PRESENT: Cllrs P. Byng(Chair), A. Kitchin, J. Rudland, P. Hinton, P. Hart, D. Bambridge, J. Laband, A. ThompsonandCllrs S. Cann(joined meeting at 8.20pm) and M. J. Branch. Also in attendanceL. Paice, Clerk and one member of the public.

1 / APOLOGIES were receivedand accepted from Cllr Mrs C. Tosh (family commitment).
3 / i)No DISPENSATION REQUESTS had been received.
ii) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST were made by Cllr Kitchinand D. Bambridge as members of the SRA Committee, Cllr Byng on cheque No 300555 as payee andCllr Hart in regard to allotments. All declarations were personal and none pecuniary.
iii)Members were reminded of the requirement to update REGISTER OF INTEREST DETAILS within 28 days of any change.
4 / It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on March 14th 2016,having been previously circulated,be signed as a true recordin line with Standing Order 5a(iii).
5 / PUBLIC TIME - There were no issues raised.
Cllr Bambridge as DISTRICT COUNCILLOR updated the meeting on SNC issues relating to the opening of the car park on the Old Northampton Road and various issues on possible Unitary Authority working. He was thanked for his report.
6 / FINANCE –6.1 It was RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid:
Chq No / Amount / Incl VAT of / Payee / Details / Power
300553 / £818,12 )
£ 52.14)
£870.26 / Linda Paice / Salary & expenses
Shared expenses / LGA 1972 s112
LGA 1972 s111
300554 / Cancelled cheque
300555 / £19. 40 / Peter Byng / N & V expenses / LGA 1972 s142
300556 / £36.00 / CPRE / Membership / GPOC
300557 / £415.00 / Robert Wilson / Old Oak maintenance / Open Spaces Act
300558 / £270.92 / SNC / Additional waste bin at SRA / Open Spaces Act
300559 / £189.00 / The Play Inspection Company / Annual inspection / LGA 1972 s14
300560 / £93.96 / 15.66 / A H Contracts / Dog bin maintenance / Open Spaces Act
6.2 RECEIPTS – None to report.
6.3 The Council’s bank balances at 31st March 2016 would be circulated.
6.4 It was RESOLVEDthat Section 1 of the Annual Audit Return 2015/16 being the Annual Governance Statement be completed and signed.
6.5 Details of the S137 allowance for 2016/17 would be circulated.
6.6 Information had been received from Unity Trust Bank advising of changes to the general terms and conditions being the removal from 4th June 2016 of interest payments on current accounts and the introduction of a monthly fee of £6 on each account plus 15p per entry on the bank statement. After consideration, it was RESOLVED that the Council investigate possible alternative accounts.
6.7 Cllr Hinton requested investigation into payments due from the Handley Park Solar Farm at Abthorpe.
i)a) The report of the PLANNING COMMITTEEwas given and noted.
b) The Parish Plan Group was still trying to arrange a meeting and Cllr Rudland would circulate dates.
c) The Local Plan Part 2 meeting
d) Being outside of the remit of the Planning Committee, it was RESOLVED that the following application be considered, Cllr Hinton having declared an interest as an adjoining landowner and tenant:
Application No / Details / Applicant
S/2016/0783/SCO / Scoping Opinion in respect of a mixed use development at Silverstone Park / MEPC
The MEPC position on this application was outlined and there was lengthy discussion on the implications of their approach to development outside of the outline masterplan permission. Various concerns were noted and the Clerk would speak to the Case Officer prior to circulating a suggested response.
ii) FOOTPATHS- No written report this month information having been presented to the Annual Village Meeting. Ownership of RX37 was still to be determined as MEPC state that this was not handed over to them by the BRDC. The Clerk would make enquiries.
iii)HIGHWAYS– a) The Clerk would clarify with Kierwsp that they understood the position on works on the A413 spreading over into the week leading up to Grand Prix. The drain by Baines Close was still blocked and would again be reported as would one opposite 1 Monkswood. A large pothole outside 66 West End would also be reported. Concern had been raised about plant overgrowth from the wall of the property on the bend in Church Street which the Clerk would follow up.
b) Updates were given on previous reports.
c) Offers for help with Speedwatch were being passed to John Bradshaw who was expected back in the country at the end of the month.
d) Speed camera information from a Gloucestershire Parish would be followed up when possible.
e) A proposal from NCC to make changes to the 2015 Permit scheme was explained and it was RESOLVED that this be given support.
d) Items were considered for the Community Enhancement Gang programme and suggestions would be submitted.
iv) LIGHTS-a)No faulty lights to report.
b) Cllr Bambridge reported that residents on the A413 had been notified of changes to the street lights.
c) The light on the path from the A413 to Stewart Drive had now been installed and it had been clarified that no license was needed to move the light in Murswell Lane for which a quotation was awaited from Balfour Beatty.
v) SRA –a)A Committee Meeting was due later in the week and the Clerk would clarify the position on changes of use to allotments on part of the site with Fields in Trust.
b) A design had been submitted for a proposed enhancement scheme at the SRA but concern was expressed that the option to completely rebuild on the site seemed not to be given due consideration. Cllrs Kitchin and Bambridge were asked to raise this concern at the coming meeting.
c) Cllr Kitchin would raise the issue of possible additional bins on the field at the Committee meeting.
d) Details from SNC if a 2017 review of Discretionary Rate Relief were noted.
vi) PLAY AREAS– a) CHURCH STREET – a)All in good order.
b) The Clerk would get quotations for the safety issues highlighted in her summary of matter raised at the recent annual inspection.
c) It was RESOLVED that the 2017 inspection be ordered with The play Inspection Company for both sites.
b) OLD OAK - a) The dog signs seemed to be working but there was concern expressed about older children using the area for rugby.
b) Necessary repairs would be followed up here also.
vii)POCKET PARKS - a) Brickle –Cllr Mrs Branch was able to report a very successful working party and all was looking good. There had been a request to purchase and plant wild daffodils and it was thought that funding may be available for buy these which would be followed up.
b) Olney Meadow – All in order.
It was RESOLVED that new Interpretation Boards be investigated for both sites.
viii) CIRCUIT MATTERS – a)No meeting until June.
ix) OTHER REPORTS - a) Cllr Hart updated members of the current position and provided maps in order to follow up any issues with Fields in Trust.
b) The Chair gave an update on progress with the new website which it was hoped would go live on 1st July. Cllr Bambridge stressed the importance of the transfer of the SRA booking section.
c) There was really nothing more to be said on the village broadband issue.
d) An update on the village bus service had been given at the Annual Village Meeting.
8 / CORRESPONDENCE –9.1Tabled and general correspondence was noted.
9 / ISSUES RAISED AT THE ANNUAL VILLAGE MEETING relating to the safety of the wall behind the WI seat at the War Memorial, the speed of dustbin lorries on the A413 and a request from a young resident for more items of play equipment were noted. The wall was to be inspected by an SNC Officer that day and Cllr Bambridge was addressing the dustbin lorries issue. The suggested equipment had been investigated and priced but it was felt that space rather than cost would be an issue and there was no support for a sunken trampoline. It was suggested that the Clerk contact Bovis Homes to see if the equipment might be included in that to be provided on the Catch Yard Farm development.
10 / CONSULTATION DOCUMENTS –An NCC consultation on Children’s Centre Services was noted.
11 / ITEMS FOR THE NEXT MEETING - i) Flooding and update on village resilience equipment.
Owen Smith to be invited to attend.
12 / DATE OF NEXT MEETING was noted as Monday May 9th 2016 at 8pmthis being the ANNUAL MEETING of the Council

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.55pm