good facilities for group work
- It is important for me to use De Montfort University library services and resources.
Action points:
Personal development
- My course encourages my personal development.
Action points:
- The best thing about the modules I have studied has been….
- The one thing that would make the modules I have studied better is…
Action points:
Student voice
- I have had the right opportunities to provide feedback on my course
- Staff value students’ views and opinions about the course
- It is clear how students’ feedback on the course has been acted on
- The students’ union effectively represents students’ academic interests.
Action points:
Learning community
- I feel part of a community of staff and students
- I have had the right opportunities to work with other students as part of my course
- It is important for me to feel part of De Montfort University.
Action points:
Organisation and management
- The course is well organised and is running smoothly
- The timetable works efficiently for me
- Any changes in the course or teaching have been communicated effectively
- Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the course.
Action points:
The following are additional questions that DMU wishes to ask in order to better understand and then enhance the student experience:
Study motivations:
From the list of factors below, please tell us your main reasons for going into Higher Education study?
a)Essential for my chosen profession
b)To improve my future job prospects
c)To build knowledge in an area of interest
d)It was the obvious next step
e)Expectation from parent(s) / guardian(s)
f)To improve my salary prospects
g)I didn't know what else to do / uncertain about my next steps
h)To become more independent
i)To experience a different way of life. / Popular responses:
Thinking back to your time at school or when your circumstances first began to change, did you always intend to study at Higher Education level?
a)Going to university was never part of my plan
b)I always planned on going to university / Popular responses:
Course expectations
a)I feel I made the right choice with the course that I'm studying
b)I feel I made the right choice by choosing to study a programme in partnership with De Montfort University
c)Based on the information communicated before my arrival, the course is exactly what I expected
d)I feel that I’m getting good value for money
e)My expectations of HE study was accurate. / General comments:
Action points:
Study patterns
On average, how many hours per week do you spend on study in your free time (outside of your timetable)?
a)5 hours or less
b)Between 6 and 10 hours
c)Between 11 and 15 hours
d)Between 16 and 20 hours
e)20 hours plus. / Popular responses:
Action points:
Important note: outcomes of completed forms should be reflected in annual monitoring reports and/or Programme Appraisal and Enhancement (PAE) forms which are to be completed annually by the Partner in consultation with the link tutor.
Completed feedback reports should be sent to the following:
Send to: / Department / ActionDMU Quality Officer (Partnerships) / DMU Department of Academic Quality (DAQ) / For monitoring/audit purposes
DMU Account Manager / DMU Educational Partnerships (EP)/ Global Partnerships Unit (APU) / For follow-up, where applicable
The HE Coordinator and where applicable the Programme Leader / Partner institution / For information and follow-up and to assist in preparation of the AMR/PAE
Programme Management Board / DMU / For discussion
Faculty Collaborative Provision Committee / DMU / For information
Collaborative Partnerships Student Feedback Visit prompts_V3.1_Feb18 – notes or the completed form should be sent to the DAQ Quality Officer (Partnerships), the EP/ GPU Account Manager, copying in the partner institution, and presented to the PMB and the FCPC 1 | Page