Tuesday 21November 2017 – 7:30am

Central Geelong Marketing Committee Meeting

100 Brougham Street, Geelong

Section A – Procedural Matters

1. Welcome/Apologies


Brett Luxford (Chair)Mark EdmondsLauren Frew

Bernard PerryRachel DradyWayne Waterhouse

Lurline LettJulie BarnesGreg Aylmore

Brett InceJodie Reyntjes (EO)Nikki Lenaghan (AEO/minutes)

Apologies:Chris Niven, Rod Adams, Josie Collins

BL welcomed new committee member Wayne Waterhouse from Adroit Insurance – replacing Olivia Romet.

2. Declaration of Interests - NIL
3. Acceptance of Previous Minutes
  • Full committee meeting held Tuesday 17 October 2017

Moved: RD; Seconded: BI;All in favour.

Matters arising from previous minutes

  • All items actioned

4. Question Time (Public Gallery)

  • NIL

Section B – Reports

5. Finance Summary– October 2017

  • As per report in meeting pack
  • Please direct any questions relating to the finance summary to EO or Chair

6.SHP – Spring evaluation

  • EO presented the Spring Kids Fun program evaluation as per meeting pack

Discussion: Perception of parking in survey response – potential to provide link in confirmation email/ reminder SMS to parking map. Provision of incentives for businesses to complete surveys.

Recommendation: That the committee notes the Spring 2017 Central Geelong School Holiday Fun Program evaluation

Moved ME; Seconded BP. All favour.


-Include link to parking options/ map in email confirmation and SMS reminders for SHP and other booked activities.

-Provide incentive for business operators to complete SHP surveys

7. Event Leverage – discussion

  • BL provided information regarding an opportunity to leverage the Cadel Evans event further and opened a discussion.

Discussion:Potential to create atmosphere in Central Geelong with the use of team coloured flags, rider promotions and activation, strong café and restaurant vibe to tap into, impacts on centres, precinct activations, street parade, Cycle Street, cyclists have strong online presence, PR opportunities.


-EO to review activation options to present at the next committee meeting and to meet with Tourism to discuss.

8. Partnership Opportunities - discussion

JR provided information regarding investigation of a potential partnership with the Geelong Football Club and opened discussion regarding other opportunities for strategic partnerships

Discussion:Benefits and opportunities of partnership, spreading partnership across current CGM programs, strong digital presence, spreading benefits across all of Central Geelong, leveraging home games and encouraging overnight stay sin Central Geelong or extended stay. Potential to promote revitalisation areas as part of such partnerships.


-EO to finalise partnership package and present partnership proposal at December meeting.

-EO to consider other partnership opportunities for future discussion.

Above discussion opened a discussion regarding Central Geelong Marketing’s role within the Revitalisation projects and on-going once works are complete.

BL and ME both declared conflict of interest due to involvement in RCG projects and Geelong Authority. Discussion only of what the role of Central Geelong Marketing can be during and following physical works. No decisions

Discussion:Budgets for RCG to market precincts and assist businesses during and after physical works; RCG provided funds to expand existing CGM programsfurther into laneways and Green Spine and these provided increased benefit to precincts;opportunities to leverage the new spaces;example of Acland St upgrade activation – project funded two month program for activation following completion; funding and resources for activation and promotion of new precincts needs to be built in to RCG project delivery.

9. Executive Officer Report – as per meeting pack

  • JR invited committee members to attend Geelong Revival and will circulate information via email.
  • Drone footage from the Christmas Launch will be circulated via email to committee members.

Section C - Confidential Matters–NIL

Section D – For information

11.General Business

BI- Five cruise ships will be visiting Geelong with one overnight ship on 16 December. Tourism will be conducting a Visitor Services innovation review and will provide a report to the committee at the February meeting. Holiday Inn coming to Geelong on cnr Ryrie and Fenwick St which will mean CG would have threemajor hotel chains.

FG- Central Geelong & Waterfront staff attended the ICTC Mainstreet Conference in Melbourne and JR presented at the conference to engaged audience. Developers Forum took place, panel suggest we are on track to exceed targets.

BP- Christmas season beginning with Gift Card purchases

LL – Kaisercraft will open by the end of November with a huge launch campaign. Ghanda are happy with their new store and did three times more at Sidewalk Sales.

JB- Encouraged committee members to attend the final show for the year.

GA- Channel 7 camera will be on their building for the Cadel Evans Road Race.

RD- Run Geelong went well and excited about GMHBA Stadium sponsorship

LF- Westfield focusing on making Christmas easy. Sensory Santa sessions, pet photography, extended trade begins on 14 December.

ME- Chamber hosting Jetstar CEO for a big announcement.

12.Meeting close – 9.10am

Next Meeting scheduled for

Tuesday 19th December 2017

7:30am – 9:00am

Venue: TBA

Action List –October 2017

Action / Who by / Date by / Complete
Email committee members invitation to Geelong Revival. / JR / 22 Nov / YES
Email committee drone footage from the Christmas tree lighting and Myer Window reveal / NL / 27 Nov
Include link to parking options/ map in email confirmation and SMS reminders for SHP and other booked activities. / EO/ DMO / ASAP
Provide incentive for business operators to complete SHP surveys / EO/ PO / ASAP
EO to review activation options to present at the next committee meeting and to meet with Tourism to discuss. / JR & BI / 19 Dec
JR to present partnership package with Geelong Football Club at December meeting. / JR / 19 Dec