Minute of the Grampian Area Partnership Forum (GAPF)

held on 20th August2015at 2.00pm

in the Conference Room, Summerfield House


Sharon Duncan, Staff Side Chair/Employee Director (Chairperson)

Annie Ingram, Director of Workforce

Susan Coull, Head of HR

Eileen Grant, GHP

Mike Park, Unison

Alistair Grant, RCN

Alan Sharp, Finance

Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications

Gerry Lawrie, Deputy Director of Workforce

Steven Lindsay, Unite

Rachael Little, SOCAP

Mike Adams, UCAT

Martin McKay, Unison

Sandy Reid, Senior Service Manager, Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership

Preston Gan, Head of Quality & Performance

Keith Thomson, Head of Health & Safety

Chris Carden, Deputy Head of Health & Safety

Janine Langler, Development Manager, Planning

Video Link
George McLean, Business Manager, Moray Integrated Joint Board

In Attendance

Paula Bray, Partnership Co-Ordinator (Minute-taker)

Graeme Smith, Director of Modernisation (Item 4b)

Anne Inglis, Head of OD (Item 4a)

Catherine Kim, Management Trainee (Item 4d)

Item / Subject / Action
1. / Welcome and Apologies
SD welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions took place.
Apologies were received from: Deirdre McIntyre, SOCAP; Ian Francis, CSP; Gemma Barclay, SOR; Paul Allen, Deputy General Manager, Facilities and Estates;Susan Coull, Head of HR; Jim Clark, GMB;
Gary Mortimer, Interim Acute General Manager;Philip Shipman, HR Manager Integration; Alan Gray, Director of Finance;Malcolm Wright, Chief Executive.
2. / Minute of Last Meeting
The minute of the last meeting held on17 June 2015 was approvedas an accurate record.
3. / Matters Arising
  1. Staff Fridges
There has been an issue in Moray with staff fridges which Ruaraidh MacKinnon has done a lot of work on and has been in discussions with Environmental Health to resolve. The question of where these are to be sited is a major one. Turner and Stephen hospitals have been identified as the major problem.
SD looking at a final solution now, it will be discussed and agreed as long as they are fire safety compliant.
  1. Smoking Litter
H Dempsey was not in attendance and the SBARfor this has not yet been circulated to the group so could not be discussed. SL informed that the Tobacco Policy Implementation Group is looking at this now. SD suggested that this be taken off Agenda for the time being and taken back in at a later date.
  1. Clinical Induction
NRG has not completed their work on this item yet, AKI to discuss this with June Brown
  1. Annual Review
SD thanked the group for their hard work in making the visit by the Minister a positive one. Following the success of the joint meeting held prior to the main one with the Minister, it was agreed that this will be addressed for next year.
MA concurred and stated that the format employed this year worked better than previously. / AKI
4. / Well Informed
  1. Organisational Development
The Executive Team revisited the plan recently. It was found that there was further need to support leadership and team development. An open framework holds the pillars of the plan at the moment and it is very generic across the organisation and presently links in with workforce. The paper submitted has three questions at the back which the OD Team are hoping to have answered so we are looking for feedback from the group and the wider area.
SD said it seemed heavily management centric and asked of the organisation was ready for the changes in the next 3 years. Not sure this is addressed in this paper.
It was agreed by the group that training was required for not only managers but other levels to be better able to carry out the work within the resources available. Development of training needed to be looked at to ensure staff are better able to carry out the work required for Trauma etc and the physical plan be in place and workforce be able to carry out work.
  1. Clinical Strategy
GS stated there needs to be a common understanding on where we are going with this. We are looking at the Grampian delivery plan for 2015/2016 to secure the contract with Government. This is being carried out in context with others being currently done and there is National conversation throughout Scotland right now on what should be provided, nationally, locally and at board level. Things are not ordered quite as they should be and there is debate about what we will continue to do locally as opposed to nationally. Boards have a responsibility to prepare an integrated planning process. This is a wide engagement process. The proposed structure for clinical services strategy in the paper. The invention of new work is to be avoided and strategic work to be incorporated. He further indicated that there are clinical priorities which need to be done in the process and that it would be useful to have a discussion on how to go forward.
AKI suggested the GAPF Away Day would be a good time to discuss this further.
  1. Finance
AS reported the figures up to end of July were not that encouraging as costs have risen continually. The locum costs are to be put in and if this continues at the current rate, it will get to £12,000,000 by the end of the financial year. Most areas are struggling to identify cost cutting.
GPs drug costs are increasing to a £3m overspend. Supposed to be £2.5m under which is very challenging. Some of the funding we got in NRAC was held back to offset this. Hoping not all Shadow Integration Joint Boards will spend all the funds allocated to them. This will be a bigger problem for next year so planning now and meeting on Monday. This is a significant challenge for 2016/2017
We are struggling to recruit at the moment and are using locums who are covering open positions. More control over the bank spend is needed. We are reluctant to leave a gap as some areas are under significant pressure. Reducing this will save a lot.
  1. Face 2 Face
CK informed that Face 2 Face first started in 2009 to reach a large organisation in a large area. It was stopped for a while in 2012 and revisited in April/May this year following the HIS report and the development of the action plans. Various areas and topics were presented. The presentationswere delivered with discussions held after.
MA said that they found it too difficult to get away to attend from a factory setting. Facilities have been running a face 2 face but only got one question from the floor.
LG Still encouraging requests for topics and we need to get another one scheduled n the Autumn. Need some capacity to get this done avoiding the school hols.
  1. Public Holidays
SD thanked AS for his flexibility in the decision process for this. We looked at all of the holidays for the schools in all areas and at the national.
SC stated thatthe issue at hand is the Spring Public Holiday date for 16/17. We went with the holiday date suggested by Aberdeen City Councilfor 2015 but received numerous complaints. 28th March 2016 is the recommended date now which will give us an extra day in 2015/2016 and this makes one less in 2016/2017. There is currently no issue in the following year.
AI there was discussion with General Practice who also wanted that date. It is set 2 years in advance normally but this may change as and when the IJB’s look to propose local dates. The new date will also tie in with the medical Staff allocations and patient transport services. / GS
5. / Involved in Decision Making
a.Workstreams for Health & Social Care Integration
This Item was withdrawn and will be presented at a later date.
b. Staff Survey
SD has offered a basket of fruit and of sweets for the highest responding area but, to date, there has been very little response. We have recorded a lower percentage from this time last year. Partnership forums should be used to get the message out that the forms are to completed and to use the offer of the baskets for this to incentivise staff.
MA confirmed the facilities reps have been pushing this, but found difficulties as the domestics did not have any paper forms and have no access to computers to complete them this way.
PG to pursue this for facilities.
Cohort 1are looking at their action plans at team level. The remainder of Corporate along with Dr Gray’s and Women’s and Children’s Division are being done by Cohort 2. 427 completed questionnaires were received on the first Cohort which is an 88% return rate. The reports will be rolled out in the next year.
d.Policies Out For Consultation
The Dealing with Bullying and Harassment Policy is currently out for consultation. There are some big policies just about to be brought to the group including, Employee Conduct, Employee Capability, Voicing Concern. These are to be looked at in Staffside shortly. These will need to be read and worked on so please comment on them.
6. / Provided with a Continuously Improving and Safe Working Environment
  1. Pool Cars
This item is deferred until the next meeting
7. / Treated Fairly and Consistently, with Dignity and Respect, in an environment where Diversity is Valued
  1. Equality & Diversity Policy
This policy was approved in principle with a request from AKI for the format of this policy to be corrected to the standard format.
8. / Appropriately Trained and Developed
  1. KSF & Outlines
GL reported that there are various conversations around this right now and it is in continuation. E-KSF will phase out in 2 years time and the new system cannot be rolled out until this happens. The Project team looking at wording, etc, but it will besimplified and made more accessible. E-KSF will continue to run in its current format until further notification. Staff should continue to complete their E-KSF.
9. / Any Other Competent Business
GM announced that Healthy Working Lives in Moray has been awarded another Gold Award and would like to congratulate the team. The members added their congratulations too.
Domestics Smoking Protocol
SD stated that there was no pan Grampian protocol for Domestic Staff visiting the home of a smoker. It was stated that there is no need for a policy but for a protocol to be introduced for good practice. It was decided to take this to the Occupational Health & Safety Committee followed by the Policies Sub Group.
10. / Reports for Noting
  1. Partnership Sector Reports
The Partnership Sector Reports from Aberdeenshire, Moray, Facilities, Acute and Aberdeen City were noted.
RL Requested that a Template be devised for the Sector Reports. RL to work with PB on devising this.
12. / Date and Time of Next Meeting
The next meeting of GAPF will be held on Wednesday 16September 2015 at 2pm to 5pm in the Conference Room, Summerfield House. / All