Learning and Teaching Matters
Curriculum governance model implementation update
The curriculum governance model has guided the Semester Unit Outline development process for both Semesters in 2012. Through providing a robust structure, FBU can effectively and efficiently meet its obligations for internal and external reporting on the development, monitoring and revision of its units and courses. By having a three tier system of the Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee (FLTC), the Course Moderation Committee (CMC) and the five Discipline Moderation Committees (DMCs), means that units are reviewed and refreshed in a formal peer-reviewed environment. This is preventing isolation and provides a forum in which issues can be discussed, resolved or escalated for arbitration and ultimately it minimises anomalies and imbalances in courseware.140undergraduate and postgraduate Semester Unit Outlines have been collaboratively developed by unit teaching teams across our three campuses, this year, using the new curriculum governance process.
- FLTC Chair Prof. Alan Bowen-James
- FLTC SecretaryDr. Andrew Schrader
- CMC Chair Prof. Grant Jones
- CMC Secretary Rachel Sutton
- DMC Marketing and Comms Moderator Prof. Susan Dann / Secretary Marie Howard
- DMC HR & Prof. Experience Moderator Prof. Robin Kramar / Secretary Jenny Sellier
- DMC Finance, Accounting & Law Moderator Prof. Tony Ciro / Secretary Janeen Hayes
- DMC Mgmt & Governance Moderator Dr. Nasir Butrous / Secretary Lisa Robertson
- DMC Informatics & Bus. Systems Moderator Prof. Alan Bowen-James / Secretary Lisa Robertson
- In the first instance -lecturers to Discipline Moderators for topic related issues, then FLTC and CMC Chair and Discipline Moderator
- Andrew Schrader for SharePoint access, issues and queries
- Secretariat for document / meeting status issues
Support: Guidelines and processes
Members of the secretariat change from time to time, so please refer to the updated documents on the Business Faculty Learning and Teaching, Unit Management SharePoint site for up to date contacts and more information:Unit Management Guidelines and Processes.
Course Reviews underway
In accordance with the University’s Quality Management Policy and regulatory academic quality assurance obligations, the Faculty is undertaking comprehensive Course Reviews. Granted a year’s postponement due to being a new Faculty, the undergraduate courses that weredue for review in 2011 are being carried out during 2012.
The Course Reviews are a great opportunity to reassess, refresh and improve aspects of the strategic, academic, operational and governance aspects of the Faculty’s courses.The rationale of the Course Review is to review the past and present effectiveness of courses and to set future directions for the reviewed courses in the context of the mission and vision of the University and Faculty. The process engages lecturers, current and past students, external academics, potential employers, external academics and industry representatives in order to ascertain:
- currency and appropriateness of course content and structure
- course governance
- quality of teaching, learning and assessment
- appropriateness of the physical resources for the conduct of courses
- relevance and effectiveness of courses for stakeholders
- efficiency with which courses are offered
- employment outcomes for graduates
- function of the courses within the Faculty’s and University’s suite of offerings
- viability and sustainability of the courses
External accreditation
In addition to the internal University Course Review requirements, the Faculty is obliged to maintain and enhance its accreditations with external peak bodies. Therefore, undergraduate and postgraduate courses accredited by the following bodies are also under review this year:
- Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia (ICAA)
- Certified Practicing Accountants of Australia (CPAA)
- Australian Marketing Institute (AMI)
- Australian Computer Society (ACS)
- Australian Human Resource Institute (AHRI)
- Institute of Public Accountants (IPA)
In order to manage the process of the Course Reviews, the curriculum governance model is being implemented. With minor adjustments to the membership, in accordance with University Course Review requirements, the Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee, Chaired by Prof. Alan Bowen-James functions as the overall Course Review Committee, the Course Moderation Committee, Chaired by Prof. Grant Jones, functions as the Course Review Sub Committee and the Discipline Moderation Committees function as Course Review Working Parties.
For more information, consult the Course Review Terms of Reference. These are available from the Business Faculty Learning and Teaching, Course Administration SharePoint site under Course Review Committee Documents.
For questions about the Course Review, contact Rachel Sutton by email: or phone extension: 2244
University Learning and Teaching Centre (ULTC) News
Assessment Policy and Procedures under review
ACU is currently reviewing its assessment policy and procedures. A draft document was circulated by the ULTC for feedback, in April. The LTC advises that during the period of review process, please refer to the existing policies on Learning and Teaching. The revised policy is due to be launched in August 2012.
Student Feedback on Unit questionnaires
For those who have joined the teaching staff for the second semester, a new Student Feedback on Unit (SFU) questionnaire was administered University-wide for the first time in Semester 1, 2012. SFU replaces the Learning and Teaching Evaluation Program (LTEP) questionnaire which has been the main tool to collect student feedback on units. SFU surveys are being conducted online via LEO and the survey environment is generated for all units (i.e., there is no need to request for SFU). Separate SFU reports will be generated for each lecturer identified in Section B of the file which is available on the Evaluation of Learning and Teaching Overview LTC site, and these reports will include summary data for Section A.
Course Administration and eLearning update
137 LEO lounges have been developed to support semester 2 (blended lounges). There are sections for assessment, learning material, communication and support. Ideally, the Semester Unit Outline should be uploaded to enhance prominence for students, in the section just below the unit heading.
- By loading PowerPoint presentations, examples etc., in the section called Learning Materials, it makes the lounges less cluttered.
- The Gradebook in LEO cannot be used for distributing student assessment marks until the assessment is set up in LEO for completion and marking online. To distribute grades, an assessment spreadsheet needs to be loaded (in the Assessment section) containing student numbers (not names for privacy reasons).
- Click here for the University LEO Resources site.
- During Semester 2, FBU is running three online Occupational Health Safety and Environment (OHSE) units. These are Case Studies in OHSE, OHSE Hazards and OHSE Law. Case Studies in OHSE have pre-requisite requirements that students will need to satisfy. Please note that from 2013 OHSE 201- Principles of OHS will be scheduled in both Semester 1 and 2 to facilitate elective choices.
- In addition to the OHSE units, FBU is also offering BUSN110 Responsible Reasoning and Communication in Semester 2. Normally a Semester 1 unit, it has been scheduled as Mixed Mode for Semester 2 (students will be required to undertake the final exam on campus).
- STAT102 Business Data Analysis will be offered in Mixed Mode for Spring Term A, starting 19August. Students will be required to undertake the final exam on campus.
Open Universities Australia (OUA)
The Faculty of Business offers undergraduate units and postgraduate course in OHSE Management through OUA. In the first study period for 2012, FBU attractedmore than 230 unit enrolments at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Cengage Education
It is pleasing to note that of the Cengage students who initially transferred from Cengage to ACU, four students have graduated and three more are pending course completion.
Faculty of Business Step-Up Program in Young
Kelly Callaghan recently represented the Faculty at the Launch of the ACU / Hennessy Catholic College Equity Pathways Pilot Program in Young. Over 80% of the 2011 graduating class at Hennessy Catholic College received first round university offers. However, a number decided to defer and stay in Young. The Principal of Hennessy College and parents are keen for the students to maintain momentum and so the Faculty of Business, along with the Faculty of Education, are offering units to interested students. FBU is offering HRMG100 Management and People as an online unit with an intense program of mentoring by our very experienced student mentor, Anna-Louise Barrie. She will contact the students at least once a week to provide support and direct students to resources to assist in their studies.
Course Enrolment Guides
The 2013 CEGs are currently under development, to be published in September. Kelly will be going on leave in September and would like to have these finalised by the end of August. Please contact her with your feedback.
If you require any assistance with online matters please email Kelly
New sections and resources on SharePoint
Andrew Schrader, the Faculty Executive Officer has been developing SharePoint this year. The Faculty is moving away from the N:Drive to SharePoint where documents can be collaboratively developed and versions controlled. The benefits of using SharePoint include: instant access to documents and discussion boards at any time on any computer with an internet connection; email inbox traffic is reduced; waiting time for comments or documents from other staff members in a chain of communication is eliminated; Faculty cohesion is improved across campuses; access to correct documentation for University, AACSB and TEQSA reporting is instant, which, in turn, will save time and people resources in compiling it; transparency and ease of inclusion of committee members in decision-making and provides secure access to documents on a permission basis.
The Business Learning and Teaching site now contains sub-sites for:
Unit Management
This sub-site contains Unit Outline Documents (all current FUOs and SUOs) and Guidelines and Processes advising lecturers on unit development, Unit Examination Documents, Unit Results Documents and Committee Documents (for the 5 main FBU disciplines).
Course Administration
This sub-site contains Course Proposal / Course Review documents, the main site for this year’s course review, (Academic Board) Approved Course Proposals for new courses and Course Review Committee Documents.
If you are a new member of staff and /or new to SharePoint, you are required to undertake basic training before access is granted. This can be done in person or over the phone and takes less than 30 minutes. Please contact Andrew Schrader for training or other user enquiries, by email or phone extension 2099.
FLTC staff update
Welcome to Sanju Sharma
ShreejanaNiarula,Faculty Learning and Teaching Coordinator, began one year’s maternity leave in July. We are pleased to welcome Sanju Sharma,Shreejana’s leave cover. Sanju previously worked in a similar role, as the Administrator to the Senior AD at the Australian School of Businessat the University of NSW, and will be assisting Prof. Alan Bowen-James with FLTC matters. Email: and phone extension: 2937.
Kelly Callaghan on Annual Leave 19 September and 12 October
During this period Anna-Louise will be able to assist with LEO matters and contact Andrew Schrader for other matters.
Dates for your diary
2012 / Academic Board / Faculty Board / Faculty Learning & Teaching / Course Review CommitteeAugust / 15 (Wed) / 30 (Thurs)
September / 18 (Tues)
October / 24 (Wed) / 30 (Tues) / 11 (Thurs)
November / 29 (Thurs)
December / 05 (Wed)
January 2013
February 2013 / 06 (Wed) TBC