
WestCharlotteHigh School

Cheerleading Tryout Packet

Conditioning: July 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24 and 26

Time: 6-8

Tryout Material: July 30-31

Time: 6pm-8:30pm

Tryout/ Judging: August 1

Time: 5pm –Until

Information sheets are due on the first day of tryouts,July 30, 2012.

Mandatory Pre-Tryout Parent Meeting July 26, 7-8pm in the gymnasium

All participants must wear athletic shoes and proper athletic attire. Please no baggy, oversized or loss fitting clothing. Shorts and tank tops or tee shirts need to be comfy but well fitted. Participants wearing denim and non athletic shoes will not be allowed to participate.

*****All activities are closed to spectators (family included) *****

Dear Cheerleading Candidate,

Thank you for your interest in becoming a cheerleader at West Charlotte High School for the 2012-2013 school year. This year’s tryout schedule for July 30-August 1 is as follows:

Monday : 6pm to 8:30pm (learn material)

Tuesday: 6pm to 8:30pm (learn material)

Wednesday: 5pm- Until mandatory

Attending conditioning is not mandatory but highly recommended. It is important that the student athlete be physically fit in order to participate in a physically demanding sport. Any participant serious about cheering needs to attend conditioning.

Eligibility packets will be distributed during conditioning. All eligibility packets must be turned in before the candidate can proceed with tryouts on July 30, 2011.

Each candidate will be required to perform the following at tryouts:

Dance routine



Jumps (toe touch, hurdler, herkie, pike)

Cheerleading involves more time and responsibility (financial, physical, and emotional) than most people realize. You will need to be willing to give up a minimum of 15 hours a week. You must be available anytime Monday’s and Wednesday’s as well as game days once the school year begins. All cheerleaders must be able to successfully balance school, cheerleading, homework, and their social lives. If you have other commitments, please take them into consideration before you decide to tryout. Cheerleading is expected to come first before any other extra-curricular activities. We look forward to another great year with WCHS cheerleading. Detailed tryout information will be provided at the parent meeting to be held prior to tryouts; however, if you have any questions,please feel free to email Coach Chandice Heath at if you have any questions.

Financial Obligation

Below is an estimateof the expenses a member of the WCHS cheerleading varsity squad will incur.

Item: / Cost:
Camp / TBD
Shoes (2 pairs) / $100
Camp/Practice Clothes / $50
Under Garments / $50
Warm-ups / $80
Bags / $40
Poms / $25
Parade Costume (varsity only) / $60
Total / $405

***Please note this total does not include the cost of camp, snacks, pre-game meals, or any additional expenses that may be incurred.

***Cheerleaders will be expected to dress up on certain games days and for special events. Any candidate selected will need to have business casual and business professional attire for such occasions.

Fundraising opportunities will be available as soon as the squad is selected. More details will be provided at that time.

Requirements for tryouts:


• Must have passed 75% of their classes from previous semester.

• Must have earned a 2.0 GPA from previous semester.

• Must have 85% attendance from previous semester (13 or less days).

•Must meet CMS residential eligibility requirements

• Must receive a medical examination each year (365 days) by a duly licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant. It must be filled out on the NCHSAA Sport Pre-participation form

WCHS Requirements

Must meet all CMS requirements general, residency, and academic requirements

All cheerleaders will cheer for football and basketball season

Must have complete tryout packet including the following

  • Fourth Quarter Report Card
  • Cheerleader information sheet
  • Eligibility Packet
  • Mandatory Participation in all tryout dates

A detailed description of the rules and regulations will be provided on the first day of tryouts. The information provided is an overview of the WCHS cheerleading program.

The WCHS cheerleading program wants to encourage participants to come and try out for a position on one of our squads. However, we examine all facets of potential athletes, not just physical ability. Participants that display poor sportsmanship, lack team work, project a negative attitude or exhibit unruly behaviors will not be selected for the squad. Cheerleading takes a lot of time and true commitment. There is no time or room for attitudes, disobedience, and selfishness.

Cheerleader Information Sheet2012-2013

Due August 1, 2012(Please Print Legibly in blue or black ink)

Name (last, first) ______


Home Phone______Cell Phone ______

Parent or Guardian Name______

Parent or Guardian Cell number______

Grade for 2012-2013 school year _____

Short Size______Shoe size______T-shirt size______

2011-2012 Class Schedule

Block / Subject / Teacher / Teacher Email

Have you ever cheered for this school or any other CMS school in the past? Y N

If yes, where? ______When______Level______


Former coach’s name______

Are you available Monday through Thursday from 3-6pm during the school year? Y N

If no, explain______

Are you involved in any other outside or extra-curricular activities that may affect your performance as a cheerleader? Y N If yes, please explain______


Have you ever been dismissed from an extra-curricular activity or sport at school? Y N

If yes, please explain______

Have you ever received a disciplinary referral? Y N If yes, please explain______


Have you ever been suspended from school? Y N If so, explain (date and reason) ______


Why do you want to be a Cheerleader? (If additional space is needed, please attach another sheet) ______


What does it mean to be a part of a team?(If additional space is needed, please attach another sheet) ______


Are you a team player? Y N If no, please explain. If yes, please give an example of a time when you helped out a teammate______


List three character strengths. 1. ______2. ______3.______

List three character weaknesses. 1.______2.______3.______

Of your three weaknesses, choose one and please explain what you are doing to become stronger in that area.



Describe an attribute you have that will be a positive asset to the cheerleading team.






Participant Signature

WCHS 2011/2012 1