Rubric for AUCW 212 Writing Assignments


Consistently excellent command of material discussed / clear mastery: (A)Generally excellent command with very few minor errorsormisinterpretations:(A-)Consistently good command of material ( solid though not overlyimpressive) with slightly increasing number of errors ormisinterpretations: (B+ / B)Reasonable command of material, but further struggling with some facts and interpretations:(B- / C+)

Acceptable, but command of material compromised increasingly by difficulties with facts and interpretations: (C / C-)Grades of D+ or below will be assigned if the essay reflectsthe student is clearly overwhelmed by the material or if aspects of theassignment are not completed.Logic and Clarity:

Arguments and explanations are consistently and clearly stated withoutreasoning, grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors, (A)Arguments and explanations are generally clearly stated with very fewreasoning, grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors: (A-)Increasing reasoning, grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors begin to detract from arguments and explanations of otherwise solideffort: (B+ / B)Difficulties due to reasoning, grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors increasingly interfere with effectiveness of overall presentation: (B- / C+) Acceptable effort, but arguments and explanations are compromised by reasoning, grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors:(C / C-)Grades of D+ or below will be assigned if the essay reflectsthat the student is clearly overwhelmed by the demands of clear, effectivepresentation or if aspects of the assignment are not completed.Ingenuity / CreativityExceptionally compelling, clever and insightful overall effort:(A)Very solid with flashes of cleverness and exceptional insight at spots :(A-) Solid , but straightforward: (B+ / B)Capable but dry effort: (B- / C+)Acceptable but uninspiring effort : (C / C-)

Grades of D+ or below will be assigned if the essay is clearly misguided or if aspects of the assignment are not completed.

A = 4.0

A-= 3.67

B+ = 3.33

B = 3.0

B-= 2.66

C+ = 2.33

C = 2.00

C- =1.67

D+ = 1.33
