/ ISO/TC 211 N 2188


Number of pages: 2

ISO/TC 211
Geographic information/Geomatics

ISO reference number: / 19144-2
Title: / Notice of editing meeting CD 19144-2 Geographic information - Classification Systems - Part 2: Land Cover Classification System LCCS Conceptual Basis and Registration of Classifiers, 2007-05-26/27, Rome, Italy
Source: / ISO/TC 211 Secretariat
Expected action: / P-members and liaison memberswho want to have a representative at the editing meeting are kindly asked to notify the secretariat () as soon as possible, and no later than 2007-04-30.
Due date: / 2007-04-30
Type of document: / Meeting announcement
Meeting date/location: / 2007-05-26/27, Rome, Italy
Hyperlink: /
Reference: / N 2146, N 2157

Notice of editing meetingCD 19144-2 Geographic information - Classification Systems - Part 2: Land Cover Classification System LCCS Conceptual Basis and Registration of Classifiers2007-05-26/27



Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

I-00100 Rome, Italy

Tel.: (+39) 06 57056519

Fax: (+39) 06 57053369

See document N 2146 for logistic information, as well as the meeting home page EC members are asked to register through the online registration for the ISO/TC 211 meetings in Rome at Information on hotels is given at the same site, and we remind the delegates that this is a busy time in Rome, and you should book your hotel as soon as possible.

Start of meeting: 2007-05-261030

End of meeting: 2007-05-27 1700

Note that the time will be shared between the two parts of ISO/CD 19144. The editing meetings of the two projects will be convened successively.

The editing management committee has appointed Mr. Antony Cooper as chairman of the editing committee (EC), and Dr. Antonio Di Gregorioas editor.

Each convenor may appoint members from their WG to the EC to ensure harmonization with the different ISO/TC 211 standards.

P-members and liaison members may appoint one member to the EC, preferably one that has been actively working in the project team. The chairman of the EC may ask other members of the project team to participate where he finds this appropriate.

Those appointed to an EC must participate at the whole meeting. Exceptions are those representing other ISO/TC 211 projects, where participation can be limited to those items that are connected with the project he/she is representing.

Members who want to have a representative at the editing meeting are kindly asked to notify the secretariat () as soon as possible, and no later than 2007-04-30.

General information for members of the editing committees is available at

The relevant documents for the EC are:

N 2157: CD 19144-2, Geographic information - Classification Systems - Part 2: Land Cover Classification System LCCS Conceptual Basis and Registration of Classifiers(

N 21xx: Result of voting on document N 2157 (to be issued).

EC chair:
Mr. Antony Cooper
/ EC editor:
Dr. Antonio Di Gregorio