Strategic Planning Team
April 18, 2008 1:30pm-3:00pm KSC208
Attendees: Kevin Arps, Bob Bendotti, Ken Clarke, Marilyn Cristiano, Bob Duke, Lori Espinoza, Paul Golisch, Kurt Hill, Jeff Lace, Hank Mancini, Patricia Marchok, Patti Marsh, MaryLou Mosley, John Nelson, Steve Nicoloff, Laurie Pemberton, Michaelle Shadburne, Rick Sheets, Laurel Smith, Jon Storslee, Shelle Witten
Absent: Lori Anonsen, Kurt Conover, Mike Crimi, Paul Dale, Julia Devous, Shirley Green, Paul Keller, David Matus, Sandy McDill, Chris Scinto, Greg Silcox, Fred Wieck
Marilyn brought to everyone’s attention the recent episode of Fox’s program “Cantebury’s Law”, and a derogatory comment about community colleges.
Comments gathered during the Eleventh Annual President’s Advance Learning Café “Moving from Strategy to Action” were distributed. These ideas will be included as an appendix to the new Strategic Plan.
A draft of the new Strategic Plan brochure was distributed. It contains PVCC’s vision, mission statement, values, strategic directions and strategic focal points. Please let Laurie know about any corrections that should be made. Laurie with work with Institutional Advancement to create a professional looking brochure that will be passed out to the College and available to the community.
Members were asked to vote on the top priorities of the new strategic focal points to be used in planning and budgeting for FY2009-2010. Results were:
· Maximize student learning, success, retention, and completion (with emphasis on students entering their first college year)
· Develop our identity as a “high quality education” post-secondary institution
· Support quality teaching and learning
· Develop alternate course scheduling and delivery options
Ideas gathered at the last strategic planning meeting about indicators and targets for the strategic areas were distributed. Small groups were asked to narrow the ideas to three items for each strategic area that should be measured regarding PVCC’s progress each year.
2008 Meetings:
Fri May 2 1:30-3:00 KSC208