Lichfield Diocesan Board of Education
Lead Christian Distinctiveness Adviser for Mission
Job Description
Organisation: The Diocesan Board of Education works closely with other colleagues and departments in the Diocese of Lichfield and is fully engage in overall diocesan strategies. The DBE has strategic responsibility towards 208 Church of England schools and academies across seven local authorities.
Job Title: Lead Christian Distinctiveness Adviser for Mission
Responsible to:Deputy Diocesan Director of Education
Key Purposes: To deliver advice, training and services to Church of England schools/academies and their parishes in the Diocese of Lichfield.
To support and develop the five mission themes acrossour schools, parishes, and communities within the Diocesan direction of travel, Come Follow Christ in the Footsteps of St Chad.
- Discovering the Heart of God
- Growing Disciples
- Reaching New Generations
- Transforming Communities
- Practising Generosity
Key Responsibilities:
- To work under the leadership of the Diocesan Director of Education (DDE) and the Deputy Diocesan Director of Education (DDDE), and in cooperation with the other officers in the Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) staff team.
- To provide guidance and support to deliver and maintain the Church of England Vision for Education. Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good,to our schools and academies.
- To support the Diocesan commitment to discipleship, evangelism and vocation.
- To support the DDDE to deliver the Christian Distinctiveness Team’s Strategic Plan.
- To provide advice, support and training on religious education (RE), collective worship (CW), personal, social and health education (PSHE), spiritual,moral, social and cultural education (SMSC), Section 48 Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools inspections (SIAMS) and parish church and school links.
- To support schools in developing effective self-evaluations and action plans for SIAMS which are rooted in the Church of England’s Vision for Education.
- To take responsibility for delivering service agreements with an allocated number of Church of England schools or academies.
- To contribute to the overall strategy and work of the DBE and liaise with clergy and diocesan officers in supporting the Diocese of Lichfield’s vision to Come Follow Christ in the Footsteps of St Chad.
- To offer advice on the distinctive Christian character of Church of England schools and academies.
- To contribute to the work of the Schools Standards and Effectiveness Working Party.
- To provide advice, support and training for RE leaders, headteachers and governors in order to support the development of the Understanding Christianity (UC) resource and the locally agreed syllabi of the local authorities and diocesan guidance for RE.
- To collaborate with the Diocesan Improvement Advisers (DIAs), to ensure improved outcomes for all Diocesanschools or St Chad’s Academy Trust(SCAT) academies.
- To contribute to the development of RE resources, policies and a range of Diocesan Board guidance on such subjects as spirituality, the Eucharist and the appointment of headteachers or principals for Church of England schools and academies
- To collect and share examples of good practice and case studies related to RE including UC, CW, PSHE, SMSC, and the Church of England Vision for Education.
- Support the development of on-line resources for schools and academies in partnership with the Diocesan on-line Pastor.
- Promote and develop the RE Quality Mark in our schools and academies.
- To work proactively with a range of diocesan teams including Reaching New Generations and Transforming Communities to develop and promote mission opportunities with all schools and academies within the diocese.
- To be ready and prepared to offer or suggest appropriate support and guidance to school and academies at times of stress, difficulty or tragedy.
- Provide advice, support and training with regard to SIAMS inspections in Church of England schools and academies in the Diocese and preferably be accredited as a SIAMS inspector to carry out inspections within the Diocese.
- To contribute to the Inspire project and other diocesan and Cathedral projects.
- Where appropriate, to liaise with Local Authority officers, School Improvement Partners, members of relevant Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education (SACREs), and Church of England national officers.
- Perform such other duties as may be allocated from time to time by the DDE, DDDE and DBE.
May 2017