Assessment of the spatial and temporal distribution of atmospheric PCNs and their air–soil exchange using passive air samplers in Shanghai,East China

Qingqi Die1, 2, Zhiqiang Nie2*, Bo Yue2, Xuemei Zhu2, Xingbao Gao2, Jianyuan Wang2, Yufei Yang2, Yanyan Fang1, 2, Qifei Huang1, 2

1 College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

2 State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China

1. Fugacity and air–soil flux calculations

Mackay’s fugacity model was employed for the calculations(Tasdemir et al., 2012).

The fugacity capacity (Z value, mol/(m3 Pa)) describes the affinity of a compound to environmental media. The Z (mol/(m3Pa)) value for air and soil are given by:


Zs =0.411 fOC ρs KOA/RT,(2)

Where R is the gas constant (8.314 Pa m3/mol K), and T is temperature in K (average value were used in this calculation, T=299.15 K in summer and T=281.15 K in winter). foc is the fraction of organic carbon, ρs is the soil density (2.5 g/m3) and KOA is the octanol/air partition coefficient of the compound.

The fugacity f (Pa) is a measure of a chemical’s escaping tendency from a particular medium. Fugacity has the advantage of giving a clear statement of the relative equilibrium status. Chemicals tend to escape from a media in which they have high fugacity to another media in which they have low fugacity. Fugacity is proportional to concentration and is defined as C/Z (where C is concentration).

The fugacity fraction (ff) is used to assess the equilibrium status of a chemical between two interacting phases, and gives an indication of the net direction of the air–soil exchange. It is calculated as the fugacity in soil divided by the sum of fugacities in soil and air, and gives an indication of the net direction of air–soil exchange:

ff =fa/(fa+fs), (3)

Where fs and fa represent the fugacities in soil and air, respectively.

The fugacity fractions near 0.5 indicate equilibrium, >0.5 indicates net volatilization from the soil into air, whereas values < 0.5 indicates net deposition from air to soil). Fugacity fractions between 0.25 and 0.75 are recommended to be assessed within the equilibrium range because of the uncertainties and the propagation of errors in the calculations using the fugacity fraction equation. A fugacity fraction equal to 0.5 indicates equilibrium, ff > 0.5 indicates net volatilization from the soil into air, and ff < 0.5 indicates net transport from air to soil. The uncertainty or the propagation of errors in the calculation of ff reached 50% in this paper, meaning that ff between 0.25 and 0.75 may be considered to be in equilibrium.

The net flux N (pg/m2/h) from soil to air was calculated according to thefollowing equation:

N = DSA (fs − fa),(4)

where DSA is a transfer coefficient (mol/Pa m2 h) representing a molar flux between the soil and air compartments and is defined on the three resistance model:

DSA= 1/(1/DSAB+1/(DSAA+DSAL),(5)

where DSAB, DSAA, DSAL are contributing to the transfer coefficients:




Z1 =1/(RTKAW),(9)

where KSA is the soil–air boundary layer mass transfer coefficient (MTC), KSAP is the soil–air phase diffusion MTC and KSWP is the soil–water phase diffusion MTC. 5 m/h, 0.02 m/h, and 0.00001 m/h values were applied for KSA, KSAP, KSWP, respectively.

Figure Lists:

Fig.S1Concentrations and TEQs of summer and winter atmospheric samples and soil samples in three regions

Fig.S2Homologue profiles of PCNs in summer, winter air and soil samples (SB stands for summer samples and WB stands for winter samples)

Table lists:

Table S1PCN No. and PCN congener

Table S2 mono- and di- CNs amounts in PAS

Table S2PCN concentrations and TEQs in air and soil samples

Table S3The sum fractions of combustion-related PCN congeners to total PCNs (tri- to octa-CNs) and ratios of several characteristic congeners

Table S4 Soil–air exchange fluxes of PCNs in all sites

Fig.S1 Concentrations and TEQs of summer and winter atmospheric samples and soil samples in three regions (MoCN and DiCN in air were not included)

Fig. S2 Homologue profiles of PCNs in summer, winter air and soil samples (SB stands for summer samples and WB stands for winter samples, MoCN and DiCN in air were not included)

Table S1PCN No. and PCN congener

PCN congener / No. / PCN congener / No.
1-MoCN / CN1 / 1258/1268-TeCN / CN38/40
2-MoCN / CN2 / 1267-TeCN / CN39
12-DiCN / CN3 / 1278-TeCN / CN41
13-DiCN / CN4 / 1357-TeCN / CN42
14/16-DiCN / CN5/7 / 1367/1467-TeCN / CN44/47
15/27-DiCN / CN6/12 / 1458-TeCN / CN46
26/17-DiCN / CN8/11 / 12345-PeCN / CN49
18-DiCN / CN9 / 12346-PeCN / CN50
23-DiCN / CN10 / 12356-PeCN / CN51
123-TiCN / CN13 / 12357/12467-PeCN / CN52/60
146/124-TiCN / CN14/24 / 12358/12368-PeCN / CN53/55
125-TiCN / CN15 / 12367-PeCN / CN54
126-TiCN / CN16 / 12378-PeCN / CN56
127/167/236-TiCN / CN17/25/26 / 12456-PeCN / CN57
128-TiCN / CN18 / 12457-PeCN / CN58
135-TiCN / CN19 / 12458-PeCN / CN59
136-TiCN / CN20 / 12468-PeCN / CN61
137-TiCN / CN21 / 12478-PeCN / CN62
138-TiCN / CN22 / 123456-HxCN / CN63
145-TiCN / CN23 / 123457/123568-HxCN / CN64/68
1234/1237-TeCN / CN27/30 / 123458/123678-HxCN / CN65/70
1235/1358-TeCN / CN28/43 / 123467/123567-HxCN / CN66/67
1236-TeCN / CN29 / 123578-HxCN / CN69
1238-TeCN / CN31 / 124568/124578-HxCN / CN71/72
1245-TeCN / CN32 / 1234567-HpCN / CN73
1257/1246/1247-TeCN / CN33//34/37 / 1234568-HpCN / CN74
2367/1248-TeCN / CN35/48 / 12345678-OCN / CN75
1368/1256-TeCN / CN36/45

Table S2 mono- and di- CNs amounts in PAS (pg)

CN1 / CN2 / CN3 / CN4 / CN5/7 / CN6/12 / CN8/11 / CN9 / CN10
SB1 / 88.22 / 33.67 / 13.95 / 17.47 / 50.97 / 8.92 / 8.45 / 0.64 / 4.15
SB2 / 408.36 / 100.30 / 76.38 / 42.37 / 205.64 / 33.3 / 31.97 / 4.91 / 22.22
SB3 / 39.41 / 12.41 / 6.6 / 5.02 / 20.79 / 3.15 / 6.11 / 0.6 / 2.18
SB5 / 700.74 / 239.10 / 150.88 / 161.9 / 605.99 / 86.53 / 110.81 / 7.08 / 81.49
SB6 / 50.45 / 20.08 / 10.98 / 9.11 / 38.77 / 6.46 / 6 / 0.65 / 4.63
SB9 / 71.67 / 41.66 / 13.57 / 12.85 / 38.96 / 7.41 / 7.39 / 0.41 / 5.13
SB10 / 78.65 / 47.56 / 12.95 / 11.98 / 46.2 / 6.8 / 5.47 / 0.47 / 7.64
SB19 / 115.76 / 30.20 / 8.68 / 9.09 / 42.08 / 4.84 / 3.1 / 0.82 / 5.96
SB20 / 98.35 / 19.54 / 8.5 / 11.57 / 41.97 / 6.59 / 4.05 / 0.44 / 5.31
SB21 / 100.11 / 33.12 / 13.03 / 19.52 / 56.46 / 5.15 / 6.2 / 0.65 / 10.67
SB22 / 206.63 / 56.25 / 16.14 / 24.24 / 63.16 / 10.43 / 6.66 / 2.55 / 16.89
SB23 / 88.62 / 25.85 / 9.4 / 14.96 / 32.53 / 5.37 / 4.02 / 0.31 / 10.55
SB24 / 129.16 / 32.56 / 9.19 / 17.55 / 44.11 / 6.75 / 3.3 / 2.14 / 12.27
SB11 / 70.00 / 29.51 / 15.61 / 18.13 / 64.96 / 9.33 / 9.03 / 1.07 / 13.7
SB12 / 75.53 / 50.18 / 14.82 / 14.8 / 49.36 / 9.13 / 4.86 / 0.59 / 8.74
SB13 / 62.64 / 33.27 / 13.07 / 13.08 / 47.05 / 7.07 / 3.47 / 0.81 / 4.83
SB14 / 32.21 / 16.18 / 8.69 / 9.06 / 30.3 / 3.94 / 5.28 / 0.36 / 2.81
SB15 / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
SB17 / 54.55 / 22.33 / 11.42 / 12.66 / 43.77 / 7.71 / 7.49 / 4.67 / 4.73
SB18 / 119.63 / 38.70 / 12.01 / 18.21 / 61.02 / 11.72 / 5.15 / 1.03 / 8.51
SB4 / 45.64 / 18.82 / 10.13 / 8.69 / 42.16 / 6.45 / 8.54 / 0.49 / 4.15
SB7 / 61.43 / 25.02 / 12.06 / 14.91 / 49.3 / 8.44 / 5.18 / 0.46 / 4.06
SB8 / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
SB16 / 61.48 / 61.77 / 9.07 / 11.64 / 39.03 / 8.59 / 4.92 / 0.49 / 4.14
SB25 / 53.39 / 16.19 / 11.08 / 12.14 / 37.71 / 3.71 / 13.8 / 0.93 / 4.6
WB1 / 417.87 / 83 / 9.51 / 7.5 / 42.38 / 8.66 / 5.05 / 0.55 / 3.16
WB2 / 304.25 / 68.82 / 8.11 / 6.22 / 28.31 / 4.27 / 3.12 / 0.55 / 2.13
WB3 / 239.96 / 55.45 / 31.98 / 19.24 / 112.46 / 16.55 / 10.99 / 5.49 / 12.14
WB5 / 93.27 / 25.78 / 7.29 / 5.43 / 25.35 / 4.56 / 2.71 / 0.46 / 1.64
WB6 / 91.27 / 25.37 / 9.2 / 9.24 / 26.91 / 3.96 / 5.26 / 0.48 / 2.84
WB9 / 134.05 / 35.18 / 8.84 / 7.89 / 22.46 / 5.77 / 4.47 / 0.68 / 2.63
WB10 / 118.76 / 36.28 / 7.46 / 6.74 / 24.19 / 4.21 / 3.87 / 1.12 / 3.06
WB19 / 145.8 / 29.61 / 6.29 / 5.55 / 19.34 / 4.19 / 2.68 / 0.97 / 1.98
WB20 / 228.72 / 61.23 / 11.02 / 7.55 / 28 / 4.01 / 4.9 / 0.4 / 5.01
WB21 / 286.7 / 107.98 / 35.38 / 13.31 / 34.45 / 7.7 / 9.42 / 3.33 / 4.36
WB22 / 165.17 / 53.23 / 9.92 / 6.69 / 25.8 / 6.43 / 3.16 / 0.36 / 2.83
WB23 / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
WB24 / 276.1 / 69.59 / 15.68 / 8.24 / 28.75 / 5.64 / 4.14 / 1.6 / 2.03
WB11 / 89.87 / 30.59 / 8.32 / 6.59 / 20.64 / 4.57 / 4.49 / 0.49 / 2.78
WB12 / 186.52 / 58.47 / 14.42 / 9.04 / 33.01 / 6.97 / 7.02 / 2.27 / 3.64
WB13 / 62.64 / 33.27 / 13.07 / 13.08 / 47.05 / 7.07 / 3.47 / 0.81 / 4.83
WB14 / 117.2 / 29.79 / 4.29 / 4.91 / 14.39 / 1.6 / 1.61 / 0.48 / 2.26
WB15 / 288.95 / 60.66 / 8.5 / 8.71 / 21.23 / 2.8 / 3.01 / 0.82 / 7.55
WB17 / 280.38 / 76.56 / 20.05 / 14.93 / 60.68 / 8.13 / 6.96 / 0.41 / 9.59
WB18 / 230.61 / 63.84 / 8.73 / 5.88 / 24.31 / 3.02 / 4.44 / 0.31 / 4.8
WB4 / 329.32 / 81.87 / 10.97 / 5.39 / 22.93 / 5.09 / 3.04 / 0.31 / 2.31
WB7 / 109.84 / 37.79 / 8.62 / 7.2 / 27.04 / 5.6 / 2.54 / 0.12 / 1.66
WB8 / 156.27 / 57.53 / 8.97 / 7.19 / 24.37 / 4.21 / 2.99 / 0.85 / 2.31
WB16 / 217.76 / 82.19 / 8.53 / 5.92 / 24.36 / 3.28 / 3.99 / 0.87 / 7.79
WB25 / 208.14 / 41.23 / 6.14 / 6.45 / 20.76 / 2.6 / 2.69 / 1.04 / 1.67

Table S3 PCN concentrations and TEQs in air and soil samples

Site / Summer air / Winter air / Site / Soil
Conc. (pg/m3) / TEQ (fg-TEQ/m3) / Conc. (pg/m3) / TEQ (fg-TEQ/m3) / Conc. (pg/g) / TEQ (pg-TEQ/g)
B1 / 16.6 / 1.09 / 82.6 / 3.50 / S1 / 267 / 55.6
B2 / 33.0 / 2.78 / 88.1 / 3.14 / S2 / 143 / 47.9
B3 / 3.44 / 0.55 / 92.6 / 5.49 / S3 / 261 / 42.9
B4 / 38.5 / 2.36 / 65.5 / 1.14 / S4 / 255 / 125
B5 / 33.1 / 2.79 / 65.5 / 3.12 / S5 / 410 / 31.0
B6 / 27.6 / 1.92 / 77.3 / 7.28 / S6 / 326 / 52.8
B7 / 20.3 / 3.34 / 58.9 / 2.98 / S7 / 131 / 26.3
B8 / 34.6 / 2.24 / 77.6 / 4.46 / S8 / 307 / 47.5
B9 / 24.6 / 2.06 / 94.1 / 4.98 / S9 / 241 / 74.4
B10 / 44.1 / 3.70 / 127 / 5.89 / S10 / 244 / 64.4
B11 / 33.1 / 3.31 / 78.5 / 3.47 / S11 / 247 / 54.4
B12 / 23.9 / 2.50 / - / - / S12 / 183 / 54.7
B13 / 36.2 / 2.89 / 153 / 7.55 / S13 / 246 / 66.1
B14 / 26.2 / 2.15 / 116 / 2.86 / S14 / 124 / 27.7
B15 / 7.97 / 0.57 / 102 / 5.74 / S15 / 645 / 149
B16 / 14.2 / 0.88 / 20.5 / 2.49 / S16 / 1382 / 310
B17 / 9.86 / 1.50 / 13.6 / 3.99 / S17 / 118 / 23.9
B18 / - / - / 102 / 3.33 / S18 / 78.4 / 14.7
B19 / 17.0 / 2.31 / 101 / 1.89 / S19 / 413 / 119
B20 / 16.4 / 0.64 / 65.7 / 1.66 / S20 / 371 / 81.8
B21 / 4.96 / 0.85 / 70.1 / 2.36 / S21 / 54.7 / 8.82
B22 / 19.1 / 2.52 / 51.1 / 2.70 / S22 / 87 / 18.1
B23 / - / - / 73.2 / 5.06 / S23 / 109 / 40.1
B24 / 14.1 / 1.94 / 87.7 / 3.12 / S24 / 1159 / 19.2
B25 / 5.99 / 1.46 / 56.2 / 3.26 / S25 / 169 / 47.6

(SB stands for summer samples and WB stands for winter samples)

Table S4The sum fractions of combustion-related PCN congeners to total PCNs (tri- to octa-CNs) and ratios of several characteristic congeners

PCNcombustion/PCNs / CN-1toCN-2 / CN-5/7toCN-6/12 / CN-45/36toCN-42 / CN-54toCN-53/55 / CN-66/67toCN-71/72 / CN-73toCN-74
SB1 / 29% / 2.62 / 5.71 / 12.04 / 0.40 / 1.44 / 1.49
SB2 / 26% / 4.07 / 6.18 / 10.41 / 0.69 / 3.53 / 1.13
SB3 / 30% / 3.18 / 6.60 / 11.10 / 0.23 / 4.12 / 1.23
SB4 / 21% / 2.93 / 7.00 / 5.46 / 0.80 / 3.14 / 2.21
SB5 / 40% / 2.51 / 6.00 / 32.63 / 0.11 / 41.66 / 3.88
SB6 / 32% / 1.72 / 5.26 / 7.96 / 0.10 / 12.06 / 2.00
SB7 / 35% / 1.65 / 6.79 / 9.43 / 0.79 / 4.69 / 1.93
SB8 / 30% / 3.83 / 8.69 / 6.48 / 0.05 / 14.29 / 1.08
SB9 / 35% / 5.03 / 6.37 / 15.19 / 0.07 / 26.68 / 1.46
SB10 / 39% / 3.02 / 10.96 / 13.22 / 0.18 / 8.65 / 2.18
SB11 / 39% / 3.67 / 6.06 / 13.67 / 0.24 / 10.52 / 4.54
SB12 / 41% / 3.43 / 6.06 / 15.89 / 0.56 / 14.40 / 4.04
SB13 / 33% / 3.97 / 6.53 / 9.44 / 0.08 / 17.99 / 1.62
SB14 / 26% / 2.37 / 6.96 / 2.62 / 0.06 / 2.13 / 1.27
SB15 / 21% / 1.51 / 5.41 / 4.60 / 0.25 / 8.17 / 1.07
SB16 / 26% / 1.88 / 6.65 / 9.10 / 0.23 / 10.29 / 1.06
SB17 / 30% / 1.99 / 7.69 / 11.40 / 0.34 / 4.03 / 1.40
SB18 / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
SB19 / 27% / 2.44 / 5.68 / 3.71 / 0.35 / 5.28 / 1.33
SB20 / 18% / 3.09 / 5.21 / 3.50 / 0.06 / 7.92 / 1.54
SB21 / 29% / 2.43 / 6.54 / 11.58 / 0.34 / 9.37 / 1.39
SB22 / 35% / 2.46 / 5.84 / 10.32 / 0.04 / 13.33 / 1.17
SB23 / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
SB24 / 28% / 1.00 / 4.54 / 10.30 / 0.60 / 4.29 / 1.16
SB25 / 27% / 3.30 / 10.16 / 4.74 / 0.66 / 3.20 / 2.62
WB1 / 24% / 5.03 / 4.89 / 7.43 / 0.74 / 0.15 / 1.45
WB2 / 36% / 4.42 / 6.63 / 6.44 / 0.07 / 11.64 / 2.00
WB3 / 27% / 4.33 / 6.80 / 7.12 / 0.51 / 0.37 / 1.07
WB4 / 69% / 3.62 / 5.56 / 48.17 / 2.12 / 0.86 / 1.38
WB5 / 28% / 3.60 / 6.80 / 9.71 / 1.10 / 0.08 / 2.83
WB6 / 26% / 3.81 / 3.89 / 8.71 / 0.60 / 0.31 / 1.03
WB7 / 25% / 3.27 / 5.75 / 6.47 / 2.18 / 0.10 / 1.15
WB8 / 29% / 4.92 / 4.62 / 5.79 / 1.70 / 0.44 / 1.06
WB9 / 26% / 3.74 / 6.98 / 6.49 / 1.26 / 0.26 / 1.12
WB10 / 25% / 2.66 / 4.47 / 8.11 / 1.73 / 0.05 / 1.45
WB11 / 28% / 3.10 / 4.01 / 6.73 / 0.90 / 5.58 / 1.09
WB12 / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
WB13 / 25% / 3.97 / 5.10 / 5.60 / 2.19 / 0.18 / 1.07
WB14 / 19% / 2.94 / 4.52 / 3.21 / 0.87 / 0.06 / 1.37
WB15 / 28% / 3.19 / 4.74 / 11.75 / 1.13 / 0.13 / 1.40
WB16 / 31% / 1.88 / 6.65 / 9.10 / 0.23 / 10.29 / 1.85
WB17 / 21% / 3.93 / 8.99 / 10.27 / 3.56 / 0.53 / 3.59
WB18 / 30% / 4.76 / 7.58 / 6.55 / 0.05 / 15.74 / 1.03
WB19 / 31% / 3.66 / 7.46 / 2.87 / 0.45 / 3.61 / 1.31
WB20 / 28% / 3.61 / 8.05 / 5.28 / 0.08 / 60.11 / 1.44
WB21 / 39% / 4.02 / 4.50 / 7.53 / 0.05 / 16.33 / 1.05
WB22 / 33% / 2.91 / 4.83 / 11.67 / 3.11 / 1.50 / 1.52
WB23 / 24% / 2.72 / 5.79 / 11.21 / 7.43 / 0.05 / 1.23
WB24 / 37% / 2.65 / 7.43 / 13.16 / 0.06 / 6.03 / 1.19
WB25 / 25% / 5.05 / 7.98 / 10.15 / 0.99 / 0.32 / 1.19
S1 / 24% / 2.34 / 3.97 / 4.46 / 3.92 / 8.95 / 11.59
S2 / 12% / 2.53 / 5.35 / 2.61 / 0.78 / 1.23 / 0.79
S3 / 14% / 4.84 / 11.71 / 7.18 / 8.26 / 17.76 / 1.18
S4 / 22% / 2.19 / 4.83 / 5.26 / 0.11 / 7.59 / 6.68
S5 / 12% / 3.56 / 5.37 / 8.47 / 5.03 / 7.83 / 1.11
S6 / 20% / 2.99 / 8.55 / 2.95 / 1.90 / 4.03 / 11.46
S7 / 18% / 2.82 / 7.43 / 7.91 / 1.13 / 6.60 / 5.24
S8 / 18% / 3.75 / 5.13 / 2.50 / 0.03 / 14.43 / 1.02
S9 / 20% / 2.34 / 5.65 / 4.10 / 0.07 / 4.90 / 2.04
S10 / 23% / 2.65 / 5.15 / 3.49 / 2.10 / 6.12 / 6.39
S11 / 18% / 1.81 / 4.86 / 3.39 / 0.65 / 3.35 / 2.94
S12 / 24% / 3.41 / 5.49 / 2.50 / 0.19 / 1.75 / 0.72
S13 / 13% / 3.10 / 4.70 / 1.03 / 0.22 / 0.29 / 1.28
S14 / 16% / 1.43 / 4.22 / 2.04 / 0.37 / 1.87 / 4.81
S15 / 17% / 2.23 / 4.62 / 1.78 / 0.21 / 0.74 / 2.97
S16 / 7% / 2.24 / 4.66 / 56.32 / 2.65 / 8.01 / 6.41
S17 / 42% / 2.57 / 3.34 / 2.00 / 0.64 / 1.80 / 4.81
S18 / 19% / 2.24 / 5.18 / 0.83 / 0.26 / 0.97 / 3.26
S19 / 18% / 3.18 / 5.44 / 1.88 / 0.31 / 1.74 / 4.39
S20 / 22% / 1.69 / 3.44 / 1.96 / 0.56 / 2.69 / 5.33
S21 / 22% / 1.67 / 3.87 / 1.71 / 0.56 / 2.31 / 5.21
S22 / 22% / 1.66 / 4.42 / 1.53 / 0.57 / 1.94 / 5.03
S23 / 21% / 1.70 / 2.98 / 2.24 / 0.42 / 1.45 / 5.28
S24 / 18% / 1.69 / 6.21 / 2.30 / 0.04 / 0.36 / 2.50
S25 / 16% / 2.66 / 4.15 / 4.38 / 2.03 / 2.41 / 2.44

(SB stands for summer samples and WB stands for winter samples)

Table S5Soil–air exchange fluxes of PCNs in all sites

Site / Flux(pg/m2/day)
TiCN / TeCN / PeCN / HxCN / HpCN / OCN
SB1 / 9.214 / 0.573 / 0.088 / -0.011 / -0.019 / -0.037
SB2 / 6.503 / 0.307 / -0.022 / -0.050 / -0.026 / -0.170
SB3 / 21.13 / 0.998 / 0.064 / -0.003 / -0.001 / -0.014
SB4 / 20.04 / 1.608 / 0.069 / -0.032 / 0.113 / -0.132
SB5 / 6.631 / 0.327 / -0.029 / -0.038 / -0.006 / -0.031
SB6 / 3.354 / 0.266 / -0.022 / -0.024 / -0.002 / -0.025
SB7 / 21.17 / 1.434 / 0.215 / -0.043 / -0.018 / -0.009
SB8 / 42.02 / 6.010 / 0.576 / 0.028 / 0.001 / -0.029
SB9 / 18.49 / 5.369 / 0.713 / 0.060 / 0.020 / -0.002
SB10 / 17.90 / 5.666 / 0.560 / 0.010 / 0.009 / -0.076
SB11 / 39.79 / 14.29 / 1.422 / 0.100 / 0.018 / -0.080
SB12 / 14.54 / 2.476 / 0.383 / 0.020 / 0.005 / -0.042
SB13 / 4.513 / 0.733 / 0.186 / -0.005 / -0.001 / -0.091
SB14 / 21.28 / 1.889 / 0.145 / -0.019 / -0.018 / -0.008
SB15 / 105.6 / 28.30 / 3.779 / 0.615 / 0.142 / 0.245
SB16 / 82.52 / 22.02 / 10.72 / 1.139 / 0.069 / 0.027
SB17 / 9.522 / 1.317 / 0.114 / -0.014 / -0.020 / 0.007
SB19 / 22.95 / 4.828 / 3.058 / 0.122 / 0.018 / -0.135
SB20 / 24.72 / 10.74 / 1.237 / 0.112 / 0.013 / -0.012
SB21 / 7.821 / 0.722 / 0.046 / -0.014 / -0.018 / -0.011
SB22 / 13.04 / 0.807 / 0.041 / -0.021 / -0.014 / -0.009
SB24 / 132.8 / 3.803 / 0.052 / -0.028 / -0.015 / -0.022
SB25 / 22.29 / 1.956 / 0.299 / 0.033 / 0.019 / -0.002
WB1 / 8.394 / 0.136 / 0.026 / -0.271 / -0.067 / -0.599
WB2 / 5.733 / -0.094 / -0.049 / -0.026 / -0.017 / -0.382
WB3 / 20.07 / 0.317 / -0.027 / -0.362 / -0.046 / -0.632
WB4 / 20.25 / 0.808 / 0.110 / -0.006 / 0.086 / -1.212
WB5 / 6.140 / 0.167 / 0.000 / -0.187 / -0.040 / -0.354
WB6 / 2.735 / -0.040 / -0.013 / -0.383 / -0.170 / -0.444
WB7 / 20.59 / 1.255 / 0.211 / -0.166 / -0.107 / -0.386
WB8 / 41.36 / 5.835 / 0.584 / -0.149 / -0.055 / -0.468
WB9 / 17.42 / 5.125 / 0.660 / -0.170 / -0.112 / -0.351
WB10 / 16.73 / 5.256 / 0.603 / -0.572 / -0.100 / -0.796
WB11 / 38.91 / 14.19 / 1.483 / 0.084 / -0.067 / -0.342
WB13 / 2.734 / 0.226 / 0.158 / -0.567 / -0.047 / -0.629
WB14 / 20.31 / 1.006 / 0.127 / -0.260 / -0.102 / -0.534
WB15 / 104.4 / 27.672 / 3.703 / 0.214 / 0.051 / 0.064
WB16 / 82.45 / 21.972 / 10.708 / 1.134 / -0.045 / -0.103
WB17 / 9.488 / 1.309 / 0.124 / -0.130 / -0.116 / -0.222
WB18 / 6.603 / 0.640 / 0.053 / -0.002 / -0.176 / -0.283
WB19 / 21.33 / 4.448 / 2.918 / 0.130 / -0.005 / -0.270
WB20 / 23.89 / 10.557 / 1.203 / 0.097 / -0.016 / -0.231
WB21 / 6.975 / 0.252 / -0.055 / -0.027 / -0.035 / -0.465
WB22 / 12.60 / 0.586 / 0.061 / -0.044 / -0.150 / -0.599
WB23 / 13.56 / 0.733 / 0.044 / -0.729 / -0.021 / -0.622
WB24 / 132.1 / 3.031 / -0.029 / -0.045 / -0.040 / -0.443
WB25 / 21.59 / 1.642 / 0.268 / -0.076 / -0.100 / -0.272

(SB stands for summer samples and WB stands for winter samples)


Tasdemir, Y., Salihoglu, G., Salihoglu, N.K., Birgul, A., 2012. Air-soil exchange of PCBs: seasonal variations in levels and fluxes with influence of equilibrium conditions. Environ Pollut 169, 90-97.

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