Jones 1

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

In-Class Essay Response

Due: Friday, March 8

You will have your choice of completing one of the following essay prompts. Your essay needs to be 350-500 words. If you have any questions about the prompts, be sure to ask early so you have plenty of time to complete your assignment.

Essay #1:

Choose threeliterary terms or devices we have discussed in class and explain how Agatha Christie has effectively integrated them into her novel. Be sure to state the terms you will be discussing, define each in your essay, and then explain how they are applied in the novel. You must use the text to support your analysis of the literary devices. You may choose from the following list, but are not limited to these terms. If you choose to discuss other terms, see me for approval before doing so.

Jones 1

  • Allusion
  • Conflict (internal & external)
  • Flashback
  • Foreshadowing
  • Mood
  • Motives
  • Parallel episodes
  • Personification
  • Plot
  • Point of View (1st person, 3rd person limited, 3rd person omniscient)
  • Role of Dialogue to advance the story
  • Setting
  • Symbolism
  • Theme
  • Tone

Jones 1

Essay #2:

Choose one character to thoroughly analyze and explain how he/she was developed in the course of the novel (characterization). What methods did the author use to convey the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of the character? Is he/she round or dynamic?Is he/she a flat or static character?How does this character affect the novel? What do they do that is important to the theme, plot scheme, and outcome? Define, explain, and support with specific examples.

Some helpful hints to a high score

  • Include introduction and conclusion paragraphs to set up and complete your essay
  • Don’t use 1st person in the writing of your essay (I think, I believe, My opinion)
  • Don’t use really, very, sort of, a lotin your writing.
  • Always use present tense when writing literature analysis
  • Avoid passive language, useless “filler” talk, and broad opinions. Be precise and calculated in your word choice. GET TO THE POINT!

Anne Jones

Mrs. Berger

Literature 202

March 8, 2013

Justice Wargrave: An Animal in Every Sense of the Word

MLA Format Requirements:

  • Typed, double-spaced, 12 pt font, Times New Roman or similar font
  • Header - Last Name and page numbers (right aligned)
  • Your name, Teacher’s name, Class (Literature – 202 or 201), Date (double-spaced & left aligned)
  • Title –single-line, centered
  • Citation of quotes – “And Emily Brent, placid and righteous, sat knitting” (115).


Schedule (plan wisely):

  • Th 2/2820 min. in class work time
  • F 3/130-40 min. in class work time

(You will show evidence of your work by the end of this class period.)

  • M 3/4Computer Lab class time
  • W 3/6Computer Lab class time

(You will show further evidence of your work by the end of this class period.)

  • F 3/8 Finished paper turned in

Name ______

+ /  / I / N
Introduction including title, author / Extraordinary attention to detail and explanation of the element / Topic introduced, engages the reader’s interest, and includes the title, author / Topic partially introduced, includes the title, author and/or doesn’t engage the reader’s interest / Introduction doesn’t engage the reader or goes directly into the essay or missing the title, author / /10
Essay #1: First Literary Term/Device
Essay #2: Methods used to convey aspects of character / Element fully defined, explained, and supported with quotes / Element partially explained, defined, and/or not supported with quotes / Element missing / /10
Essay #1: Second Literary Term/Device
Essay #2: Round or Flat /
Dynamic or Static Character / Element fully defined, explained, and supported with quotes / Element partially explained, defined, and/or not supported with quotes / Element missing / /10
Essay #1: Third Literary Term/Device
Essay #2: Character Affect on the Novel / Element fully defined, explained, and supported with quotes / Element partially explained, defined, and/or not supported with quotes / Element missing / /10
Conclusion / Topic concluded, all elements wrapped up, engages the reader’s interest / Topic partially concluded, doesn’t engage the reader’s interest / Conclusion doesn’t engage the reader, conclude the essay, or simply drops off / /10
MUGS (Mechanics, Usage, Grammar, Spelling) / Very few or no errors / Some errors that distract the reader / Many errors that take away from the concept / /5
MLA Format/ Typing / Very few or no errors and all requirements followed / Some errors that distract the reader and/or some requirements followed / Many errors that take away from the concept and/or some requirements missing / /5
Total / / 60

Standard: Literal comprehension+IN

Standard: Interpretive comprehension+IN