July 5, 2016

CALL BOARD MEETING TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by President Roderick at 7:05 PM.

Present: President Jim Roderick, Trustees Nancy Nelson, Mark Wrzeciona, Dale Clark, and Mike Constant. Quorum Established.
Absent: Trustees Joe Diedrich and Jeff Nier.

Also Present: Village Clerk Elizabeth Losiniecki, Treasurer Cindy Thon and members of the public.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The pledge to the flag was recited.


Resident Rob Zimmerman inquired regarding the status of the new website. President Roderick stated that the website was finished but that he and the Chief of Police needed to finish work on their sections. Mr. Zimmerman also inquired regarding the hiring of the new office assistant, the mowing at Royal Estates and the radium testing for well 5. President Roderick stated that the most recent radium test results would be back in about two weeks.


# / Item Description / Action / Details
1 / Previous Meeting Minutes / Vote / June 6, 2016 Regular Board Meeting
June 20, 2016 Regular Board Meeting
2 / Payment of Bills / Vote / Invoices Due

After a brief discussion regarding abstaining from the vote due to absence from the prior meeting,

Trustee Wrzeciona moved to approve the Consent Agenda and Trustee Clark seconded. Roll call vote: Nelson-Abstain, Wrzeciona-Aye, Clark-Abstain, Constant-Aye. President Roderick- Aye. Motion carried.

Agenda item for discussion/approval: Progressive Energy Group proposal for Village Electric Service

Mr. Bill McMahon (Progressive Energy Group) provided a presentation on the Village Electric Service rates and made a recommendation to the Trustees regarding the continuance of service with Dynegy Energy. Trustee Clark moved to approve the continuance of service with Dyengy Energy and Trustee Wrzeciona seconded. Roll Call Vote: Nelson-Aye, Wrzeciona-Aye, Clark-Aye, Constant-Aye. Motion carried.

Agenda item for discussion/approval: Presentation by Dwight Taylor for new liquor license

President Roderick stated that he had received a request from a Mr. Dwight Taylor of Waterman for the issuance of a new class G liquor license. Mr. Taylor is interested in opening a gaming/slots facility in the old DJ Liquor building. Mr. Taylor was not present at the meeting. After a brief discussion Trustees agreed to table the discussion/decision until more information could be provided. Treasurer Thon agreed to provide the Trustees with quarterly gaming revenue at the next meeting.

Treasurer Report

Treasurer Thon presented the monthly treasurer’s report.

Agenda item for discussion/approval: Pay off Resource Bank Loan

Treasurer Thon presented the information regarding the payoff of the loan with Resource Bank, indicating it would save the Village $900.00. Trustee Clark moved to approve the pay off and Trustee Wrzeciona seconded. Roll Call Vote: Nelson-Aye, Wrzeciona-Aye, Clark-Aye, Constant-Aye. Motion carried.

Agenda item for discussion/approval: General Obligation Loan Debt Certificate extension/new issuance for Sludge Storage Building. Trustee Clark stated that he was hesitant to vote on financing prior to voting on the sludge storage building. There was a brief discussion and all Trustees agreed to hold off voting until the next meeting.


Agenda item for discussion/approval: E Sandwich Rd Culvert Replacement

Tim Paulson (EEI) presented the options for repair of the culvert. Trustee Constant moved to waive the bid for the E Sandwich Rd Culvert Replacement. Trustee Clark seconded. Roll Call vote: Nelson-Aye, Wrzeciona-Aye, Clark-Aye, Constant-Aye. Motion carried. Trustee Clark moved to approve the quote from JC Dillon, Inc for the E Sandwich Rd culvert repair work, not to exceed $29,675.00. Trustee Constant seconded. Roll Call vote: Nelson-Aye, Wrzeciona-Aye, Clark-Aye, Constant-Aye. Motion carried.

Agenda item for discussion/approval: MFT Road Program

Tim Paulson summarized the quotes received for the MFT Road Program work and recommended the Village accept the bid from Builders Paving, LLC, in the amount of $92,888.00. Trustee Wrzeciona moved to approve Builders Paving for the MFT Road Program work and Trustee Clark seconded. Roll Call vote: Nelson-Aye, Wrzeciona-Aye, Clark-Aye, Constant-Aye. Motion carried.

Agenda item for discussion/approval: Sludge Storage Building

Tim Paulson stated that EEI still had not been able to get a third quote for the building. There was a brief discussion regarding the current bids. Trustee Clark stated that he would prefer to wait for Trustee Nier (to be present) and the financing package available before voting. Trustees Nelson and Wrzeciona stated that they were not ready to vote. Trustee Clark requested that it be put on the agenda for the next meeting. Treasurer Thon stated that she would get a formal financing quote for the next meeting.

Committee Reports


No report.

Public Safety:

Agenda item for discussion/Approval: 2 AEDs – 1 for Police Department and 1 for Village Hall

President Roderick stated that one AED would be for the Police Department at a cost of $2500.00 and the second would be for the Village Hall at a cost of $1200.00. Trustee Wrzeciona moved to approve the purchase of 2 AEDs, not to exceed $4000.00. Trustee Clark seconded. Roll call vote: Nelson-Aye, Wrzeciona-Aye, Clark-Aye, Constant-Aye. Motion carried.

Public Works:

No report.


Agenda item for discussion/Approval: Additional Liquor License

President Roderick suggested that the discussion be tabled until more information is available from the petitioner.

Agenda item for discussion/approval: Village Clerk pay for special meetings

President Roderick stated that in the past the Trustees had voted to pay an additional $50.00 per Planning Commission meeting for the Clerk to attend those meetings and produce minutes. He requested a motion to approve $50.00 per special meeting for the Clerk’s attendance and minutes. Trustee Clark moved to approve paying the Village Clerk $50.00 per special meeting and Trustee Wrzeciona seconded. Motion carried.

Open Discussion

President Roderick stated that 2 more interview were scheduled for the office assistant position. He also stated that the Village insurance policy was due to be reviewed and asked Trustee Constant to take the lead. Trustee Constant agreed and stated that he would try to get three quotes this year.

President Roderick also stated that a Committee of the Whole meeting was needed to discuss pay increases and full time police officer position. He also stated that he would be contacting the final Planning Commission applicant.

Motion: Trustee Clark moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 PM. Trustee Wrzeciona seconded the motion. Voice Vote: All members voted yes. Motion carried.

The next Regular Meeting of the Village Board is scheduled for July, 18, 2016.


James K. Roderick, Village President Elizabeth Losiniecki, Village Clerk