Chief Executive
David Doig






Our first obligation is to the blessing of Allah almighty that provides us talented teacher sympathetic family members, friend and moreover handful of opportunities to complete this Report. The researchers are also grateful to Mr.Usman Riaz and fill honor to this debt of gratitude for his inspiring guidance vital advice and untiring efforts without which this study would have not been successfully reached its culmination. It is due to his fabulous contribution which was direly needed to acquire substantial results. The researchers are also deeply thankful to parents, all family members and friends who have offered us all kinds of support to accomplish our task.

January 2010

The University of Lahore, City Campus


Executive Summary: 6

Vision: 7

Values: 8

Unit # 1: About OPITO 8

Introduction to OPITO: 8

The Industry’s Academy: 9

Academy Purpose: 9

Business Strategy: 9

a) Employers, to: 10

b) The LearningSupply Chainto: 10

c) PartnershipOrganizations to: 10

Business Objectives: 10

Operating Principles: 11

Business Functions: 11

Governance: 12

Heritage: 12

Unit # 2: Education Industry 13

I. Earth Science Education Unit (ESEU): 14

II. Lab in a Lorry (LIAL): 14

III. TechFest-SetPoint: 14

IV. The Institute of Physics (IOP): 15

V. Young Engineers & Science Clubs: 15

Unit # 3: Learning & Training 15

a) Approval and Training Providers 15

i. The Approvals Process: 16

ii. Guidance for International Employers: 16

b) OPITO Industry Standards: 16

Types of Standards: 17

i. Emergency and Critical Response Standards: 17

ii. OPITO Industry Training & Competence Standards: 17

iii. UK National Occupational Standards: 17

OPITO’s role: 18

c) Certified Learning Process: 18

d) Petroleum Open Learning (POL): 18

Current Petroleum Open Learning (POL) Courses: 19

e) Modern Apprenticeship: 20

Unit # 4: Employers 21

Company Specific: 22

Technical or Functional Specialist Groups (TOF): 22

Sectoral: 22

Regional: 23

Skills Forum: 23

Unit # 5 International Business Development 24

a) Middle East and Africa: 24

b) Asia Specific: 24

Unit # 6: Alliance Partners 25

Unit # 7: The Case Study & Solution 25


Executive Summary:

As part of the Cross Industry Step Change Initiative, a Task Group was set up to establish a common induction process. The justification is that the current system was fragmented between the different employing companies, was subject to varying standards and since it was not easily transferable between employers and locations, led to inefficient duplication and lack of focus on critical safety issues.

The Task Group developed a Common Induction Process, which is described in this document.

·  A document, which provides a framework for companies to design their own program. Practical working guidelines to assist the Trainer and the Assessor.

·  A Common Induction process has four stages.

-  Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training (OPITO Standard)

-  Employing Company Induction

-  Installation Specific Induction

-  Team & On-the-job Induction

•  Each stage building on the training received at the last stage

•  Assessments will be carried out at each stage

•  Emphasis is on:

-  Improving safety awareness

-  Relevant and well defined minimum training

-  The need for individual’s personal responsibility for own and other’s safety

•  Key elements of the process are:

-  Management and Supervisor commitment at all stages

-  Extended duration of job specific induction to 3 months

-  Ability to shorten job specific induction for ‘old hands’ and remove ‘Green Hat’

-  Formal and practical assessment designed to suit the installation job

-  Investing the Supervisor with the responsibility to train his team

-  A refresher assessment for everyone every 4 years

-  Registration of assessment outcomes on Industry Database and individual’s Smartcard

•  Requirements for the Common Induction process to be a success are:

-  Designing local training and assessment systems and guidelines

-  Providing management resources to introduce training both on and offshore

-  Training of supervisors to support the execution of their role in the process

-  Supporting the introduction of an Industry Database and Smartcard


“To support the UKCS business now and in the future based on the knowledge, skills and behaviours of its people.”


The Academy will operate with a value set of fairness, trust and respect. Everyone dealing with the Academy can expect to:

·  Be listened to and have their ideas and opinions respected.

·  Have a realistic evaluation of what might be possible.

·  Be given an honest assessment of the time, money, resource and commitment needed to implement the options.

·  Agree practical next steps.

Unit # 1: About OPITO

Introduction to OPITO:

OPITO – The Oil & Gas Academy is launched in December 2007. The production of oil and gas supports almost half a million jobs in the UK, with 380,000 involved in extraction from the UK continental shelf (UKCS) and up to another 100,000 involved in the export of oilfield goods and services. The industry makes an annual direct tax contribution to the United Kingdom in excess of £10 billion.

The Industry’s Academy:

OPITO – The Oil & Gas Academy is the industry’s focal point for skills, learning and workforce development. The Academy is a self-sustaining, employer and trade union led organization committed to developing and sustaining a safe, skilled and effective workforce now and in the future. This can be achieved by working in collaboration with:

·  Industry employers

·  Learning & training providers

·  Education, Academia and Partnership organizations.

A skilled and competent workforce is vital to the health of the UK continental shelf (UKCS), in terms of ensuring safe operations, sustaining domestic oil and gas production and supporting the export of the knowledge and expertise that has grown up with it. This business need combined with changes in the way the industry organizes itself through Oil and Gas UK, presented an opportunity to review, refresh and refocus commitment and investment in a number of important business areas including skills and safety.

Academy Purpose:

The Academy will be a place for the industry to come together to identify what needs to be done in the short, medium and long term to ensure it has people with the right knowledge, skills and behaviors.

To achieve this, the Academy will work with employers to identify their needs and then provide an effective link to organizations which can provide the learning and training.

Business Strategy:

To achieve its vision, the Academy aims to build relationships with:

a)  Employers, to:

·  Consolidate the efforts and resources currently being invested by employers to create a greater return.

·  Understand their needs and provide a focus for the development and delivery of actions to address them.

·  Most importantly, the industry’s objectives through an inclusive industry network.

·  Build on the established global export market For North Sea Standard, qualifications and learning provision and promote the UKCS as a centre of global excellence in the oil and gas industry.

·  Build on the established core of technical and safety specialism ofthe Academytaking the product and services e.g. apprenticeships, well services and subsea surveying.

b)  The LearningSupply Chainto:

·  Establish and build with education and academia a collaborative non-competitive partnership concerned with supporting teaching and learning to secure the feedstock for the future.

·  Secure through excellent communication and involvement a commercial world-class supply chain that can link its product design and delivery accurately to the current and changing needs of employers and the individual.

c)  PartnershipOrganizations to:

Build an alliance with organizations that have a remit for learning, skills, training or development and whose objectives and activities can add value to the industry’s efforts e.g. government bodies, enterprise agencies, local authorities, Sector Skills Councils and professional bodies.

Business Objectives:

OPITO major business objectives are:

i.  Support the development of the industry’s feedstock.

ii.  Identify employees needs by building relationship with them.

iii.  Design and develop standards, qualifications and frameworks in response to industry requirements.

iv.  Make sure there are learning providers available to meet the industry’s needs.

v.  Support the industry’s global operations.

Operating Principles:

OPITO - The Oil & Gas Academy's operating principles are to:

·  Secure full and committed industry participation in the design and delivery of product and services.

·  Reinvest financial surplus in the areas where the industry needs to take collaborative and collective action.

·  Communicate inside and outside the industry, consulting and sharing successful practice with all stakeholders.

·  Consolidate existing effort and investment.

·  Guarantee employer leadership and investment.

·  Meet the identified needs of employers and employees.

·  Deliver excellent value and levels of service.

·  Provide an efficient and effective response to changing business needs.

·  Safeguard financial sustainability through services delivery.

Business Functions:

OPITO’s major business functions are:

·  Deliver the new objectives.

·  Service existing customers and obligations.

·  Grow UK business markets.

·  Respond to opportunities.

·  Grow international markets.


The industry has committed the funds of the Offshore Training Functions (OTF) to the Academy. This ownership will enable the industry to guide and direct the activity of the Academy and have ownership of decision-making and financial investment against an employer driven agenda.


The diagram below highlights the heritage of OPITO - The Oil & Gas Academy, from the creation of the Petroleum Industry Training Board (OPITB) in 1979 to the present day:

Unit # 2: Education Industry

OPITO - The Oil& Gas Academy Working in Partnership with Education industry:

The Academy’s work with education reflects the industry’s recognition of the contribution that education, at all levels, makes to the preparation of its future feedstock, which is needed to meet its current and future workforce requirements. The industry’s feedstock of new entrants includes school leavers, college & university graduates and postgraduates.

I.  Earth Science Education Unit (ESEU):

The ESEU is based at Keele University and provides free in-service training to teachers across England, Scotland and Wales through school workshops, teacher meetings and teacher training institutions. OPITO is working with the ESEU to set up workshops and develop materials that highlight the application of Earth Science Subjects (i.e. geology) in an industry context. This partnership has helped educate and enthuse teachers and over a million pupils, as well as thousands of trainee teachers.

II.  Lab in a Lorry (LIAL):

LIAL is a mobile lab that gives young people the chance to explore science through hands-on experiments. LIAL is a partnership between the Schlumberger Foundation and the Institute of Physics, and is run by volunteers who shared their passion for science and its many applications. The Academy is working with LIAL to raise the awareness of the project and promote physics as a discipline that can equip students with the necessary skills required for a career in the oil and gas industry. The Academy also provides support in attaining relevantly skilled volunteers.

III.  TechFest-SetPoint:

TechFest-SetPoint is a charitable organization, which aims to inspire young people about Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The Academy is working with TechFest-SetPoint on the “Mathematics in the Pipeline” project to inspire students to think about the challenging and exciting STEM-related careers the oil and gas industry has to offer. ‘Mathematics in the Pipeline’ is a full day of mathematical workshops and challenges for 15 year olds based on the applications of mathematics in the oil and gas industry. All the days’ workshops are based on real data from the Captain Field in the Moray Firth.

IV. The Institute of Physics (IOP):

The Institute of Physics is a scientific membership organization devoted to increasing the understanding and application of physics. The Academy is working with the IOP on the ‘Girls in Physics’ project. The under representation of girls in physics is a serious issue for the UK and in particular the STEM community. A-level physics is a gateway qualification to a variety of careers, including oil and gas, which make a substantial contribution to the financial and intellectual wealth of the country.

V.  Young Engineers & Science Clubs:

Young Engineers & Science Clubs has their purpose of is to engage young people in practical hands-on science and engineering activities and to enthuse them to pursue a STEM related career. They have a network of over 270 science, engineering and technology clubs throughout Scotland, from Orkney to Dumfries with a membership of more than 4,000 students. The Academy is working with Young Engineers & Science Clubs to display the potential career opportunities in the oil and gas industry available to engineers. The Academy is also working with schools throughout the Scotland and the Western Isles to encourage the creation of clubs in the region.

Unit # 3: Learning & Training

Learning and Training is very important in every industry. OPITO works with Training providers to support the development of learning and training infrastructure which responds to the needs of the industry. Currently this includes the following:

a)  OPITO Industry Standards:

b)  Approval and Training Providers

c)  Certified Learning Process:

d)  Petroleum Open Learning (POL):

e)  Modern Apprenticeship:

a)  Approval and Training Providers

Approval and Training is discuss below:

i.  The Approvals Process:

While OPITO does not actually deliver the training to meet industry standards, it is responsible for the quality and content and ensures this through a rigorous approvals process.

The process is recognized worldwide by government bodies, employers and trade associations. It gives customers and stakeholder’s confidence that training required by the industry is delivered as specified by them and in a safe environment. Training providers who successfully participate in the approvals process is awarded individual approval for their chosen courses and can register delegates in the Vantage system.

ii.  Guidance for International Employers:

Employers active in the global exploration & production market have come to recognize the value of approved training. It delivers real value for employers as they seek to ensure the safety of their employees and gain a maximum benefit in return for their investment through common and transferable training certification. To assist employers in international markets, OPITO has produced a Guide to Employers for the Management of Workforce Competence in Offshore Emergency Response.