European Disability Forum

EDF Work Programme 2013

“In the development and implementation of legislation and policies to implement the present Convention, and in other decision-making processes concerning issues relating to persons with disabilities, States Parties shall closely consult with and actively involve persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities, through their representative organizations.”

Article 4 § 3 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Tableof contents


Adoption of EDF Work Programme 2013

Structure of EDF Work Programme 2013

A.Key EU Policies to Improve the Situation of Persons with Disabilities

1.Effective Protection against Discrimination in EU Law, Policies and Programmes



2.Mainstreaming of Disability in the New EU Social Agenda (Employment, Education, Social Inclusion, Including Social Services)



Policy Area: Employment

Policy Area: Education and Training

Policy Area: Social Inclusion

Policy Area: Access to Social Services

3.Promoting a Barrier Free Europe

3.1.Access to Transport and Physical Infrastructures



Policy Area: Built environment

Policy Area: Transport

3.2.Access to Goods and Services



Policy Area: Access to goods and services

Policy area: Tourism

Policy Area: Access to Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs)

Policy Area: Standardisation

3.3.Promoting Free Movement of Persons with Disabilities



B.Tools to Mainstream Disability in EU Policy

4.Achieving an Effective Framework for Disability Policies in the EU



Policy Area: UNCRPD EU Framework

Policy Area: Implementation of the European Disability Strategy

Policy Area: Strategy for Equality between Women and Men 2010-2015

Policy Area: EDF relation with European Parliament

Policy Area: Disability in the Budget and Multiannual Financial Framework

5.Applying the Rights of Persons with Disabilities through the Use of Judicial and Quasi-Judicial Bodies



6.Disability-Proof Research and Innovation Programmes



7.Disability-Proof Structural Funds



8.Campaigning and Visibility



C.Building the Capacity and Reinforcing the Disability Movement

9.Target Groups

9.1.Women with Disabilities



9.2.Young Persons with Disabilities



9.3.Mainstream the Perspective of Persons with High Support Needs



9.4.Discrimination in Access to Health and Stereotypes



10.Enlarging and Supporting EDF Members



11.Supporting the Development of the International Disability Alliance (IDA)




12.Contact Person at the EDF Secretariat:

EDF Work Programme 2013.

The document is available in English, and on alternative format upon demand.

©European Disability Forum 2012. This document may be quoted and reproduced, provided the source is given.


The European Disability Forum (EDF) is the European umbrella organisation representing the interests of 80 million persons with disabilities in Europe. EDF mission is to ensure persons with disabilities full access to Fundamental and Human Rights through their active involvement in policy development and implementation in Europe. EDF works closely with the institutions of the European Union (EU), the Council of Europe and the United Nations.

Adoption of EDF Work Programme 2013

To be completed after adoption of EDF Work Programme 2013

Structure of EDF Work Programme 2013

EDF Work Programme 2013 presents the activities in the policy and communication areas that EDF plans to deliver in 2013. Each area of work is structured as follows:

-The responsible staff member in charge is identified.

-Based on the EDF Triennial Strategy 2011-13, the goal describes the overall rationale and long term purpose behind each area of work. If the goal encompasses several themes, the area of work is broken down in policy areas.

-To achieve the goal, several objectives, which are specific points that will be concretely achieved in 2013, are described. Objectives are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time framed).

-One or several deliverables or outputs implement each objective. Deliverables or outputs are tangible or quantifiable products. They consist, for instance, of a paper, an event, a newsletter, etc.

-Related activities are the actions that will be undertaken in 2013 to achieve each deliverable or output. Related activities consist, for instance, in drafting a document, consulting EDF membership, meetings with EU decision-makers or EDF partners, etc.

-The activities are due to be delivered over a delimited timeline in 2013.

EDF Work Programme 2013 is firstly based on EDF Triennial Strategy 2011-13, accompanied by EDF Triennial Communication Strategy – General Guidelines. Other documents from EU institutions (e.g. EU budget 2013, EU Flagship Initiative of Europe 2020…) are used as well to identify suitable actions.

The dominant rights-based articles of the United-Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) are clearly identified for each section as the Convention is THE framework against which EDF results will be measured.Gender Equality will be mainstreamed in all actions undertaken.

Besides, it also takes into account the latest developments in EDF environment either within the European arena or within EDF membership.

Last but not least, every action of EDF Work Programme 2013 should be undertaken including the interests of persons who need support to represent them and to protect their Human Rights in relation to their disability.


EDF Work Programme 2013

European Disability Forum

A.Key EU Policies to Improve the Situation of Persons with Disabilities

1.Effective Protection against Discrimination in EU Law, Policies and Programmes

-UN CRPD articles 3(b), 4(1)(e) and 5


Persons with disabilities are able to access their human rights without discrimination and on an equal basis with others. Adequate remedies are available to those who feel discriminated against.

Objectives / Deliverables (outputs) / Related Activities
(carried out to achievethe deliverable) / Timeline
(1st or 2nd semester)
Objective 1:
Progress on disability-related provisions is achieved in the negotiations on the draft Equal Treatment Directive / Contribute to the negotiations on all disability-related discussions / Meetings with EU Commissioners and their Cabinets and staff
Meetings with EUPermanent Representations
Collaboration with the Platform of European Social NGOs and its members
Research on the situation in EU countries / All year, whenever opportunity arises
Objective 2:
Persons with disabilities, especially women and girls with disabilities, and persons with disabilities from racial and ethnic minorities are protected against discriminatory violence and hate crime / Initiative towards EUMember States to encourage them to collect data on disability hate crime
Compilation of evidence of manifestations of hate crime and discriminatory violence is producedwith special attention to women and girls with disabilities
Introduce women and girls with disabilities in future legislation and policies on violence / Promote Social Platform position on violence
Cooperate with European Women’ Lobby on its campaign
Cooperate with the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organisation for Security and Cooperationin Europe (OSCE), the Council of Europe, academics and NGOs
Explore Daphne programme funds / All year
Objective 3:
Actively participate in the work of the Fundamental Rights and Antidiscrimination (FRAND) Working Group of the Social Platform / Contribute to common positions of the Social Platform in cooperation with other Social Platform members / Participate in meetings of the Fundamental Rights Working Group
Respond to consultations of Social Platform members / All year
Objective 4:
Progress on disability- related provisions is achieved regarding European gender equality and anti-discrimination policies and legislation / Monitor and influence European gender equality and anti-discrimination policies to ensure progress on disability related provisions. / Work in partnership with EWL for the inclusion of disability in the drafting of legislation.
Respond to EC consultations in gender equality legislation including the demands of girls and women with disabilities. / All year
Objective 5:
Promote the rights of children with disabilities / Ensure that work of EU institutions and bodies respects the UN CRPD provisions in this field / Contribute to the conclusions and follow up to the EP study on children with disabilities
Follow up and contribution to the study of the Fundamental Rights Agency
Mainstream disability in the EU agenda for the rights of the child including by working with the relevant European Platforms, participating in relevant consultations and meetings
-EDF Secretariat member in charge: An Sofie Leenknecht, Human Rights Officer

2.Mainstreaming of Disability in the New EU Social Agenda (Employment, Education, Social Inclusion, Including Social Services)

-UN CRPD articles 19, 24, 26, 27, 28 and 31


Mainstream disability in the New EU Social Agenda by promoting equal access to employment, inclusive education and high quality social services to enable persons with disabilities to live independently

Policy Area: Employment

-UN CRPD article 27

Objectives / Deliverables (outputs) / Related Activities
(carried out to achievethe deliverable) / Timeline
(1st or 2nd semester)
Objective 6:
Mainstream disability in the Europe 2020 strategy and especially its Flagship Initiative ‘An Agenda for New Skills and Jobs’ for the benefit of all persons with disabilities including those needing intense support / Monitor that the annual assessment of the Flagship Initiative ‘An Agenda for New Skills and Jobs’ of Europe 2020 gives due consideration to the employment situation of persons with disabilities and the quality and appropriateness of their jobs / Alert and activate EDF members at national level to monitor the Member States reports on the matter
Follow-up the review and streamline the policy concept of quality of work according to the individual talents, preferences and wishes / Second semester
Objective 7:
Mainstream disability in the implementation of the active inclusion strategy in the framework of the European platform against poverty (EPAP) / Attend the meeting of the Stakeholders’ Dialogue on the European platform against poverty / Participate inthe meeting of the Stakeholders’ Dialogue ofthe European platform against poverty
Answer consultations
Consult EDF membership / All year
Objective 8:
Raise wareness of on the situation of persons with disabilities in the labour market Europe / Contribute to the development of an indicator to measure unemployment of persons with disabilities and of an overview ofemployment of people with disabilities and related materials to be disseminated amongst EDF members / Meetings with the employment committee sub-group on employment indicators and other European Commission relevant services
A particular attention should be given to indicators on unemployment rate of women with disabilities.
Indicators on unemployment rates of youth with disabilities, and persons with disabilities in need of intense support should also be promoted / All year
Objective 9:
Mainstream disability in measures taken to avoid the gender pay gap and economic independence of women with disabilities and women who care for persons with dependency needs. / Contribute to consultations / Work with the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and the European Platform against Poverty / All year
-EDF Secretariat member in charge: An Sofie Leenknecht, Human Rights Officer, and Simona Giarratano, Social Policy Officer
Policy Area: Education and Training

-UN CRPD article 24

Objectives / Deliverables (outputs) / Related Activities
(carried out to achievethe deliverable) / Timeline
(1st or 2nd semester)
Objective 10:
Increase knowledge on inclusive education / Benchmark best practices at European and national level / Consult EDF Email Expert Group on education as well as facilitate and encourage exchange of information among the members / All year
Promote participation of young persons with disabilities in higher education or equivalent, under the framework of Europe 2020 / Monitor the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy and its headline target of reducing school drop-out rates below 10% and achieving that at least 40% of 30-34–year-olds completing third level education / Meet the European Commission relevant service
The role of persons disabled by association, of women with disabilities and of persons in need of intense support should be taken into account when undertaking this activity / Second semester
Objective 12:
Increase the mobility of women and menwith disabilities through enhancing their participation in the Lifelong Learning Programme and the Youth in Action Programme / Ensure that relevant calls for proposals under the Lifelong Learning programme include accessibility and reasonable accommodation criteria / Meeting with the competent European Institutions, including Member of the European Parliaments (MEPs), relevant services of the European Commission.
The perspective of women and girls as well as ofpersons in need of intense support should be taken into account while undertaking this activity. / Second semester
-EDF Secretariat member in charge: Simona Giarratano, Social Policy Officer + Etienne
Policy Area: Social Inclusion

-UN CRPD articles 19, 26, 28 and 31

Objectives / Deliverables (outputs) / Related Activities
(carried out to achievethe deliverable) / Timeline
(1st or 2nd semester)
Objective 13:
Promote adequate social protection systems with respect to persons with disabilities, including fight against child poverty / Monitor the revision of social protection and pensions at national level as planned by the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative of the European Platform Against Poverty and Social Exclusion (EPAP). Special consideration should be given to the situation of financial deprivation of women with disabilities, women who care for persons with dependency needs and multiple discrimination.
Contribute to the EU recommendation on child poverty / Consult EDF Members to obtaintheir involvement.
Meet the competent European Institutions, including Member of the European Parliaments (MEPs) and relevant services of the European Commission / Second semester
Objective 14:
Promote adequate social protection systems with respect to women and menwith disabilitiesand fight against poverty and social exclusion / Monitor the impact of the economic crisis on the lives of persons with disabilities and their families
Consider the special situation of women with disabilities and mothers of children with disabilities in order to ensure adequate social security / Run an online observatory on the impact of the economic crisis and disseminating its results
Consult EDF members to gather information on the impact of the economic crisis on persons with disabilities their respective countries
Support EDF members in their national campaigns where required / All year
Objective 15:
Participate in the work of the Social Policy Working Group of the Social Platform / Contribute to common positions of the Social Platform seeking exchange with other Social Platform members / Participate in meetings of the Social Policy Working Group
Respond to consultations of Social Platform members / All year
Objective 16:
Ensure equal opportunities to live independently for persons with disabilities and persons with disabilitiesby association them / Contribute actively to the work of the Expert Group on transition from institutional to community based care in order to improve the knowledge base on the situation of persons with disabilities living in residential institutions / Support the activity of the Expert Group on transition from institutional to community based care and disseminate the result of its work
Meet the European Commission desk officers responsible for the deinstitutionalization processes in their respective countries
The role of persons with disabilitiesby association should be taken into account whenundertaking this activity / All year
Objective 17:
Promote transition from institutional to community based care / Participate as a partner inthe project ‘The Common European Guidelines on De-institutionalisation’ led by Lumos / Attend the project meetings and carry out the planned activities
The role of persons disabled by association should be taken into account while undertaking this activity / All year
Objective 18:
Enhance active inclusion of persons with disabilities under the framework of the ‘European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion’ Flagship Initiative / Contribute to the meetings of the Stakeholders Dialogue on the implementation of the ‘European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion’ initiative. / Participate in the meetings of the Dialogue
Contribute to the debate in consultation with EDF members / All year
-EDF Secretariat member in charge: Simona Giarratano, Social Policy Officer
Policy Area: Access to Social Services

-UN CRPD articles 19, 26, 28, 31

Objectives / Deliverables (outputs) / Related Activities
(carried out to achievethe deliverable) / Timeline
(1st or 2nd semester)
Objective 19:
Participate in the work of the Services of General Interest (SGI) Working Group of the Social Platform / Contribute actively to common positions of the Social Platform seeking exchange with other Social Platform members / Participate in meetings of the Services of General Interest (GSI) Working Group, respond to consultations of Social Platform members / All year
Objective 20:
Enhance Member States' efforts towards the transition from institutional to community-based care, including social habilitation and rehabilitation programmes, and improve thequality of these services / Contribute to the European Commission actions towards a quality framework for community-based services that is inclusive of person with disabilities building on the quality framework for social services of general interest / Meet the European Commission competent services
Involve the EDF Task Force on Service provision and quality control and of the EDF Advisory Group on persons who require more intensive support
Participate in EQUASS, the European Quality System for Social Services Awarding Committee
Introduce a protocol for the quality of service delivery of persons with disabilities with high support needs – respecting their dignity, privacy and autonomy
The perspective of persons in need of intense support should be taken into account whenundertaking this activity / All year
-EDF Secretariat member in charge: Simona Giarratano, Social Policy Officer

3.Promoting a Barrier Free Europe

3.1.Access to Transport and Physical Infrastructures

-UN CRPD articles 3 (f) and 9


EDF’s goal is to ensure that built environment and transport are accessible, sustainable and usable. EDF also aims at raising awareness ofEU institutions and external actors on the needs and benefits of accessibility. EDF finally intends to monitor and promote the effective enforcement of EU legislation on passenger rights in all transport modes in order to reach equal travel opportunities for passengers with disabilities and a seamless transport chain.