The following pages display criteria for assessing each of the Oral Interview Factors, with examples of responses that will allow the interviewer to rate candidates as “Highly Qualified,” “Qualified” or “Unqualified” for the entry-level peace officer position. A detailed discussion of options for scoring the responses is provided in the POST Interviewing Peace Officer Candidates: Hiring Interview Guidelines document, in the “Candidate Evaluation” section.

To access the criteria, click on the Factor name below:

Factor 1: Experience

Factor 2: Problem-Solving

Factor 3: Communication Skills

Factor 4: Interest/Motivation

Factor 5: Interpersonal Skills

Factor 6: Community Involvement/Awareness


Candidate demonstrates effective performance and accomplishment in various endeavors relative to opportunities encountered. Accepts responsibility for decisions and actions that have contributed to current life circumstances. Overcomes obstacles through diligence, maturity and conscientiousness and learns from mistakes such that performance improves over time. Though work and educational experiences need not involve law enforcement, they have served to provide the candidate with a general understanding and/or ability to cope with the demands, limitations, dangers and frustrations that are faced on the job.

6 or 7

Highly Qualified

Consistent, reliable work/school history; problem-free attendance record; work history shows pattern of increasing responsibility; / Has demonstrated perseverance in the face of obstacles; accepts responsibility for and has learned from past mistakes; / Work and school experiences provided excellent orientation for law enforcement position

3, 4 or 5


Limited or relatively unblemished work/school history; infrequent and/or isolated attendance problems; makes reasonable attempts to deal with frustrations before giving up; / Mistakes made were not unreasonable and were not repeated again; accepts some responsibility for problems encountered; work/school history shows some degree of commitment and responsibility; / Past work and educational experiences, although limited, do not suggest problems handling work demands and frustrations

1 or 2


Suspicious and/or problematic gaps in employment/school history; poor or spotty attendance record; poor record of task accomplishment; / Multiple and/or serious problems on previous jobs; work /school history indicates aimlessness, lack of commitment; gives up or otherwise has trouble dealing with frustrations or setback; / No evidence of learning from prior mistakes; work/school experience provided little preparation for handling responsibilities or problems


Candidate responds in a timely, logical manner to a wide variety of immediate situations and longer-range problems. Calmly and quickly resolves urgent problems when confronted with them. Gathers and analyzes information to develop effective resolution of broader problems. The actual focus of the problem addressed is secondary to the abilities and decision-making processes used in arriving at a solution.

6 or 7

Highly Qualified

Decisions are well-founded and well-reasoned; Identifies options and considers short and long term impact before acting; Decisions are objective and unbiased; / Demonstrates good judgment and the ability to make appropriate, timely decisions even in stressful circumstances; / Can make appropriate and, when necessary, creative decisions in the absence of clear-cut rules and policies. analyzes past mistakes when faced with similar problem; makes mid-course corrections as necessary;

3, 4 or 5


Decisions are adequate and demonstrate sufficient analysis and reasoning skills; some consideration of options and impact of decisions before acting; Decisions are generally unbiased; / Demonstrates adequate judgment; able to make reasonable decisions in a timely fashion; can still make adequate decisions when faced with stress; / Able to make reasonable and generally adequate decisions, even in the absence of clear-cut rules and policies; recognizes possible improvements to prior actions.

1 or 2


No logical basis for decisions; decisions are hasty: failing to identify or consider options or impact of decisions before acting; decisions are based on emotion vs. reason; / Demonstrates poor judgment; unable to make decisions or take action; judgment/decision-making is severely impaired in stressful circumstances; / Cannot make decisions when rules or policies that are not clear-cut; fails to analyze past mistakes or remember them when faced with similar problem; fails to make mid-course corrections when appropriate.


The candidate speaks clearly and concisely in a manner understandable to virtually all individuals; responds to questions directly and completely. “Actively” listens by demonstrating attentiveness and understanding. Uses appropriate, consistent nonverbal communication to enhance the message conveyed.

6 or 7

Highly Qualified

Clear, understandable tone of voice, volume and rate of speech; appropriate, effective use of vocabulary and grammar; responses are concise yet complete; / Responses are well-organized and pertain to the main point of the question; actively listens and understands meaning of questions/comments; / Verbal and nonverbal behavior express thoughts and emotions appropriately; demonstrates poise and confidence; persuasive when necessary.

3, 4 or 5


Tone of voice, volume and rate of speech generally understandable; acceptable use of vocabulary and grammar; responses rambled some but generally complete; / Responses are fairly well organized and relevant to the question; listens to questions, requires minimal repeating or clarification; adequate degree of self-awareness of how responses are perceived by others; / Verbal and nonverbal behavior appropriate; able to adequately control anxiety and nervousness; appropriate emotions conveyed in messages and behavior.

1 or 2


Volume, rate and/or tone difficult to understand; pronunciation is unclear and indistinct; vocabulary and grammar clearly inappropriate; responses were incomplete; / Responses are disorganized and rambling; fails to carefully listen to question; misunderstands meaning of questions/comments; unaware or insensitive to how well responses are being understood; / Needs considerable encouragement and prompting/redirection from panel; excessive nervousness/anxiety interferes message being communicated.


The candidate accurately perceives the requirements and demands of the job and is interested in and prepared for them. Has demonstrated initiative and goal orientation in accomplishments. There exists a match between the candidates’ interests, strengths and weaknesses and the requirements and demands of the job.

6 or 7

Highly Qualified

Thorough and accurate understanding of duties, responsibilities and demands of law enforcement work; views law enforcement as a career rather than just a job; / Reasons for interest in law enforcement are well- established and clearly thought out; has sought out opportunities to increase knowledge of law enforcement work; / Career objectives are realistic in light of opportunities available and his/her own abilities and skills; has set and achieved personal goals, and has overcome setbacks and obstacles.

3, 4 or 5


Adequate understanding of duties, responsibilities and demands of law enforcement work; has given reasonable amount of thought to a career in law enforcement; / Reasons for interest in law enforcement are reasonably well-established and thought out; has exerted some effort increasing knowledge of law enforcement work; / Career objectives are reasonable and sufficiently commensurate with abilities and skills; has shown some effort toward establishing and achieving personal goals and overcoming setbacks and obstacles.

1 or 2


Unrealistic assumptions about duties, responsibilities and demands of law enforcement work; sees law enforcement as just a job; no real interest or enthusiasm; / Vague, superficial or imprecise reasons for wanting to be a law enforcement officer; little or no effort exerted toward increasing understanding of law enforcement work; / Career aspirations are poorly conceived or non- existent; unrealistic about his/her own ability and skills necessary for law enforcement; no indication of effort toward goal setting or achievement.


The candidate interacts with others in a sincere, tactful and respectful manner that demonstrates interest, empathy and concern. Recognizes the impact of own personal words and behavior on others. Manages conflict with objectivity and diplomacy.

6 or 7

Highly Qualified

Conveys interest, concern and tact in interactions with others; recognizes the impact of his/her own words and behavior on others; truly enjoys the company of others; / Able to be assertive and command respect; effective at persuasion and influence; confident in her/her own social skills; not easily intimidated; / Tactful and diplomatic when discussing others; able and willing to support group efforts rather than complete for individual recognition.

3, 4 or 5


Demonstrates adequate interest, concern and tact in interactions with others; generally aware of the impact of his/her own words and behavior on others; demonstrates sufficient enjoyment of the company of others / Adequately assertive; reasonably capable of commanding respect; can be sufficiently persuasive and influential if necessary; sufficient confidence in her/her own social skills; not overly-intimidated ; / Generally tactful and diplomatic when discussing others; demonstrates limited but adequate experience and interest in supporting group efforts and working cooperatively in a team setting.

1 or 2


Provokes negative reactions in others, either deliberately or unintentionally; fails to comprehend the impact of his/her own words on others; does not enjoy being around others; / Easily intimated; lacks ability to persuade or command respect; over or under assertive; reactions to others demonstrates callousness or indifference; / Places blame or is otherwise critical when speaking about others; not a team player – tends to dominate or compete rather than cooperate.


The candidate demonstrates interest and/or experience addressing issues of community concern. Serves in various roles, as required, to accomplish objectives of own and other communities, as required by effective community policing strategies.

6 or 7

Highly Qualified

Aware and appreciative of the importance of community-public relations; understands social, economic and/or psychological factors associated with crime and delinquency; has participated in community service; interested in community service aspects of law enforcement; / Experienced in interacting with people from different cultures; interested in and respectful of diversity among individuals; free of biases and prejudices based on culture, sexual orientation; disability, attractiveness, political affiliation, etc. / Experienced and capable of assuming roles of leader, follower and team player; capable of shifting between law enforcer and public servant; able to adjust to sudden, unanticipated changes, events and tasks.

3, 4 or 5


General appreciation for community issues/concerns and their relevance to law enforcement; some sense of the social, economic or psychological factors associated with crime and delinquency; limited if any experience, but expressed interest in community service; / Limited interactions with culturally diverse individuals; expresses acceptance of other groups and cultures; no indication of bias against particular subgroups (e.g., sexual orientation, attractiveness, religion, political affiliation, etc.) / No serious problems indicated in working with others in either a leader, team player and/or follower role; appears reasonably able to change roles and/or deal with ambiguity or uncertainty; can adjust to sudden, unanticipated changes.

1 or 2


No appreciation for the importance of community issues/concerns and their relevance to law enforcement; no understanding of social, economic or psychological factors associated with crime and delinquency; no experience or interest in community service; / Culturally sheltered personal history; expresses distrust, disinterest and/or intolerance for other groups or cultures; appears biased against particular subgroups (e.g., sexual orientation, attractiveness, religion, political affiliation, etc.) / Has experienced difficulty working with others in leader, team player and/or follower role; appears incapable of changing roles and/or dealing with ambiguity or uncertainty; needs directives in black-and-white.