Directions: Answer the following questions, either on a separate piece of paper or on this one. Be ready to discuss and turn in next class.

Preview Questions: Answer the following before starting the web-quest.

  1. Why would the United States want to have influence (or even control) over other countries? What would be the benefits or draw backs?
  2. What responsibilities does the press/media have in terms of how it reports news stories? Should the media exaggerate or make-up stories? What are the short-term benefits of exaggerating or fabricating stories to make exciting headlines? What might be some long-term benefits of sticking to the truth?
  3. Do you think there is any such thing as a "splendid little war"? Who might think war was not so splendid? Who usually suffers most in a war? Who has to deal with the long-term effects of a war?

Crash Course US History #28 - Imperialism:

  1. Vocabulary: If you can't find it in Crash Course, you can Google. But be careful that you get the right definition...
  1. To annex:
  2. Imperialism & Expansionism:
  3. Jingoism
  1. A reason for the United States to expand overseas was...
  1. To find new markets (places & people) to sell American goods to.
  2. To gain and demonstrate military might
  3. Nationalism: American values are superior to other people's.
  4. All of the above
  1. According to John Green, the Spanish American War was about Cuban Independence.
  1. True
  2. False

The Spanish-American War

Background information: In the late 1890s, Cuba was a Spanish territory. Spain also had other territories around the world including the Philippines. Many Cubans no longer wanted to be ruled by the Spanish, so they started fighting for independence. Then the United States got involved...

Go to:

Answer the following questions:

  1. What were the four main causes of the Spanish American War?
  2. What is Yellow Journalism (Yellow Press)?
  3. What territories did the United States gain in 1898 and 1899?

Go to:

Click on The Spanish American War and read through each section: Remember the Maine, Yellow Journalism, A Splendid Little War, and A Gift from the Gods.

Answer the following questions:

Remember the Maine:

  1. Where was the Maine docked?
  2. What happened to the Maine? Who was responsible?

Yellow Journalism:

  1. Who did the press in the United States say was responsible for sinking the Maine?

A Splendid Little War:

  1. What was the United States' reaction to the sinking of the Maine? What did they do?
  2. Who won the war and what did they get for winning?\

A Gift from the Gods:

  1. What did President McKinley consider the Filipino people to be?
  2. The Philippines had been fighting for Independence from Spain, so how did they expect the US to treat them after the Spanish-American War?
  3. What did the American government do in the Philippines? How were Filipinos treated?
  4. Who was Emilio Aguinaldo? If Aguinaldo could have a conversation with an "average American" at this time, what do you think he would have wanted to tell them?

The Story of Hawaii:

Background Information: During the 1800s, Hawaii was ruled by a royal family. However, many white, American businessmen and their families had settled in Hawaii. They were involved mainly in the sugar industry. They wanted their sugar to be sold in the United States...

Go to:

Answer the following questions.

Vocabulary: Tariff - a tax on an import or export.

  1. Why did sugar planters want Hawaii to be annexed?
  2. How did they try to get power from the ruling family?

Go to:

Read, then, answer the following questions.

  1. How did Queen Lili'uokalani lose her throne? Explain what happened.
  2. Would you consider US actions in Hawaii at the time an act of imperialism? Why or why not?
  3. Some native Hawaiians are in favor of separating from the US. Considering the history, do you think they're justified? Should the US allow it if a majority in Hawaii wanted to?