Media Release
‘Be a Dad’ ads – the best ever
Over the past 12 months the ‘Be a Dad’ community service announcements by Dads4Kids have been seen by most Australians on TV. These adverts would have to rate as one of the most successful community service announcements in Dads4Kids 10 year history.These adverts have been played, and continue to be aired, during major sporting events such as the Olympic Games, AFL matches and even ‘The Voice.
The Dads4Kids community service announcements feature children playing cowboys, superwoman, dare devil bike rider and space monsters, with their dads.
Warwick Marsh, CEO of Dads4Kids said, “It is exciting to think that after ten years of operation that Dads4Kids has just run its most successful TV campaign of all time. The ‘Be a Dad’ adverts cut to the core of successful fathering.
The first rule of successful fathering is to be there for your children, and one of the best ways to be present for your children is to play together.The ‘Be a Dad’ campaign focuses on the importance of dads playing with their kids. Children need a mother and a father. Fathers provide what mothers can never provide, just as mothers provide what fathers can never provide.”
A noted sociologist, Dr David Popenoe said, “Fathers are more than just second adults in the home . . . involved fathers bring positive benefits to their children that no other person is likely to bring”.
Mr Marsh continued, “What is interesting is the amazingly positive responses these adverts have provoked, especially from women. Here are just three of them”.
I just want to encourage you because I love the Dads 4 Kids advertisement on TV showing at the moment. It is truly the best TV ad I have ever seen and I'm so proud of you and what you do. Without any words you have communicated a powerful meaning and message with a beauty and joy that transcends language and makes every other add on television pale and rather trivial in comparison. You have captured the unique perspective and wonderful imagination of children with this presentation. I wish television was used to display ads of this calibre more often, ads with depth. If your ad has struck any raw nerves anywhere just remember: as a compliment to you the ad obviously stirs emotion and nostalgia which proves difficult and serves a great and accomplished purpose. Being a parent is such a wonderful gift in life and it should be treasured. Your ad really encourages fatherhood to be celebrated as it should! Keep up the incredible work! Ebony
I've seen your TV ad a few times now - the one with the kids spending time with their dads chasing monsters and being superheroes etc. I'd just like to say, I love your ad. I hope it reminds everyone how important dad's are. I have two children. We experienced divorce when the children were 1 and 3. They are now 10 and 12. Even though the man I married may not have been the best husband, he is the best, most wonderful dad. He loves his boys and we share equal care of them. I hope all mothers give their children's father the same opportunities to be great dads. It's so important. My boys love their dad and so they should. This opportunity will pass so quickly before they grow up and is the basis for their relationship for the rest of their life! Teresa
I'm not a dad or even a mum, but I was moved to tears by your ‘Be a Dad’ commercial. How wonderful and how desperately does our society need this initiative! Well done. Thank you for what you are doing for us. Robyne
For comment phone: Warwick Marsh - 0418 225 212