Maryland PTA 100th Annual Convention Exhibitor’s Packet

April 2015

Dear Exhibitor,

We are celebrating our 100th Anniversary!

On behalf of the Maryland PTA Board of Directors, I would like to invite you to join our list of exhibitors for our Annual Convention. This year we are celebrating MDPTA’s Centennial anniversary and expect a record attendance to our July convention. Our members are excited to have an opportunity to attend sessions and workshops sharing PTA best practices and innovative ways to increase community partnerships. Exhibitors are vital to our annual convention experience. PTA members are always ready to explore new fundraising opportunities and programs to enrich the lives of Maryland students. This year we are at a new location in one of our most active counties, Montgomery County. Our members look forward to seeing you each year! Please consider joining us as we celebrate 100 years of advocacy.

Our 100th Annual Convention will be held at the Crowne Plaza Rockville, Maryland, July 17 - 18, 2015.

The goals of the Annual Convention are:

·  Training in organizational matters; student achievement and advocacy for children & youth

·  PTA Networking with council, state officers and our counterparts at MSEA and MSDE

·  Participating in the business of the organization; reviewing bylaws and State Board Elections

·  Emerging Leaders Conference, President Dinner and Centennial Celebration

This is where we reinvigorate our returning leaders and build a solid foundation for new leaders. We cannot do it without YOU! I look forward to your participation at our 100th Annual Convention. See you there!


Ray Leone


The History of Maryland PTA

The Maryland Mothers Congress took shape in February of 1915 following in the footsteps of the events of February 17, 1897, the formation of the National Congress of Mothers. The concerned parents of Maryland met three times that year twice in Baltimore, and once in Annapolis. They started with the ideas of “rousing the entire community to a sense of duty and responsibility, to care for the blameless, dependent, and neglected children.” They had the simple idea of, “there was no philanthropy which will so speedily, reduce our taxes, reduce prison expenses, and reduce the expense of institutions for correction and reform.” They came in response to the call of Alice McLellan Birney and Phoebe Apperson Hearst and met to meet what they felt was a great need. They created a state based organization dedicated to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in home, school, place of worship, and community, an organization that was to grow into what we know today, 100 years later, as the Maryland PTA.

Today, there are fifty-five congresses; one in each state, including, the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and schools serving military dependents in Europe and the Pacific. Through the efforts of Selena Sloan Butler, the National Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers was founded in 1926 at a time when segregated schools were mandated in the southern United States. In 1970, with the merger of the National PTA and the National Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers, PTA became a unified organization of persons interested in the well being of children regardless of differences. PTA’s strength lies in its variety of members: parents, grandparents, teachers, single parents, business people, administrators, and anyone who cares about children.

The Maryland PTA is incorporated as a not-for-profit organization under the laws of Maryland and serves as a branch of National PTA for the purpose of accomplishing the Purposes of the National PTA. This year marks our 100th Anniversary for Maryland PTA. As we commemorate this milestone in the history of child advocacy, we also seek to strengthen ourselves and continue another hundred years with seasoned partners, new relationships and increased vigor. PTAs need Your Resources. Last year, nearly 400 leaders, representing 23 counties attended our Convention in Towson, Maryland. Join us July 17-18th, 2015 at the Crowne Plaza in Rockville to share how a partnership with you can drive our mission into another 100 years.

Our Audience

PTAs are concerned about the well being of children; they influence school decisions and legislation.

PTAs supply educational materials and publications for both children and parents.

PTAs are constantly looking for up-to-date information and innovative program ideas.

PTAs have close to 180,000 members in more than 920 local units throughout Maryland.

PTAs have active members that assemble each year to be trained, discuss issues, exchange ideas, and hear your message.

Your Best Contact

Being a sponsor or exhibiting is the best way to reach a vast audience. It is the most cost effective way to reach PTAs eager for products, services, and information that will help them support their schools and the PTA mission. When you reach PTA leaders at our functions, your message will be carried to over 900 local units reaching over 180,000 members across the state.

2015 Information for Exhibitors - 100th Annual Convention

Crowne Plaza Rockville, 3 Research Court, Rockville, MD 20850

Friday, July 17th, 2015 – Saturday, July 18, 2015

Tentative Timetable

Thursday, July 16 / 7:00pm – 9:00pm / Exhibitor registration & set-up. Exhibitor space will close at 9:00pm.
Friday, July 17 / 7:00am – 1:00pm / Exhibit Hall will be open during convention registration, breakfast, workshops and will close after lunch at the start of General Session I.
Saturday, July 18 / 7:00am – 10:00am / Exhibit Hall will be open during convention registration, voting, breakfast and morning workshops. Closed for General Session II.
12:00pm – 3:00pm / Exhibit Hall will be open during voting, lunch and afternoon workshops. Closed during General Session III.
3:00pm – 4:00pm / Exhibit Hall will be closed and broken down.

EXHIBITOR FEES & REGISTRATION: Fees listed are for one exhibit space. Exhibitor’s Packet includes: one 6’ draped and skirted table, two chairs, name badges, one waste receptacle and a listing in the 100th Annual Convention Program. Deadlines: Exhibitor’s Contract must be postmarked by June 15, 2015.

Exhibitor Type / Description / Fee
Storefront Exhibitor / Exhibitor’s Packet plus 2 night hotel accommodation in a windowed room adjoining your exhibitor’s table to create a store front appearance. Standout with a window display or be creative and create an indoor and outdoor experience while enjoying easy access to additional storage. Limited spaces available. / $ 920
Commercial Exhibitor I / Exhibitor’s Packet - Selling items / $ 720
Commercial Exhibitor II / Exhibitor’s Packet – Not Selling Items / $ 620
Advertising Exhibitor / Include literature in the Convention Welcome Bag. This option is perfect for exhibitors who are unable to attend the convention. Literature is defined as one page or small item. Material must be submitted to MDPTA for approval and a sample sent with your Exhibitor Contract. / $ 220
Non-Profit Exhibitor / Exhibitor’s Packet / $ 300
Electrical Needs - Please be aware that absolutely no electrical service requests will be handled on site. / $ 40

Space Assignment – To exhibit at the Maryland PTA Convention, complete and return both copies of the enclosed contract with the required fees. Contracts should be postmarked no later than June 15, 2015. A return copy of your contract will serve as confirmation for your rented exhibit space. Full payment for exhibitor space must be received by June 16, 2015. Any requests/fees after June 16, 2015 will be assessed a late fee of $50. Fees and/or requests received after July 6, 2015 will not be honored and will be returned to the exhibitor.

No exhibitors will be allowed to set up after 9 pm the night before the event. Unless otherwise allowed by the Exhibit Hall Chair, all displays and exhibits MUST remain intact until the designated time listed. Exhibitors are responsible for the dismantling and removal of their material at the close of exhibit hall at the indicated time. Neither the Crowne Plaza nor Maryland PTA, will be responsible for any loss or damages suffered by you, or the company you represent during this convention.

Hotel Registration –Maryland PTA has contracted a special exhibitor’s rate of $117 per night during the 100th Annual Convention. Use the code “PTA” when reserving your room.

Maryland PTA – Exhibitor’s Contract - MDPTA 100th Annual Convention

To register return pages 4-7 of the Exhibitor’s packet complete with your payment.

Email Company Logo to Wendy Saulters at .

Company Name:
(Will be listed in 100th Convention Program)
Contact Person: / Title:
Company Address:
City: / State: / Zip Code:
Phone: / Fax #:
Contact Email: / Company Website:

Please sign name Print name

Authorized signature: Authorized signature constitutes agreement with Maryland PTA’s Exhibitor’s Rules and Regulations that accompany this document.

Displayed Products (Please check all appropriate boxes): q Candy q Gift Wrap q Clothing/Sportswear

q Promotional q Books q Educational Material q Pastry/Breads/Food Stuff q School Supplies

q Internet Info/Fundraising q Internet/Educ. q Other (please specify)


Storefront Exhibitor / $ 920 / $
Commercial Exhibitor I (Selling from site) / $ 720 / $
Commercial Exhibitor (Not selling from site) / $ 620 / $
Advertising Exhibitor / $ 220 / $
Non-Profit Exhibitor / $ 300 / $
Electrical Needs / $ 40 / $
100th Annual Convention Program Listing / Included / $ Included
TOTAL CHARGES (Enter total amount due here) à / $

VISA/MC # ______Expiration: ______CVV#: ______

Name on Card:______Charged Amount: $ ______

Card Billing Address: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______


Type of Display: q Table top q Free Standing q Floor (no exhibit table)


Maryland PTA

Maryland PTA requires the names of representatives who will represent your company at convention.

Company Name: Date:

Please Print or Type:

First/Last Name / Thursday Setup / Friday Exhibit / Saturday Exhibit & Breakdown


q Storefront Exhibitor q Commercial Exhibitor I q Commercial Exhibitor II q Non-Profit Exhibitor

q Advertising Exhibitor

Date Received: ______Contract Fee Paid: ______

Credit Card Auth #: ______Check #:

MDPTA Authorized signature:

Maryland PTA insurance does not cover exhibitors/vendors/concessionaires/service providers. Consequently, all exhibitors/vendors/concessionaires/service providers are required to provide Evidence of Insurance to each PTA.



Insurance Requirements:

(a) Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Required if you have employees engaged in the performance of work under the agreement.

(b) Comprehensive General Liability, Required $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit. This policy shall cover, among other risks, the contractual liability assumed by exhibitors/vendor/concessionaire/service provider under the indemnification provision set for in the agreement, and includes Bodily Injury, Property Damage and Personal Injury. Food vendors are required to have $1,000,000 Products Liability.

(c) Automobile Liability Insurance. Required only if you are providing transportation (e.g., limousine or bus service) at PTA event. $1,000,000 limit required.

If you (exhibitor/vendor/concessionaire/service provider) fall under (b) or (c), a Certificate of Insurance showing policy limits and an endorsement to the policy MUST be submitted with your contract.

Contract containing the following language MUST be added to the above policies (b) and (c) as an Additional Insured:

The Maryland Congress of Parents & Teachers, (Maryland PTA) including all units and councils, and all their officers, directors, members and volunteers. The insurance afforded by this policy shall be primary insurance to any other valid and collectible insurance available to PTA and


(Name of exhibitor/vendor/concessionaire/service provider)

I/We ______(exhibitor/vendor/concessionaire/service provider) agree(s) to defend and to indemnify and hold harmless, the Maryland Congress of Parents and Teachers, (Maryland PTA) including all units, councils and all of their officers, directors, members and volunteers, but only with respect to liability for bodily injury or property damage or personal and advertising injury caused, in whole or in part, by my/our acts or omissions or the acts or omissions of those acting on my/our behalf:

A.  In the performance of my/our operations; or

B.  In connection with my/our premises rented to you; or

C.  In the sale or distribution of my/our products.

NOTE: The terms and conditions of this agreement shall apply with respect to Exhibitor’s/Vendor’s/Concessionaire’s/Service Provider’s operations for any PTA unit that is part of Maryland State PTA.


(Exhibitor/Vendor/Concessionaire/Service Provider)


Name of Witness______Witness Signature______

NOTE: Failure of Exhibitor/Vendor/Concessionaire/Service Provider to keep the required insurance policies in full force and effect during the work covered by this agreement shall constitute a breach of this agreement. In the event of a breach, the PTA shall have the right but not the duty to procure insurance covering the vendor for the period of this agreement. The cost of this insurance will be deducted by the PTA from the proceeds due to the Exhibitor/Vendor/Concessionaire/Service Provider.

Exhibit and Vendors Rules and Regulations

CONTRACT FOR EXHIBIT SPACE: Applicants are required to forward to Maryland PTA the formal application/contract provided. Each application must be submitted along with the full payment, as specified in the contract. No refunds will be made if exhibitors cancel this contract.

EXHIBITION HOURS: Exhibit Hall hours are as indicated. The Exhibit Hall will be closed during General Meetings. Dismantling of exhibit/display shall not be allowed before the stated time without the permission of the Exhibit Hall Chair.

USE OF SPACE FOR EXHIBITS: Exhibit Hall space will be assigned by the Exhibit Hall Chair. Assignment of space for exhibitors has been given every consideration. No special requests or compensations will be honored at or during the convention. All demonstrations and activities must be confined to the limits of the exhibit space. Exhibitor shall not assign, share, or sublet any space allotted without the written consent of the MARYLAND PTA. General cleaning of the Exhibit Hall will be provided after the hall has closed for the day. The exhibitor is responsible for keeping their area clean, staffed, and in good order. Accumulated trash may be placed in the aisle for pick-up at the close of the day. All exhibits must fit within the assigned exhibit space. Nothing is to be placed in either the walkways or the common areas.