Curriculum Vitae – June 2017

Kent Vernon Rondeau

Associate Professor

University of Alberta

Faculty of Extension

Enterprise Square – 10230 Jasper Ave

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5J4P6

Office: Ext 2-216Telephone: 780-248-5791Email:


EdD Higher Education Policy 2018 (expected) University of Exeter

MEd Adult Education 2012 University of Alberta

PhD Community Health-Health Administration 1995 University of Toronto

MBA Business Administration 1986 ConcordiaUniversity

MA Public Policy and Public Administration 1984 ConcordiaUniversity

BSc (Hons) Biology and Biochemistry 1976 University of Regina

BLabTech Medical Laboratory Technology 1976 University of Regina

Certificate in Adult Education 1993 DalhousieUniversity

Certificate in Proficiency in French 1986 McGillUniversity

Graduate Diploma in Institutional Administration 1982 ConcordiaUniversity

EdD Dissertation: “Academic Capitalism in Graduate Schools of Business: AnInternational Study

PhD Dissertation: “Organizational Structure and Commitment in Hospital Volunteer Associations


2017 – present Associate Professor (with tenure), Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta

2004 – 2017Associate Professor (with tenure), Health Policy and Management, Department of Public Health Sciences / School of Public Health, University of Alberta

1997 – 2004Assistant Professor, Health Policy and Management, Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Alberta

1998 – 2001Program Director, MHSA program, Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Alberta

1989 – 1997Assistant Professor, School of Health Services Administration, DalhousieUniversity


2008Best paper, (Runner-up): Organisational Behaviour in Healthcare, “Modes of recruitment, turnover and vacancy rates of registered nurses: exploring relationships” (with T. Wagar)

2005Best paper: Health Care Management Division, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, “Nurse and resident satisfaction in magnet long-term care organizations: do high involvement approaches matter?” (with T. Wagar)

2002Best paper: Human Resources Management Division, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, “Repeated downsizing, organizational restructuring and performance: evidence from a longitudinal study” (with T. Wagar)

2001Best poster: International Society for Technology Assessment in Health Care, “A framework for assessing the effectiveness of health technology assessment units” (with D. Hailey)

2001Literary commendation citation, Leadership in Health Services, “Reducing the workforce: examining its consequences in health care organizations” (with T. Wagar)

2000Best paper, (Runner-up), Entrepreneurship and Family Business Division, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, “Improving productivity and workplace performance in small business: do human resources really make a difference?” (with T. Wagar & M. Ross)

2000Reviewer award, Midwest Academy of Management

1998Best paper: Human Resources Management Division, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, “Predicting the survival of total quality management programs. Results from Atlantic Canadian organizations.” (with T. Wagar)

1997Best paper (Runner-up), Medical Laboratory Observer, “Great service guaranteed”

1993Best paper, Medical Laboratory Observer, “Service recovery: getting a second chance to make a first impression

1991Best paper (Runner-up), Medical Laboratory Observer, “Ten morale boosters for off-shift staff

1986Herbert F. Quinn Medal: Awarded to the student with the highest academic standing in the MA program (Public Policy and Public Administration), ConcordiaUniversity


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

  1. Finch, D., Falkenberg, L., McLaren, P.G., Rondeau, K., & O’Reilly, N. Rigour, relevance and bridges: How professions disrupt Kieser and Leiner’s ‘Unbridgeable’thesis. Submitted to Journal of Education and Work.
  1. Rondeau, K.V.Designing governing boards in higher education: forging social inclusion through the ecological construction of diversity.Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. (revise and resubmit)
  1. Harbi, S., & Rondeau, K.V. The contribution of emergency room culture in adverse events reporting. Journal of Hospital Administration. (revise and resubmit)
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (2017). The impact of world ranking systems on graduate schools of business: promoting the manipulation of image over the management of substance. World Journal of Education, 7(3), 62-73.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Wagar, T.H. (2016). Human resource management practices and nursing turnover.Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 6(10), 101-109.
  1. Wagar, T.H., Carroll, W.R., & Rondeau, K. (2011). The relationship between human resources management and firm performance in small business: evidence from Canada and New Zealand. Journal of Global Business Advancement, 4(1), 32-49.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., Williams, E.S., & Wagar, T.H. (2009). Developing human capital: what is the impact on nursing turnover? Journal of Nursing Management, 17, 739-748.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Wagar, T.H. (2009). Facility turnover and vacancy rates of registered nurses: do they predict how nurses are recruited? Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 4(1), 47-56.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Bell, N.R. (2009). The chronic care model: which physician practice organizations adapt best? Healthcare Management Forum, Winter, 31-39.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., Williams, E.S., & Wagar, T.H. (2008). Turnover and vacancy rates for registered nurses: Do local labor market factors matter? Health Care Management Review, 33(1), 69-78.
  1. Williams, E.S., Rondeau, K.V., Xiao, Q., & Francescutti, L.H. (2007). Heavy physician workloads: impact on physician attitudes and outcomes. Health Services Management Research, 20, 261-269.
  1. Williams, E.S., Rondeau, K.V., & Francescutti, L.H. (2007). Impact of culture on commitment, satisfaction, and extra-role behaviors among Canadian ER physicians. Leadership in Health Services, 20(3), 147-158.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (2007). The adoption of high involvement work practices in Canadian nursing homes. Leadership in Health Services, 20(1), 16-26.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., Francescutti, L.H., & Cummings, G.E. (2006). Health promoting attitudes and behaviors of emergency physicians: Exploring gender differences. Journal of Health Organization and Management , 20(4), 269-284.
  1. Wagar, T.H. & Rondeau, K.V. (2006). Retaining employees in small and medium-sized firms: examining the link with human resource management. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 11(2), 3-16.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Wagar, T.H. (2006). Nurse and resident satisfaction in magnet long-term care organizations: do high involvement approaches matter? Journal of Nursing Management, 14, 244-250.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. & Francescutti, L.H. (2005). Emergency department overcrowding: the impact of resource scarcity on physician job satisfaction. Journal of Healthcare Management, 50(5), 327-340.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Birdi, N. (2005). The role and function of quality assurance officers in Ontario hospitals. Quality Assurance Journal, 9, 179-185.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Wagar, T.H. (2004). Implementing CQI while reducing the workforce: what is the impact on hospital performance? Healthcare Management Forum, 17(2), 22-29.
  1. Rondeau,K.V., & Wagar, T.H. (2003). Downsizing and organizational restructuring: what is the impact on hospital performance?International Journal of Public Administration, 26(14), 1649-1670.
  1. Rondeau,K.V. (2002). Health human resource planning requires an effective staff retention policy. Healthcare Papers, 3(2), 45-49.
  1. Wagar, T.H., & Rondeau, K.V. (2002). Labour-management forums and workplace performance: Evidence from union officials in health care organizations. Journal of Management in Medicine, 16(6), 408-421.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Wagar, T.H. (2002). Managing the workforce reduction: CEO perceptions of organizational dysfunction. Journal of Healthcare Management, 47(3), 161-175.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Wagar, T.H. (2002). Organizational learning and continuous quality improvement: Examining the impact on nursing home performance. Healthcare Management Forum, 15(2), 17-23.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Wagar, T.H. (2002). Reducing the hospital workforce: What is the role of human resource management practices? Hospital Topics, 80(1), 12-18.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Wagar, T.H. (2001). Managing the consequences of hospital cutbacks: The role of workforce reduction practices. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 23(4), 443-469.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Wagar, T.H. (2001). Impact of human resource management practices on nursing home performance. Health Services Management Research, 14, 192-202.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Wagar, T.H. (2000). Reducing the workforce: Examining its consequences in health care organizations. International Journal for Quality Assurance in Health Care (incorporating Leadership in Health Services), 13(4/5), i-viii.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (2000). Responses of Canada’s health care management education programs to health care reform initiatives. Journal of Health Administration Education, 18(2), 205-206.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (2000). Managing laboratory services on the five bases of quality. Clinical Leadership and Management Review, 14(2), 64-68.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. & Wagar, T.H. (1999). Hospital choices in times of cutback: the role of organizational culture. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance (incorporating Leadership in Health Services, 12(3), xiv-xxii.
  1. Wagar, T.H., & Rondeau, K.V. (1998). Total quality commitment and performance in Canadian healthcare organizations. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance (incorporating Leadership in Health Services), 11(7), i-vii.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Wagar, T.H. (1998). Hospital chief executive officer perceptions of organizational culture and performance. Hospital Topics, 76(2), 14-21.
  1. Rondeau,K.V. (1998). Interview: Treating victims and survivors with respect necessary when downsizing. Healthcare Management Forum, 11(4), 6-11.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1998). Managing the clinic wait: An important quality of care challenge, Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 13(2), 11-20.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1998). Case Analysis: Contracting casual nursing service—the issues are more than ‘how to deliver nursing care’ Journal of Nursing Administration, 28(1), 11-13.
  1. Wagar, T.H., & Rondeau, K.V. (1996). Human resource management practices in Atlantic Canadian hospitals. Leadership in Health Services, 5(6), 26-29.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1992). Constructive performance appraisal feedback for healthcare employees. Hospital Topics, 70(2), 27-33.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1992). Sexual harassment: guidelines for laboratory management. Medical Laboratory Management Review, 6(3), 216-220.
  1. Canitz, B., Smith, T., Boutilier, K., Glynn, K., Hodgson, K., McDonough, P., Rondeau, K., & Thompson, L. (1987). Achieving health for all: a perspective from the field. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 78, 416-418.

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters:

  1. Rondeau, K.V. (2014). Global migration of nurses from sub-Saharan Africa: human capital development and neocolonial perspectives. Forging an ethical framework. In N.C. Lupton & M. Pirson (Eds.). Humanistic Perspectives on International Business and Management, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave-Macmillan. Chapter 3, pp. 39-54.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Wagar, T.H. (2010). High-involvement work practices and social capital formation: examining the role of strategic orientation in nursing homes. In M.D. Fotler, G.T. Khatri, & G.T. Savage (Eds.). Strategic Human Resource Management in Health Care. Advances in Health Care Management, Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing, Vol. 9, pp. 25-46.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. & Wagar, T.H. (2009). HRM practice systems in employer-of-choice health care organizations. In J. Braithwaite, P. Hyde, and C. Pope (Eds.). Culture and Climate in Health Care Organizations, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 109-125.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (2007). Just-in-Time Management. In S.R. Clegg, J.R.Bailey (Eds.).International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, pp. 742-745.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Deber, R.B. (1992). Models for integrating and coordinating community-based human service delivery: an analysis of organizational and economic factors. In R.B. Deber & G.G. Thompson, (Eds.). Restructuring Canada’s health services system. How do we get there from here? Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 387-392.

Peer-EvaluatedTeaching and Learning:

  1. Rondeau, K.V.(2017). Restructuring decision making at Holy Family Hospital, in Darr, K. Cases in Health Services Management, 6th Edition, Baltimore, Health Professions Press, accepted for publication in 2017. (with teaching notes)
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (2005). Good Shepherd Memorial Hospital: the women’s health relocation proposal, Healthcare Quarterly, Online Case Study, 8 pages.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (2005). Managing quality: an in-basket exercise. In M. Silberman, (Ed.). 2005 Training and Performance Sourcebook, Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training and Development, pp 45-56.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (2003). Managing service recovery at BayviewHospital: a role-playing exercise. In M. Silberman, (Ed.). 2004 Training and Performance Sourcebook, New York: McGraw -Hill, pp. 127-139.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1998). What questions are you asking during the employment interview? In M. Silberman, (Ed.). 1998 Training and Performance Sourcebook, New York: McGraw-Hill, pp. 221-227.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1998). Leslie Walker, R.N.: a career in motion. In S.D. Friedman, J. DeGroot, & P.M. Christensen, (Eds.). Integrating work and life: the Wharton Resources Guide, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Pfeffer, pp. 397-410.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1995). Westmount Nursing Homes, Incorporated: implementing a continuous quality improvement initiative. In D.L. Infeld, & J.R. Kress, (Eds.). Cases in long-term care management: administrators under scrutiny,Arlington: AUPHA Press, pp. 85-95.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1995). Westmount Nursing Homes, Incorporated: Implementing a continuous quality improvement initiative. Teaching notes. In D.L. Infeld, & J.R. Kress, (Eds.). Cases in long-term care management: administrators under scrutiny,Arlington: AUPHA Press, pp. 66-75.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Rakich, J.S. (1995). HartlandMemorialHospital: an in-basket exercise. In J.S. Rakich, B.B. Longest Jr., & K. Darr, (Eds.). Cases in health services management, Third edition,Baltimore: Health Professions Press, pp. 123-140.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Rakich, J.S. (1995). HartlandMemorialHospital: an in-basket exercise. Teaching Notes. In J.S. Rakich, B.B Longest Jr., & K. Darr, (Eds.).Cases in health services management, Baltimore: Health Professions Press, pp. 47-53.

Non-Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:

  1. Church, J., Wilson, D.R., Triska, O., Rondeau, K., Wagner, S., McKim, B., LaFleur, R., Simmons, K., & Marko, J. (2004, February 13). The Citizen Participation Partnership Project. Ontario Health Promotion E-Bulletin, On-line publication
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Francescutti, L.H. (2004, February 6). Health prevention and disease prevention attitudes of Canadian emergency physicians: Findings from a national study. Ontario Health Promotion E-Bulletin, On-line publication.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1998). Great service guaranteed. Medical Laboratory Observer, 32(2), 38-41.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1996). Creating the learning health care organization. Canadian Health Care Management, 96(5), 63-66.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1996). Book note on J.A. Schmele, "Quality management in nursing and health care." Albany, NY: Delmar, Canadian Health Care Management, 96(3), 38.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1995, March). What shapes health policy? (Editorial). Nova Scotia Nutrition Network, 1-3.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1995). Designing the patient-centered care organization. Canadian Health Care Management, 95(4), 50-52.
  1. Ogram, D., Lailey, J., Rondeau, K., Hon, J., Likely-Regan, P., Brooks, Z., & Parent, M. (1995). Quality systems for the clinical laboratory. Canadian Journal of Medical Technology, 57(2), Supplement.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1995). Book note on H.A. Andrews, L.M. Cook, J.M. Davidson, D.P. Schurman, E.W. Taylor, & R.H. Wensel. "Organization transformation in health care: A work in progress." San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Canadian Health Care Management, 95(8), 96.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1994). Book note on P.C. Morrow. "The theory and measurement of work commitment." Greenwich,CT: JAI Press. Academy of Management Review, 19, 606.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1994). Does your laboratory need a moonlighting policy? Medical Laboratory Observer, 26(8), 22-24. (Cover)
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1994). Does your laboratory need a moonlighting policy? Medical Laboratory Observer, 26(8), 22-24. (Cover)
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1994). Reengineering health service organizations. Canadian Health Care Management, July, OD14:1-OD14:6.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1994). Service recovery: Getting a second chance to make a first impression. Medical Laboratory Observer, 26(1), 22-25. (Cover)
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1993). Procrastination means lost productivity. Canadian Journal of Medical Technology, 55(2), 74-76.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1992). CQI and QA: What's the difference? Canadian Health Care Management, December, DP84:27-DP84:31.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1992). Creating an inspiring vision. Canadian Health Care Management, October, DP82:25-DP82:30.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1992). Ten morale boosters for off-shift staff. Medical Laboratory Observer, 24(8), 40-41.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1992).Effective communication means really listening. Canadian Journal of Medical Technology, 54(2), 78-80.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1992). Pay for performance: Compensating senior executives. Trustee, 45(1), 12-13.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1991). Managing quality: The role of the hospital board. Hospital Trustee, 15(5), 11-13.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1991). Dealing with laboratory crises before they happen. Medical Laboratory Observer, 23(5), 57-60.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1991). Performance appraisal of hospital auxiliary volunteers. The Volunteer Leader, 32(1), 9-11.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (1990). Self-scheduling can increase job satisfaction and commitment. Medical Laboratory Observer, 22(11), 22-24. (Cover)

Technical Studies, Commissioned Reports and Engaged Scholarship:

  1. Rondeau, K.V. (April, 2015). What is ‘proper’ quality improvement in healthcare? A discussion paper. Edmonton, Alberta: United Nurses of Alberta, 22 pages.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (2012). Critical resource requirements for the delivery of primary health care services in rural, remote and isolated First Nations’ communities. A discussion paper.Edmonton, Alberta: First Nations Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada, 38 pages.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (2009). Health system integration: a review of the literature, Ottawa, Ontario: First Nations Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada, 174 pages.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (2009). Adaptation and Integration of Health Services for Aboriginal People: Exploring Relationships, Ottawa, Ontario: First Nations Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada, 22 pages.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (2007). Re-designing health systems for chronic care delivery: implications for First Nations’ communities: annotated bibliography and sourcebook-Published scholarship: 1998-2008. Edmonton, Alberta: First Nations Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada, 250 pages.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (2007). FNIHB-Alberta co-management review: assessing structural criteria for co-management effectiveness. Edmonton, Alberta: First Nations Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada, 14 pages.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (2007). The determinants of health and well-being in support of the health capacity research project. Annotated bibliography and sourcebook-Published scholarship: 1996-2007. Ottawa, Ontario: First Nations Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada, 342 pages.
  1. Church, J., Triska, O., Rondeau, K.,Wilson, D., Wagner, P.S., McKim, B., LaFleur, R., Gibbons, K., Marko, Chapman, M., Mawji, A., & LaFleur, D. (2006). Citizen Participation Partnership Project, University of Alberta: Centre for Health Promotion Studies, Technical Report 06-01, 61 pages.
  1. Fooks, K., Duvalko, K., Baranek, P., Lamothe, L., & Rondeau, K.V. (2002). Health human resource planning in Canada: physician and nursing workforce issues. a report prepared for the Romanow Commission on the Future of Healthcare in Canada. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Policy Research Networks, Inc., Discussion Paper 02-02, 132 pages.
  1. Koehoorn, M., Lowe, G., Rondeau, K.V., Schellenberg, G., & Wagar, T.H. (2002). Creating high-quality health care workplaces. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Policy Research Networks, Inc. Discussion Paper 02-01, 28 pages.
  1. Rondeau, K., & Palfrey, D. (2001). Strategic orientation and benchmarking in the Canadian pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Edmonton, Alberta: Institute of Health Economics, Working Paper 01-02, 18 pages.
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Wagar, T.H. (1998). Workforce reduction practices in Canadian hospitals, HRM Project Series, Kingston, Ontario: Queen’s University, IRC Press, 24 pages.
  1. Noseworthy, T., Janzen, D., Rondeau, K., & Palfrey, D. (1998). Blueprint for change: review of the College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Regina, Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan Health, 160 pages.
  1. Church, J., & Rondeau, K. (1998). Toward an integrated health System for Alberta. Edmonton, Alberta, Alberta Provincial Health Council, 25 pages.
  1. Deber, R.B., & Rondeau, K.V. (1990). Coordination and integration of health and social services: an annotated literature review--Evaluation models, (Volume I&II),Toronto, Ontario: Government of Ontario, Premier's Health Council, 300 pages (approx).
  1. Deber, R.B., & Rondeau, K.V. (1989). Coordination and integration of health and social services: an annotated literature review--Government reports, (Volume I&II),Toronto, Ontario: Government of Ontario, Premier's Health Council, 200 pages (approx).


  1. Rondeau, K.V. & Wagar, T.H. (May, 2017). Creating Safe Workplaces for Employees: What is the Role of Organizational Culture? Evidence from Canadian Nursing Homes. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Annual Meeting, Health Care Management Division, Montréal, Québec.
  1. Finch, D.J. Falkenberg, L., McLaren, P.G., Rondeau, K., & O’Reilly, N. (August, 2016). Professional school faculty in higher education: where the ivory tower meets the real world. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
  1. Cohen, M., Seaver, G., Dembek, K., Srummaker, S., Mitroff, I., Schuyler, K.G., Haley, U.C.V., Cullen, A., Hurt, S., Sackmann, S.A., Salmons, J.E., Rondeau, K., London, T., Geigle, S.L., Hunt, R., Piccolo, R.F., Rosenthal, P., Alexander-Houle, D.J., Johnson, G., Palmer-Schuyler, J.P., Cousar, W.T., Yu, K.F., & Leitheiser, E. (August, 2016). Translating scholarship into practice-which comes first theory or practice? Professional Development Workshop, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
  1. Wagar, T.H., & Rondeau, K.V. (July, 2016). Examining hockey through the lens of human resources management. The Hockey Conference, Fredericton, NB (presented by T.Wagar)
  1. Rondeau, K.V., & Wagar, T.H. (June, 2016). Reducing nursing turnover: Do human resource management practices have a role? Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Edmonton, ALTA.
  1. Wagar, T.H., & Rondeau, K.V. (May, 2016). Perceived workplace human capital accumulation and job-related training. Which employee training programs are best? Proceedings of the 21stConference of the International Academy of Management and Business, ISBN 1949-9094, Montréal, QUE.
  1. Rondeau, K.V. (May, 2016). Strategic goal orientation and workplace change and development. Evidence from Canadian Nursing Homes. Proceedings of the 21st Conference of the International Academy of Management and Business, ISBN 1949-9094, Montréal, Que.
  1. Rondeau, K. (April, 2016).