Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held in the Fox and Hounds,Wednesday 8th March 2017

Present: Cllr N Ord – Chair,Cllr S Baskerville, Cllr T Pearson, Cllr D Holmes, CllrR Baughnand Adrian Illingworth - Clerk

Public Forum

Two members of the public present.

Chair asked for comments but none given.

Meeting commenced 7.16pm.

  1. Welcome

Cllr Ord welcomed all present

  1. Apologies


  1. Notice of Resignation and posting of Casual Vacancy Notice
  2. Written notification of resignation received from Cllr Holmes. (17/27)
  3. Notice of vacancy given to Cllr Ord to place on notice boards. Notice to be placed

on web site. (17/28)

Cllr Holmes thank everyone for their assistance during his time as Chair and as a Cllr. Cllr Ord

passed on his thanks, from the Council, for all the work carried out and Cllr Holme’s drive

ensuring the best interests of the village where addressed

  1. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Dispensations


  1. Signing of the minutes

Clerk’s notes of the meeting held on Wednesday11th January 2017 accepted as a true

reflection of the meeting. Proposed by Cllr Baskerville, seconded by Cllr Holmes.(17/29)

  1. Matters arising from the minutes not on the agenda



  1. Matters arising from the minutes
  2. No response had been received from SKDC. This to be followed up in two weeks. If no

response letter to be sent to CEO SKDC.

A discussion took place on how to deal with the problem of dog fouling. Cllr

Baskerville to investigate the cost of flags, which will be used to highlight problem.

An A5 leaflet to be designed for distribution to all residents. Cllr Baskerville to contact

Matthew Wilson, Dog Warden for the area.

Council informed of need to report incidences of dog fouling on SKDC’s web site. If Cllrs

know the name of the person allowing their dog to foul, this also can be reported. (17/30)

7.2No response received following the Councils letter to Mr Shah. A further letter to be

Sent. (17/31)

7.3A meeting to be arranged with Rowan Smith to discuss the current situation. Dates for

availability requested from Cllrs. (17/32)

7.4Council approved to change Bank Account details following Cllr Holme’s resignation

And the appointment of Cllr Ord as Chair. All necessary forms completed to make changes and to allow Internet Banking access. Proposed by Cllr Baskerville, seconded by Cllr Pearson. Clerk to action. (17/33)

7.5After discussion it was decided not to take advantage of the discount available for

training as this would not be cost effective. (17/34)

  1. FINANCE (17/35)

8.1 To note income received and payments made since last meeting

8.1.1 Income – None

8.2 Payments made since last meeting

8.2.1 G Wilson – Grass Cutting 160.00

All above approved. Proposed by Cllr Pearson and seconded by Cllr Baughn

8.3To approve the following payments

8.3.1 Clerk’s salary 558.15

Council also agreed to approve the following items, which were received after

distribution of the agenda:

HMRC – PAYE 104.40

Autela Payroll 23.00

Cllr D Holmes – Expenses 120.36

Approval received for all payments. Proposed by Cllr Baskerville, seconded by Cllr Pearson.

8.4Approved by Council. Proposed by Cllr Ord and seconded by Cllr Holmes


9. Planning Application

9.2 Letter to be sent to Planning Department with Councils views on the application. (17/36)

10. Highways

10.1 and 10.2 Two tenders have been received from R Webster and G Wilson. Areas to be

covered have been highlighted and explained to both by Cllr Ord. After discussion it was

approved to accept the quote from R Webster. Proposed by Cllr Baskerville and

seconded by Cllr Baughn.

A discussion took place regarding maintaining the up keep of the roundabout. All Cllrs

were asked for their comments. The Chair requested a vote. This resulted in 3 for

maintaining the roundabout and one against. It therefore agreed to continue with the

maintenance. (17/37)

10.3.Road subsidence on Grantham Road/School Lane. Cllr Baughn to report and advise other

Cllrs and Clerk reference number of fault.(17/38)

11.0 Youth Council

Draft Safeguarding Policy drawn up by Cllr Baskerville. Chair suggested Cllrs read and submit

comments to Cllr Baskerville before the meeting in May. The Council will then consider

approval and adoption of the Policy. Chair thanks Cllr Baskerville for the research carried out

and drafting of the policy.(17/39)

12. Any Other Business

12.1 Cllr Pearson asked for update on the Neighbourhood Plan. This was given by Cllr Holmes.


12.2 Cllr Ord informed Council of a possible application to be submitted for the old Quarry

site. Clerk stated at the moment no comment can be made until an application is


12.3 Cllr Holmes raised the topic of the troughs in the village. He was prepared to maintain

one at a cost of £60pa. Council could see no reason why this payment could not be

made. A formal decision to be made at the next meeting.

Cllr Ord to contact S Skelton to enquiry if she is prepared to maintain the second trough.


13.Date of next meeting

Next meeting on Wednesday, 10th May 2017 at 7.00pm. This will be the Annual Parish Meeting

And Annual Parish Council Meeting

Signed: 10th May 2017

Cllr N J Ord