Precept Upon Precept Lesson 7



Chapter 22
Farewell to Trans-Jordan Tribes / Chapter 23
Farewell to Israel: The Leaders / Chapter 24
Farewell to Israel: The Covenant
You have kept all that Moses commanded
Listened to my voice
Not forsaken your brothers
Kept the charge of the LORD
Observe the commandment/ Law
Love the LORD
Walk in all His ways
Keep His commands
Hold fast to Him
SERVE Him with all your heart/ soul / Appeared before ______
Be very firm to….
Keep and do all that is written in Book of Moses
NOT turn aside
NOT associate with the nations
NOT mention names of their gods
NOT swear by them
NOT SERVE, or bow down to them
Cling to the LORD as you have done to this day
Love the LORD your God / Appeared before ______at ______
Fear the LORD
SERVE Him in sincerity, truth
Put away foreign gods
Choose this day whom you will SERVE…
As for me & my house, we will SERVE the LORD
You will not be able to SERVE the LORD
He is holy—jealous
He will not forgive your transgressions/ sins
Dt 29:19-20
WARNING---The subtle Enemy “WITHIN” is MORE Dangerous than all The Giants!
Led by ______
Dt 13:12-16 / If you cling to nations, they will become a…
God will bless
& He will bring His threats to pass
When you transgress the covenant,
The anger of the LORD will burn against you,
And you will perish off the good land
He has given you / 3x-“We will SERVE the LORD”
Put away foreign gods in your midst…
If you forsake the LORD & serve other gods, He will turn & do you harm & consume you after He has done good to you.
3 burials in Ephraim
Joshua- son of Nun Timnath-Serah
Joseph- son of Jacob Shechem
Eleazar- son of Aaron Gibeah
Confront Sin Remove It! / Be SEPARATE from “the nations”! / Be SEPARTE from “the gods”….
Serve God ONLY!

(May) the word of the Lord sound forth from you…how you turned from idols to serve a living and true God 1 Thessalonians 1:8-9

For now we really live, if you stand firm in the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 3:8