Questions for discussion


  1. Explain the BtN story to another student.
  2. Describe the event that will happen in Copenhagen in December.
  3. How many countries are involved in the conference?
  4. Give a brief summary of what you know about climate change.
  5. What is the Kyoto agreement?
  6. Why is 2012 an important date?
  7. Why are reducing greenhouse gases expensive?
  8. Why is it a problem for developing countries?
  9. How does the United Nations want developing countries supported?
  10. What do you think should happen next?

Find out more about climate change by completing the quizzes at the following website

TV Ban

  1. Briefly summarise the BtN story.
  2. What do you think is meant by TV being a one-way communication?
  3. What sorts of things do kids learn in the first two years of their lives?
  4. How do children under two learn?
  5. Explain why some people are concerned about young children watching TV.
  6. What do the researchers want to happen in child care centres? Do you agree? Why or why not?
  7. What do some people say the benefits of watching TV are?
  8. Create a plus, minus and interesting chart about young people watching TV.
  9. Create your own `what do you reckon?’ Video record interviews with other students in your school about the issue.
  10. What do you understand more clearly since watching the BtN story?

`Should kids younger than two be banned from watching TV?’ Vote in the online poll.

iPod inattention

  1. Discuss the BtN story with another student.
  2. Why is it dangerous for pedestrians to use iPods or mobile phones?
  3. What do the NSW Police want to happen?
  4. What did a study in the United States find?
  5. How are police trying to raise awareness about the issue?
  6. What could the consequences be for a pedestrian who causes an accident?
  7. Do you think the consequence is fair? Why or why not?
  8. What do police recommend pedestrians do to stay safe?
  9. Are you affected by this issue? Explain your answer.
  10. Create your own advertisement about the hazards of using iPods and mobile phones for pedestrians.

Send a message or tell us what you think on the BtN Guestbook.


  1. Summarise the main issues in the BtN story.
  2. Why are wombats being treated by Brigitte and Frank?
  3. What species of wombat are they treating?
  4. What impacts are some wombats having in farming areas?
  5. How are some farmers dealing with problem?
  6. Do you think there is another solution to the problem?
  7. What is the disease affecting wombats?
  8. Why do Brigitte and Frank need more space?
  9. How did the story make you feel?
  10. Illustrate an aspect of the story.

Test your knowledge in the online wombat quiz.


  1. Explain the BtN story to another student.
  2. Apart from the army, what other defence forces have cadets?
  3. What sorts of skills do the Army cadets learn?
  4. Why do kids choose to become cadets?
  5. What sorts of military exercises do they practise?
  6. In your own words, describe what personal development is.
  7. What is Maddie’s role in the cadets?
  8. What do you think are the advantages of being an army cadet?
  9. Who can join the cadets?
  10. What was surprising about the BtN cadets story?

Visit the Kids HQ at the Australian War Memorial website

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