Encouraging Faithfulness in others
Exhorting Elders to be Examples in Every experience
“The goal of faithfulness is not that we will do work for God, but that He will be free to do His work through us” – Oswald Chambers.
Great is His faithfulness, not ours! That’s why it is a fruit of the Spirit – Galatians 5:22
Faithfulness depends on a steadfast commitment to that which we hold dear.
What can we do to encourage others to display faithfulness in their ministries?
1. Encouraging faithfulness in other in spite of their challenge Numbers 13:17-20,26-33, 14:6-9
a. Know your calling I Thessalonian 5:24
a.i. By the Word of God – Luke 5:5
a.ii. By the Peace of God – Colossians 3:15
a.iii. By the Men of God – Numbers 14:7-9
b. Know your God
b.i. His Perspective is Best
b.ii. His love is eternal
b.iii. His promises are sure
b.iv. His grace is sufficient
Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
c. Know your job description – What are you responsible for? Proverbs 27:23
2. Encouraging Faithfulness in others in spite of their Circumstance 1 Samuel 30:1-6
Disappointment is not a sin. Discouragement is. – Psalm 42:5, 6; Psalm 62:5
There will always be circumstances in life that we become disappointed with. How do we handle them? What do we do with them?
*The Formula for Faithfulness*:
Take the disappointment of your ministry responsibility and
1. Focus on God (who He is, what He can do)
2. Have faith in God (Specifically His Word)
3. Go forward with God – 1 Sam 30: 6-8 –
Get back to it! Stay faithful “Faint yet pursuing” Judges 8:4
3. Encouraging faithfulness in others in spite of their casualties – Judges 20:18-28
a. The hardest time to be faithful is when those around us are falling, or when the ministry is failing!!!
10 tips to triumph in tough times
1. Keep fighting even if you’re losing, you may be close to victory. Judges 20:35-36
2. Don’t look at others, look to Christ – Hebrews 12:3, Judges 20:18
3. Delegate away that which others could do.
4. Rest but don’t resign – Judges 20:22
5. Submit and Don’t leave. Ecclesiastes 10:4, Judges 20:30
6. Don’t look back! Judges 20:28
7. Ask God for a fresh Word from Him – Judges 10;23, 28
8. Don’t pick up another’s offense. Don’t jump on another’s “red wagon!”
9. Determine to Rejoice – Psalm 34:1
10. Save your Fork in Faithfulness, the best is yet to come! John 2:10