Dear Friends!This is the list of people killed by state armed forces in Dandakaranya from 10 August 2009, when the Operation Green Hunt was commenced, to 31 December 2010. Amidst immense state terror prevailing in Dandakaranya, it was not so easy to collect the names and other details of all those personskilled by state forces. Here, we have recorded the names of civilian people as well as armed Maoists, killed in both fake and real encounters. There may certainly be some more killed persons whose names were not known to us or gone completely unreported.

We request all of you to publish this list in your newspapers and websites so that the whole world could understand what kind of state voilence is going on upon the people of Dandakaranya.

(Gudsa Usendi)


Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee

Communist Party of India (Maoist)

Date / No. of People Killed / Name / Sex/Age / Native Village / Site of killing / Block/ District / How were they killed?
10-Aug-09 / 6 / Oyam Sagar / M/30 / Vecham / Between Oukyam and Vecham villages / Bijapur / All were caught and shot dead. Out of them the only girl Somli was our unarmed comrade. Rest were innocent peasants
Emla Pandru / M/25 / Choukanpal
Hapka Lingu / M/25 / "
Tati Lakmu / M/25 / Etepadu
Tati Aitu / M/45 / "
Karam Somli / F/16 / Timmenar
13-Aug-09 / 2 / Madkam Sannu / M/45 / Keshmundi / Bhairamgarh/Bijapur / Killed in fake encounter
Podiyam Somdu / M/30 / "
7-Sep-09 / 1 / Kunjam Bhima / M / Duvvalkarka / Duvvalkarka / Dantewada / caught and shot dead
7-Sep-09 / 1 / Madkam Raju / M/20 / Timmenar / Bijapur / caught and shot dead
8-Sep-09 / 4 / Sodi Sona / M/55 / Gollagudem / Gollagudem / Dantewada / caught and shot dead but encounter not declared
Sodi Bheemal / M/45
Sodi Aite / F/25
Madivi Deval / M/50
13-Sep-09 / 1 / Kavasi Sukram / M/25 / Keskuttul / Bijapur / caught and shot dead
17-Sep-09 / 1 / Madivi Deval / M/30 / Singanmadugu / Singanmadugu / Dantewada / caught and killed in cold blood and not declared
17-Sep-09 / 5 / Dudi Muye / F/70 / Gachampally / Gachanpally / Dantewada / caught and killed in cold blood and not declared
Madivi Adamal / M/45
Madakam Chulal / M/45
Madivi Jogal / M/60
Madivi Gangal / M/70 / beaten unto death and not declared
17-Sep-09 / 5 / Paddem Deval / M/25 / Gattampadu / Between Nallabelly and Gollapally villages / Dantewada / caught and killed in cold blood
Dudi Pojjal / M/15
Sodi Masal / M/20
Tuniki Sinnal / M/35 / Palachelima
Sodi Shanesh / M/43
17-Sep-09 / 1 / Dudi Adamal / M/35 / Paidagudem
26-Sep-09 / 3 / Kalmu Gangi / F/50 / Poojarikanker / Between Poojarikanker and Gunjur villages / Bijapur / caught separately when they were working in fields and shot dead
M/ / Gunjur
M/ / "
22-Sep-09 / 2 / Sukhram Koudo / M / Kosronda / Kosronda / Kanker / SPOs killed these persons and thrown away their deadbodies in same village Kosronda. They put a poster to paint it as a Maoist killing
Lachhan Dhurwa / M
1-Oct-09 / 12 / Madivi Bajaru / M/40 / Gompad / Gompad / Dantewada / Killed in indiscriminate firing and not declared
Soyam Subba / M/35
Madivi Yenka / M/50
Soyam Subba / M/20
Soyam Jogi / F/18
Kartam Kanni / F/23
Madivi Mutti / F/10
Madivi Deval / M/35 / Gopalpuram (AP)
Kartam Mutta / M/40 / Chintaguppa
Musaki Deva / M/ / Kunadabba
Kunjam Arly / M/17 / Velpocha
Musaki Muka / M/32 / Nulkatongu
1-Oct-09 / 1 / Muchaki Handa / M/40 / Dabba / Dantewada / caught and shot dead
7-Oct-09 / 1 / Madakam Raju / M/20 / Timmenar / Kamulur / Bijapur / This student activist was caught and shot dead
13-Oct-09 / 1 / Podiyam Somdu / M/45 / Kutul lakka / Kutul lakka / Bijapur / caught and shot dead
17-Oct-09 / 2 / Kovasi Sukram / M/45 / Kankagudem / Kankagudem / Bijapur / caught and shot dead
Madkam Sannu / M/45
23-Oct-09 / 1 / Shyambatti @ Batti / F/20 / Gattakal / Anjreli / Narayanpur / Caught in Padangal village and taken to Narayanpur. Police tortured and killed in cold blood. Her body thrown away in Anjrelli village and declared as encounter
24-Oct-09 / 1 / Madivi Ungal / M/20 / Gundam / Pusubaka / Bijapur / caught and shot dead
24-Oct-09 / 2 / Sodi Gangi / F/40 / Pujarikanker / Pujarikanker / Bijapur / raped and killed
24-Oct-09 / 2 / Musaki Kosa / M/25 / Gunjur / Gunjur / Bijapur / caught and shot dead
Sodi Unga / M/22
8-Nov-09 / 1 / Gandam Sukram / M/38 / Nangalgudem / Dantewada / Killed and declared as road accident
8-Nov-09 / 2 / Dirdo Madka / M/60 / Kachlaram / Kachlaram / Bhopalpatnam/Bijapur / indiscriminately fired and killed
Kovasi Suklu / M/65
10-Nov-09 / 7 / Madkam Hunga / M/45 / Tettemadugu / Killed at two different places / Konta/Dantewada / caught and shot dead
Madkam Hidma / M/30 / "
Dudhi Rajal / M/50 / "
Kartam Aital / M/30 / Doragudem
Madkam Badral / M/25 / Dokpad
Vendo Mangdu / M/27 / "
Madivi Jogal / M/35 / Palodi
15-Nov-09 / 1 / Mansu Dhurwa / M/14 / Markanar / Near Koelibeda / Kanker / 7th Class student of Koelibeda High School. Killed in cold blood and declared as an encounter
20-Nov-09 / 1 / Madkam Deva / M/40 / Burgum / Kuvakonda/Dantewada / Killed in fake encounter
24-Nov-09 / 2 / Madivi Baman / M/11 / Pangodi / Pangodi / Usur/Bijapur / These persons were father and son who were caught and shot dead
Madivi Sadhu / M/11
27-Nov-09 / 1 / Madkam Mangu / M/25 / Hiroli / Kuvakonda/Dantewada / "
3-Dec-09 / 1 / Madivi Budhram / M / Korinjed / Kachlaram / Bhopalpatnam/Bijapur / caught and shot dead
11-Dec-09 / 7 / Kunjam Hurra / M/18 / Gumiyapal / Sammeli / Kuvakonda/Dantewada / caught when they were asleep and taken away to Kirandul. Next day shot dead at a nearby village
Madivi Joga / M/25
Barse Somdu / M/30
Midiyam Bhuma / M/35
Midiyam Sukka / M/17
Madivi Gutta / M/40
Tati Hidma / M/25 / Aranpur
11-Dec-09 / 1 / Sitaram Korram / M/ / Toter / Toter / Narayanpur / dragged from his house and tortured and shot dead then declared him as deputy commander of the local squad
15-Dec-09 / 2 / Veko Sombaru / M/30 / Kotrapal / Kotrapal / Bhairamgarh/Bijapur / caught and shot dead
Madivi Motli / F/25
21-Dec-09 / 3 / Suklu Mandavi / M / Odsapara / Bijapur / A 150-member killer gang of SPOs and Police came from Bangapal and Kosoli Camps and picked these people from their villages and shot them dead
Lachhu Poyam / M / Karkaveda
Kosa Mandavi / M
30-Dec-09 / 2 / Punem Pandru / M/45 / Vechapal / Vechapal / Bijapur / These persons were father and son who were caught and shot dead
Punem Motu / M/20
7-Jan-10 / 1 / Korsa Munna / M/18 / Mankeli / Mankeli / Bijapur / Caught and killed
9-Jan-10 / 4 / Madivi Bandi / F/34 / Surpangudem / Near Chintalnar / Konta/Dantewada / caught and shot dead
Kalmu Paiki / F/25
Midiyam Gujja / M/18
Ursa Unga / M/20 / Durvondarbha
11-Jan-10 / 3 / Hapka Sombaru / M/17 / Kotrapal / Kotrapal / Bhairamgarh/Bijapur / Caught and killed
Emla Sukku / M/35
Boggami Raju / M/20
12-Jan-10 / 1 / Madkam Joga / M/22 / Kottagudem / Rangaiguda / Konta/Dantewada / caught and shot dead
15-Jan-10 / 2 / Madkam Handa / M/25 / Rangaiguda
Podiyam Raju / M/20 / Permapara
17-Jan-10 / 1 / Kalmu Chamru / M/35 / Kaika / Kaika / Bijapur / Caught and shot dead
20-Jan-10 / 2 / Mahesh Dhurwa / M/25 / Kakbaras / Near Antagarh / Kanker / Police arrested these persons in Eekdand village on Jan 20 and killed after torturing them for sevaral days. Their dead bodies were found near a river on Jan 31 and a story concocted that unknown persons were killed.
Karthik Usendi / M/25 / Kotul
23-Jan-10 / 4 / Kunjam Motu / M/24 / Kutrem / Between Kutrem and Kakadi hills / Kuvakonda/Dantewada / All of these innocent people were caught and killed.
Kunjam Bhima / M/25 / Porokakad
Kunjam Hurra / M/20 / Sammeli
Kadti Bhima / M/25
26-Jan-10 / 1 / Nadugu Nureti / M/40 / Kosronda / Raoghat/Kanker / picked up from his house and put an olive green uniform on him and killed in cold blood and then declared as encounter
29-Jan-10 / 1 / Sudhakar Korram / M/22 / Remawand village / Narayanpur / He was an unarmed member of our organization who was killed in indiscriminate firing and declared as encounter death
2-Feb-10 / 2 / Emla Mangu / M/27 / Paralnar / Paralnar / Gangalur/Bijapur / Caught and shotdead; Emla Mangu was PLGA member, while Lakshmi was village girl
Badse Lakshmi / F/20
3-Feb-10 / 7 / Rama Kalmami / M/22 / Takilod / Takilod / Bijapur / Police and SPOs team attacked village Takilod caught 14 people and selectevely Killed these 7 in most inhuman way
Asharam Emla / M/25
Jayram Emla / M/30
Anantram Veko / M/30
Motu Barsa / M/35
Raju Murami / M/20
Anatram Kalmami / M/2
3-Feb-10 / 1 / Korsa Lakmu / M/40 / Regadgatta / Cherpal / Bijapur/Bijapur / Caught and shot dead by joint forces
7-Feb-10 / 5 / Santu Potai / M/25 / Matala / Ongnar / Narayanpur / All of these were caught and killed in cold blood
Phoolo Vadde / F/22 / Ongnar
Kade Potai / M/20 / Addempad
Ramoli Vadde / F/22 / Onapad
Dalsai Korram / M/22 / Mandoki
9-Feb-10 / 1 / Punem Ungal / M/30 / Pottenar / Pottenar / Bhairamgarh/Bijapur / caught and shot dead
17-Feb-10 / 1 / Kursam Pandru / M/20 / Gornam / Gornam / Bijapur / caught and killed
10-Feb-10 / 1 / Kumili / F/22 / Paiveru / Dumnar / Narayanpur / She was working in a farm run by Janatana Sarkar. SPOs and Informers caught her. They gangraped her and brutally beheaded
2-Apr-10 / 1 / Soma Kadiyami / M/40 / Kandadi / Near Kesekodi / Kanker / Taken away from village and shot him dead in cold blood
4-May-10 / 2 / Lalsingh / M/22 / Nariya / Rajubeda / Narayanpur / Sourrounded the local youth shot from point-blank
Sukhlal / M/20 / Bailapad
16-May-10 / 2 / Vanjami Malla / M/18 / Gumiyapal / Gumiyapal / Kirandul/Dantewada / Shot dead and declared as encounter
Kunjami Aitu / M/23 / Kutrem
19-May-10 / 1 / Midiyam Bandi / M/27 / Etem / Etem / Gadiras/Dantewada / Caught and shot dead
2-Jun-10 / 1 / Sukhda Achla / M / Silparas Mettatola / Vala / Kanker / killed in indiscriminate firing on village youth
3-Jun-10 / 1 / Maddal / M/14 / Angmetta / Angmetta / Bijapur / Caught by SPOs while he was alone and stabbed to death
20-Jun-10 / 2 / Deve / F/25 / Indravati Area / Kohkametta / Narayanpur / Both were killed in indiscriminate firing by Police while they were cooking food for guerillas in village. Deve was a PLGA fighter, while Shivcharan was an unarmed villager.
Shivcharan / M/23 / Muhandi
7-Jul-10 / 1 / Oyam Mangu / M/19 / Tarrem / Nakulnar / Kuvakonda/Dantewada / This PLGA fighter was killed in fierce fighting during PLGA raid on notorious Awadhesh Goutam's house
24-Jul-10 / 1 / Jagesh Koudo / M/ / Gummer / Gummer / Raoghat/Kanker / no details
4-Aug-10 / 1 / Kunjami Joga / M/23 / Kutrem / Kutrem / Kirandul/Dantewada / Koya Commandos etc raided the village and shot dead while he was stepping out of his house.
11-Aug-10 / 3 / Madkam Hidma / M/21 / Rangaiguda / Rangaiguda / Konta/Dantewada / Killed in fake encounter by Koya Commandos
Veko Bojja / M/33
Bhima / M/25
17-Aug-10 / 1 / Chaite / M/28 / Enhur_NBT / Usebeda / Orchha/Narayanpur / SPOs with the help of some local informers caught this ACM level comrade while she was alone near a camp and killed in cold blood after gangrape.
9-Sep-10 / 1 / Veko Kotlu / M/35 / Kotrapal / Kotrapal / Bhairamgarh/Bijapur / Killed in a fake encounter
21-Sep-10 / 2 / Vetti Hadma / M/22 / Gommugudem / Usoor / Usoor/Bijapur / Both were killed in a real encouter
Oyam Budral / M/20
8-Oct-10 / 6 / Names unknown / Sawargaon / Sawargaon / Dhanora/Gadchiroli / All of these were innocent villagers and school children, who were killed in indiscriminate mortar shelling by ITBP merceneries belonging to Kohka basecamp in Rajnandgaon district of CG, fired mortar shells who had gone mad after they were ambushed by PLGA in which 3 of their jawans were killed
9-Oct-10 / 8 / Kosa @ Aitu / M/30 / WBT / Padkipali / Sankara/Mahasamund / Out of 8 persons killed, only 6 were PLGA guerillas, laid down their lives while fighting with the enemy forces inflicting injuries to two STF personnel, whereas Goutam Patel and a labourer at his house were unarmed and innocent villagers who were dragged out of their house and shot dead in cold blood. Thus, it was partially real encounter.
Anita @ Natasha / F/25 / Gattakal/NBT
Arjun @ Chandu / M/24 / Pollevaya-IV area
Parvati / F/21 / NBT
Rajbati / F/20 / NBT
Lachhu / M/19 / Usebeda-Maad
Goutam Patel / M/? / Padkipali
One labour / M/? / Padkipali
13-Oct-10 / 2 / Madivi Masa / M/21 / Gornam / Gornam / Bijapur / Caught and shot dead and declared as encounter
Sodhi Baman / M/25
15-Oct-10 / 2 / Joga Kowasi @ Nagesh / M/36 / Palodi-SBT / Bhilai / Durg / Both were were caught from Bhilai suburban area and shot dead and declared it as encounter
Prameela Mandavi / F/22 / Pulunj-NBT
19-Oct-10 / 2 / Kursam Kistaiah / M/24 / Kottapally / Kottapally / Madded/Bijapur / Shot dead and declared as encounter and one young woman Kursam sangeeta (24) was arrected
Kursam Nagesh / M/23
21-Oct-10 / 2 / Oyam Mangu / M/25 / Burigil / Burigil / Gangalur/Bijapur / Killed when police fired indiscriminately on villagers
Oyam Manku / M/17
22-Oct-10 / 1 / Unknown / M/ / Kolar / Kanker / Police claimed this killing, has to be confirmed
25-Oct-10 / 1 / Sannau Nuroti / M/30 / Nibra / Madapa forest between Tadoki and Raoghat / Antagarh/Kanker / Caught from his house and next day killed in a fake encounter and declared him a platoon commander
23-Nov-10 / 9 / Emla Phagu / M/21 / Silinger / Jegurugonda/Mettaguda Para / Jegurgonda/Dantewada / All were killed in a fake encounter while they were on sentry duty to protect their crops
Korsa Madhu / M/25 / Silinger
Korsa Sukkal / M/29 / Silinger
Kunjam Suresh / M/29 / Timpuram
Atami Bandi / M/26 / Durvondarbha
Kadti Subbal / M/21 / Durvondarbha
Uike Dula / M/22 / Messum
Uike Sannu / M/21 / Messum
Oyam Hidma / M/18 / Vedire
10-Dec-10 / 2 / Sadimek Laxmaiah / M/30 / Gorli / Gorugonda / Bhadrakali/Bijapur / Caught and shot dead
Micha Bhima / M/30 / Gorgonda
14-Dec-10 / 2 / Shyam Shankar / M/21 / Kandanar / Netanar / Darbha/Bastar / Caught and shot dead
Mahru / M/35 / Koleng
TOTAL / 181