Classroom Arrangement Ideas not in the COMP Manual (Module 1)

-  assignment folders- student work for the day goes in the folder

-  buckets for materials

-  ticket reward system- keep tickets in a baggie, earn tickets for different prizes- 1 ticket for school supplies, 2 for treasure box, 3..etc

-  pencils- exchange unsharpened pencils for sharpened ones

-  individual pencil containers on student desks

-  file boxes for each day of the week

-  masking tape for carpet activities

-  folders with extra activities in tubs at students’ desks

-  shower board in front of projection board

-  labeled tubs for workbooks and journals

Classroom Procedures Ideas not in the COMP Manual (Module 2)

§  Noise level cues- 12” voice

§  Student Participation- students are not acknowledged unless proper signal is used

§  Bathroom Procedures- Stop and go sign on bathroom door (if bathroom is in the classroom). You can also use stop and go sign if bathroom is not in the classroom to let them know it is an appropriate time to ask.

§  Student leadership- taking advantage of students to perform specific duties or tasks.

§  Bathroom procedures- using cups to allow children to go to the bathroom and limits the amount of students who can ask. Also reminds the teacher of where the student is when seat is empty.

§  Assigning roles to students in groups- making sure that every child has an assigned job/task in the group.

§  Small groups- students can use a sign that’s placed on their desk to signal for help.

§  End of the day routine- Write one thing that you learned today; “exit pass”

§  Using a rope to help younger children line up. Students must hold their “knot.” Rules/Consequences/Incentives for using the rope.

§  “If I need help, I will ask!”

§  Choose a student to give a compliment- “Popcorn compliments J”

§  Put an empty Kleenex box over the pencil sharpener when you don’t want students to use it. This also works with the water fountain if you have one in your room.

Ideas for Student Work and Accountability (Module 3)

§  Missing assignment report: Complete work during recess (put limit on recess time used for work), send home, missing assignment report for parents to sign.

§  Absentee folder on child’s desk, child next to the student put stuff in folder. Instructions for parents included

§  Student conferences at end of the day incorporates feedback to students

§  Another absentee folder: paper passer puts extra papers in folder absent students get own papers when they return

§  Reward system for completed work like filling in a caterpillars body once work is completed or mr. potato head thing.

§  Checklist for missing work parents sign and keeps students accountable

§  Color coded turn in bin or folder for tests, make-up absentee work so students know where to put in work and the teacher knows where to find it.

§  To do box for make up work

§  Teacher would have students grade homework and then take an inventory of who got what wrong. Then teacher can concentrate more specific ideas for reteaching.

§  Inform students/parents how many papers to sign so that parents know how many papers to look for.

§  Use website to list assignments so parents have access to them.

§  Use clip board for absent work on child’s desk

§  Send blank assignment for student’s who mess up their assignment in class as homework

§  Give immediate chance to correct assignments

§  Students grade own assignments and they get immediate feedback. Use different color ink so that they can see their mistakes.

§  Stand in hallway and look in agendas and circle in agenda if not completed or signed.

§  Teacher put papers in folder to make sure the papers get home.