
The aim of the ACT Quality in Healthcare Awards is to publicly honour innovations that improve the delivery of safe quality care within the ACT healthcare system. The Awards are open to all health services within the ACT, including private hospitals, general practitioners, private providers of health care services and university students studying a health related discipline.


There are five quality award categories. Project teams are asked to select the principle focus that illustrates the project scope and outcomes from the categories below:

Access and Efficiency

Services are based on meeting consumer/patient needs and there is evidence of the advancement in quality of care.


Health consumers/patients actively participate in their care, or are able to access information in a suitable format. There is evidence of strong collaboration between the service and consumers/patients.

InnovativeModels of Care

Evidence of an effective, innovative, sustainable system that improves consumer/patient care.


Potential risks to consumers are avoided and inadvertent harm minimised in the care delivery process.


Workforce, education, or information technology systems support services provided. Facilitation of skills improvement or support for clinical care and consumer/patient outcomes.


Students may address the criteria according to a proposed intervention which will not include outcomes.

Criteria for Project Submission and Evaluation

Awards for projects will be independently evaluated in accordance with the following criteria:

Project Category:

Award category is clearly nominated.

Project Title:

Title clearly identifies the project intent.

Project team members:

All stakeholders are listed including consumer representation.

Project abstract:

Abstract is limited to no more than250 words.

Project links clarified:

NSQHSS, Organisational Vision & Values; Policy, Professional Standards, Industry Standards.

Problem description:

The scope of the problem is clearly identified.

Project aim:

SMART objectives used to articulate the project aim.

Project plan:

The plan is comprehensive and applies appropriate methodology.

Evidence to inform practice:

The evidence is comprehensive, current, credible and robust.

Evaluation method/s:

The evaluation method is comprehensive and applicable to the project design.


Interventions and actions are fully articulated.

Project results/outcomes:

Results are valid, reliable and align with project aims. Implications articulated.

Sustaining Improvement:

Strategies to sustain improvement are embedded into practice.

Sharing the improvement:

Strategies to disseminate improvement are implemented and demonstrated.


Funding for project declared.

Submission Date: The closing dateforall submissions is 17 August 2015

Electronic Submission: Please submit projects electronically in ‘Word’ format and send to:

Enquiries: Please call 02 6174 7943

Application Cover Sheet

Title of quality project: ______

Project team members:______

Primary team contact:______

Phone: ______Email: ______

Which healthcare sector are you in?

Private healthcare provider Public healthcare provider Educational Institution

Non Government Provider

Category Appling for:(Multiple categories may be applied for)

Access and Efficiency Consumer ParticipationInnovative Models of Care

Safety Systems Support Student

Application checklist

The award category is clearly defined

The application guidelines have been followed

The submission addresses all nominated categories

All relevant attachments are included

Signature: Date://

Please submit this form with your application as a word version to:


Phone Enquiries: (02) 6174 7938

Disclaimer: Attendees at the Presentation Dinner may be photographed and published as promotional material for the ACT Quality in Healthcare Awards. Information provided in the application

Submission Date: The closing dateforall submissions is 17 August 2015

Electronic Submission: Please submit projects electronically in ‘Word’ format and send to:

Enquiries: Please call 02 6174 7943