
●  Separate Basics of Online Learning for Tune-ups as a sample course (student-side)

●  Instructor-side: Build-out a course


Teaching with Blackboard site

Student guide on TwB

Quick Guides

●  Interface Overview

●  Toggle Edit Mode On/Off

●  (10 minutes) Control Panel walk-through

○  Expand/Collapse

○  Course Files

○  Grade Center Smart Views

○  Course Availability

○  Course Copy

○  Tool Availability

●  (3-5 minutes) Home Page Overview

○  Notifications

○  Custom Settings

○  Adding Modules

○  Changing Course Entry Point from HomePage to Announcements page

●  (3-5 minutes) Contextual Menu Editing (See 2011:Blackboard NG Training Course for finished Course Menu)

○  Rename a link

○  Empty Content areas

○  Create Subheader

○  Move/Create Divider

○  Rearrange the order

○  Hide / unhide menu

○  Contacts

●  (5-10 minutes) Add Content to Course

○  Announcement: Point out Create Announcement button

○  Add an item

○  Edit an item

○  Add textbook information

○  Reordering content

○  Discussion of: Learning Module vs. Lesson Plan vs. Folder

○  Add mashup

●  (10 minutes) Assessments

○  Add Assignment

○  Demo grading Assignment

■  view attached document

■  assign a grade

■  enter comments

■  enter notes

■  download all submitted assignments in a zip file; extract the file

■  Advance through students or columns

●  Demo anonymous grading

●  Demo grading a Group Assignment

●  (10 minutes) Collaboration

○  Blog

○  Wiki

○  Journal

○  Create 1

○  Demo grading 1 (blog)

●  (5 minutes) Tools

○  Hide link

○  Send email

●  (10 minutes) Groups

○  Individual vs. Set

○  Self-Enroll vs. Manual vs. Random

○  Create a set (self-enroll)

●  (5 minutes) Grade Center

●  Enable highlighting (on Midterm - have the column and grades prepopulated)

●  Customize sorting/layout capabilities (elsewhere in courses as well)

Evaluation in Basics of Online Learning (for Tune-ups)