2015 board of directors voice and vote.

Relevant Bylaws Section / Position / Year to Elect / Person / Originally Elected In / Vote / Voice / Present Term Up / Term Limit Up
606.2/606.6 / President / Odd / Roger Dahlke / Fall 2015 / X / X / 2017 / 2019
606.2/606.6 / General Chairman / Odd / Phil Kraus / Fall 2015 / X / X / 2017 / 2019
606.2/606.6 / Administrative Vice Chairman / Even / John Morse / Fall 2016 / X / X / 2018 / 2020
606.2/606.6 / Senior Vice Chairman / Odd / Jeff Dellinder / Fall 2015 / X / X / 2017 / 2019
606.2/606.6 / Age Group Chairman / Even / Blake Del Carmen / Fall 2016 / X / X / 2018 / 2020
606.2/606.6 / Secretary / Odd / Robby Dellinger / Fall 2013 / X / X / 2015 / 2017
606.2/606.6 / Treasurer / Even / Chris Coraggio / Fall 2012 / X / X / 2014 / 2016
606.2/606.6 / Finance Vice Chairman / Odd / Tyler Kerns / Fall 2015 / X / X / 2017 / 2019
Elected by officials committee / Officials Chair / Even / Donna Williamson / Elected by Officials Committee / X / X
Elected by Coaches / Technical Planning/coaches / Brian Haddad / Jan 2014 / X / X
Elected by Athletes / Athlete Representatives / Walker Parra - GPAC - (SR - 2018) Elected 2016
Christian Berry - MTAC - (SR - 2016) Elected 2014
Jewells Harris - CTA - (SR - 2016) Elected 2014
Margaret Carey - CMSA (SR - 2016) Elected 2014 / X
X / X
Appointed by General Chair / Safe Sport / Clark Hammond / X / X / Yearly / Appointment
Appointed by General Chair / Laws and Legislature / Ben Davis / x / X / Yearly / Appointment
Appointed by General Chair / Adaptive Swimming / Robin Heller / x / X / Yearly / Appointment
Appointed by General Chair / SWIMS Representative / Robby Dellinger / x / X / Yearly / Appointment
Appointed by General Chair / Open Water / Brad Kale / X / Yearly / Appointment
Appointed by General Chair / Diversity/Inclusion / Greg Johnson / x / X / Yearly / Appointment
Appointed by General Chair / Club Development / Matt Webber / x / X / Yearly / Appointment
Appointed by General Chair / Camp / Collin Faris / X / Yearly / Appointment
Hired Person / Registration, Sanction, Records, Top 10, Safety / Tom Healey / X / Yearly / Appointment
Board of Review
610.3 / East Representative / Odd / Marshall Goldman / Fall 2015 / 2015 / 2017
610.3 / West Representative / Odd / Ben Davis (MTS) / Fall 2015 / 2015 / 2017
610.3 / Central Representative / Even / Joe Reynolds (PSL) / Fall 2016 / 2018 / 2020
610.3 / South Representative / Odd / Tyler Kerns(CMSA) / Fall 2015 / 2015 / 2017
610.3 / At-Large Representative / Even / Pam Von Jouanne
(MSA) / Fall 2016 / 2018 / 2020
Athlete Representative / Christian Berry
610.3 / Alternative / Even / Laura Pittman (BAY) / Fall 2016 / 2018 / 2020
610.3 / Alternative / Odd / Greg Davis (CMSA) / Fall 2015 / 2015 / 2017
610.3 / Alternative / Even / Dan Schultz (MTAC) / Fall 2016 / 2018 / 2020