ENCSC Business Meeting

May 5, 2013

President, Brenda Tew called the meeting to order. President Brenda Tew asked if there request for additions to the web-page agenda. Letter for $250.00 for Marvin Latham was added to agenda.

The minutes for the Aprilmeeting were approved with correction to membership being 226 and Labor Day on August 31, 2013 at Billy Layton’s.

John Daigle gave the Treasurer's report. Please submit all receipts for paymentbefore monthly report. March’s balance in the treasurer’s was $4962.54. The balance for April 30, 2013 is $4587.84. The report was approved’

VP Report-no report

Standing Committees

E-mail: No report. Good job.

Web-site: No report. Good job.

Ways and Means: No report

Newsletter: Lois Wiles stated that a newsletter would go out before Reup party.

Social Committee: The reup party will be on June 15, 2013 from 12-6. We will have hot dogs and hamburgers. John Daigle and Billy Layton will cook. Helen Pase asked members to bring side dishes and desserts. Set up will be at 10:00. Robbie Leggett will be DJ.

Remembrance: Cynthia Cox reported that a card was sent to Alonza’s brother and his wife, Steve and Vickie Gray who live in St. Simons Isle, Georgia, and are members of our club. Steve had heart by-pass surgery and Vickie had appendicitis at the same time and both were in hospital. One of our members, Doug Tyson died on April 25th and a funeral spray was sent to Farmer’s Funeral Home in Ayden. A sympathy care was sent to Addie Lou Leggett and her family. Addie Lou’s sister, Emma Jean Wilson padded away on Thursday May 2 after a long illness.

DJ: Jackie Haislip reported where DJ’s would be playing

Membership: Mike Folk report there was no new members. We have a total of 226.

Old Business

There were 26 volunteers for the parade. Billy Layton did a great job of coordinating the float. Everyone had a great time. Jackie Haisilp and Billy Layton did a great job with the music. The party on Thursday was a great success. A report from the nominating committee stated that Donnie Hudson would be running for President. The nominating committee is Alonza Gray, Billy Layton, and Jackie Haislip. Mike Folk and Alonza Gray will be running for Vice President, John Daigle will run for treasurer, Deborah Linton and Brenda Brooks will run for secretary. Jackie Haislip, David Galloway, Brenda Tew, Helen Pase, and Addie Lou Leggett will be running for Board of directors. Nominations were asked for from the floor and there were none. Nominations were closed. We will vote for new officers at the next meeting.

New Business

ACSC Meeting was attended by President Brenda Tew. Fake SOS has been seen at SOS. Be sure to buy tickets at official station at Myrtle Beach. Legal action is being taken. The fake are square a different color. The summer work shop will be July 11-14, 2013 in Atlantic, Ga. One reprehensive has to be at the meeting. The icon has to be nominated by 11-1-13. Tickets for Fun Monday have to be turned in by 8-1-2013, we have 100 to sell. A discussion was held about a booth for Fun Monday. A motion was made, second and vote on. It was approved to have BBQ sandwiches. John Daigle stated that on June 1, 2013 there would be a fund raiser for Out Reach Program. The tickets are available for individuals or tables. See John for tickets. A letter was presented to the club by Edna Denton, Deborah Linton, and Lois Wiles to give Marvin Latham $250.00 donation to help with medical bills. A committee was selected Phyllis Nixon, John Daigle, and Graham Mills. The committee agreed and a motion was made by Alonza Gray and seconded by Lois Wiles. A vote was taken and it was approved.

A motion was made, second, and passed to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah Linton, Secretary