3rd May 2006

SE/AP / NARAST Conclusions / Status by COSCAP-NA/State
SE-1 CFIT/ AP 1.01 - Terrain Avoidance Warning System (TAWS) / Recommendations of the 1st NARAST meeting as approved by the 2nd SC meeting:
31.1COSCAP to highlight Amendment(s) 21 and 27 to ICAO Annex 6 Part I; and Amendment 22 to Annex 6 Part II to States.
31.2COSCAP-NA to provide Guidance material to States by 15 February 2004.
31.3Member States to provide information to the 2nd NARAST Meeting on implementation status concerning regulation, installation of TAWS and training. / COSCAP-NA
31.1 The subject Amendments were provided to Member States at a subsequent NARAST Meeting. Completed
31.2An Advisory Bulletin (001) and Advisory Circular (001) on TAWS was sent to States on 24 December, 2003. States that are yet to develop the appropriate regulations and guidance material may initiate early action and utilize the COSCAP-NA material as required.Completed
31.3Implementation status is updated at each NARAST Meeting. Completed
China has required aircraft to be equipped with TAWs in conformance with the ICAO SARPs. Mongolia is presently amending their regulations. ROK has established regulations that comply with ICAO SARPs and all applicable aircraft in ROK are now fully compliant.
SE –2 CFIT/ AP 1.06 - Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) / Recommendations of the 1st NARAST meeting as approved by the 2nd SC meeting:
32.1COSCAP to highlight ICAO Annex 6 and PANS-OPS Volume I requirements concerning SOPs to States.
32.2COSCAP-NA to develop guidance material for implementation based on ICAO/CAST/JSSI Outputs.
32.3COSCAP-NA to issue guidance material to States by 15 February, 2004.
32.4(i). States to adapt guidance material and issue same by 15 May 2004
(ii) The Meeting agreed that a timely approval process of operator SOPs was important to ensure that air operator SOPs were always current.
(iii) CTA to review the matter concerning timely approval of SOPs with States and determine if any guidance material could be developed to expedite the approval process. / COSCAP-NA
32.1 Copies of the amendments provided at subsequent NARASTMeeting. Completed
32.2, 32.3 (i) The COSCAP Advisory Bulletin 002 and Advisory Circular 002 was issued to States on 8th January 2004. Completed
32.4 CTA has discussed the matter with Member States during missions. While it does take some time to review and approve SOPs due to the scope of these documents, generally the approvals were completed in a timely manner.Completed
Mongolia is presently amending their regulations. ROK has regulations that meet ICAO SARPs and air operators are currently reviewing their SOPs.
SE-3 CFIT/AP 1.03 - Precision-Like Approach Implementation (“21st Century Instrument Approaches”)(Vertical Angles – PAI 1-7, 11) / Recommendations of the 1st NARAST meeting as approved by the 2nd SC meeting:
33.1COSCAP-NA to prepare draft guidance material to States to highlight ICAO PANS-OPS requirements for review and comment at the 2nd NARAST meeting.
33.2COSCAP-NA to develop draft procedures for the introduction of CANPA for review and comment at the 2nd NARAST Meeting.
Recommendations of the 2nd NARAST meeting as approved by the 3rd SC meeting:
33.1COSCAP-NA to revise the Draft AC on CANPA. The revised draft should include provisions for aircraft equipped with VNAV equipment.
33.2Revised Draft to be forwarded to the States at the earliest and the NARAST Members to provide further comments.
33.3The aspects of AC related to VNAV approaches to be incorporated into the CANPA AC without reference to obstacle issues.
33.4Revised AC on CANPA to be issued by 30th July, 2004 (Note: At the Steering Committee Meeting this date was revised to 30th October 2004.
33.5JAA is kindly requested to provide the Draft ACJ 1.430 on Constant Descent Final Approach Procedures.
33.6COSCAP-NA to present to the 3rd Steering Committee Meeting the benefits of RNP / RNAV. Note: Amended to the 4th SC Meeting.
Recommendations of the 3rd NARAST meeting as approved by the 4th SC meeting:
33.6A Boeing kindly requested to provide a presentation on the benefits of RNP/RNAV to the 4thCOSCAP-NA SC Meeting 2,3 March 2005.
33.7 COSCAP-NA with the assistance of experts from North Asia States to determine the need to review instrument approaches in North Asia to ensure they have been developed to facilitate CDFA(CANPA).
33.8 The 4th NARAST Meeting to examine the issues related to implementation of RNP/RNAV and eventually develop a Work Plan that States could utilize.
Recommendations of the 4th NARAST meeting as approved by the 5th SC meeting:
33.7A Related to 33.7, CTA with the support of FAA to provide background information to memberStates and request feedback from their procedural specialist.
33.8ARecognizing the important of developing a Work Plan that is full integrated with the ICAO SARPs and Guidance material being developed by ICAO, the meeting requested ICAO to kindly review and comment on the recommendations related to RNP/RNAV prior to them being presented to the 5th COSCAP-NA SC Meeting.
33.8BMember States who have yet to do so to conduct a review on their needs for RNP/RNAV implementation.
33.8CCOSCAP-NA concurrent with the 5th NARAST Meeting to organize an RNP/RNAV Workshop to review in detail the ICAO Guidance Material.
33.8DIn coordination with ICAO, prior to the next meeting COSCAP-NA to conduct a review of ICAO, Eurocontrol and FAA Guidance material and provide a briefing to the next NARAST Meeting.
33.8EFAA to kindly provide FAA material related to RNP/RNAV to COSCAP-NA.
33.8FAirbus to kindly provide Eurocontrol information related to RNP/RNAV to COSCAP-NA.
33.8GAirbus and Boeing to provide information concerning RNP/RNAV to COSCAP-NA.
33.8HNARAST to coordinate RNP/RNAV developments with APANPIRG. / COSCAP-NA
33.1,33.2, 33..3, 33.4,33.5 Advisory Circular 008 “Guidance for Operators for Conducting Constant Decent Final Approach (CDFA) for Non-precision Approaches” was finalized and forwarded to Member States in November 2004. Completed
ROK has amended air operator operations specification to permit VNAV/RNAV operations. Operators have establishedrespective procedures for constant descent approaches, withcompany policy being developed for CDFA implementation.
33.6, 33.6A The 4th Meeting of the COSCAP-NA programme was briefed as to the benefits of RNP/RNAV by Boeing. Completed
33.7 Preliminary meetings held, review is being conducted. Ongoing
33.8 The 4th Meeting examined the matter related to RNP/RNAV and developed recommendation 33.8A. Completed
33.7A – Update required
33.8A – ICAO provided RNP/RNAV Seminar 22-24 May 2006 and attended the 5th NARAST Meeting. Completed
33.8B Update required
33.8C ICAO Seminar was conducted for the period of 22-24 May 2006Completed
33.8D ICAO, Eurocontrol and FAA provided presentations at the RNP/RNAV Seminar Completed
33.8E Information required
33.8FInformation required
33.8G Information required
33.8H Ongoing
SE-10 CFIT / AP 1.08 - Airline Proactive Safety Programs (FOQA & ASAP) / Recommendations of the 1st NARAST meeting as approved by the 2nd SC meeting:
34.1 States and air operators who have developed Flight Data Analysis Programmes (FDAP also know as FOQA) to provide briefings on their programmes at the 2nd NARAST Meeting.
Recommendations of the 2nd NARAST meeting as approved by the 3rd SC meeting:
34.1 The meeting reviewed the Draft Advisory Bulletin and Advisory Circular on Flight Data Analysis. COSCAP-NA to incorporate any comments on FDA received by NARAST members and issue the final Advisory Bulletin and Advisory Circular. Comments due by 15 May 2004.
34.2 JAA to provide to COSCAP an update on status on JAA FDAP implementation by 15 October 2003.
34.3 COSCAP-NA to develop draft guidance material for review/comment at the 2nd NARAST Meeting.
34.4 Recognizing that many States are in the process of implementing new regulatory material, discussions concerning ASAP to be delayed until implementation and compliance issues have been resolved. / COSCAP-NA
34.1 Briefings provided at the 2nd NARAST Meeting Completed
34.2 Material provided by JAA Completed
34.1., 34.3 Advisory Bulletin 006 “Information to States on Flight Data Analysis (FDA) Programme” and Advisory Circular 006 “Guidance on the Establishment of a Flight Data Analysis (FDA) Programme” was finalized and forwarded to Member States on 30th July 2004.Completed
34.4 On hold
China and ROK States/air operators have fully implemented FDA programmes. Mongolia has advised air operators by DGCA Order 190, 21 March 2004, that they must implement FDA programme for aircraft of MTOW >27,000KG.
SE-11 CFIT/ AP 1.05 - Implementation Plan for Training – CRM / Recommendations of the 1st NARAST meeting as approved by the 2nd SC meeting:
35.1COSCAP-NA to develop generic guidance material related to SOPs and CRM training for review of the 2nd NARAST Meeting.
35.2 Once reviewed by 2nd NARAST Meeting COSCAP-NA to issue guidance material.
35.3 States/Air operators to review their programmes to ensure implementation of the programme by 31 December 2004.
Recommendations of the 2nd NARAST meeting as approved by the 3rd SC meeting:
35.1Draft Advisory Bulletin and Advisory Circular on SOPs to incorporate the requirements of CRM, in SOPs were reviewed by the Meeting.
35.2COSCAP-NA to issue Amendments to the Advisory Circular 002 (SOPs) subject to incorporating any comments provided to CTA by 15 May 2004. / COSCAP-NA
35.1, 35.2, The amended Advisory Circular 002A “Standard Operating Procedures for Flight Deck Crew Members” was finalized and forwarded to Member States on 29 June 2004.Completed
35.3ROK has regulations that meet ICAO SARPs and air operators are currently reviewing their SOPs.
SE-12/ AP 1.04 CFIT - Training - CFIT Prevention / Recommendations of the 1st NARAST meeting as approved by the 2nd SC meeting:
36.1CFIT Training should be required by air operators in the North Asia region.
36.2COSCAP-NA to develop generic guidance material concerning CFIT training based on ICAO requirements and CAST/JSSI Outputs to be issued by 15 February 2004.
36.3States to follow up and verify implementation in their State by 31 December 2004.
Recommendations of the 2nd NARAST meeting as approved by the 3rd SC meeting:
36.2(i) States to review the Draft Advisory Bulletin on CFIT and provide comments to CTA by 15th May, 2004 after which the document will be issued.
(ii) ICAO OPS/AIR Section is requested to review the Draft Bulletin and kindly offer comments.
(iii) COSCAP-NA will issue one document consolidated AB / AC on ALAR and incorporating all aspects of ALAR/CFIT training requirements in it.
36.3States to follow up and verify implementation in their State by 28 February 2005. / COSCAP-NA
36.1, 36.2, Advisory Circular 007 “Information to States on Approach and Landing Accident Reduction (ALAR) and Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) Prevention Training was finalize and forwarded to Member States in November 2004.Completed
36.3Mongolia in the process of amending regulations to mandate CFIT/ALAR training. The present ROK regulations require CFIT/ALAR training and air operators have incorporated these aspects into their training programmes.
SE-14/15/16/AP 2.05 ALAR - Policies for ALAR (Safety Culture) / Recommendations of the 1st NARAST meeting as approved by the 2nd SC meeting:
37.1COSCAP-NA to issue a bulletin to States highlighting the safety promotion aspects and develop sample letters that may be provided to the DGs for the CEO’s of the airlines. CTA to also include information concerning CEO promotion of safety when re-issuing, if applicable, the AOC – target date 15 March 2004.
37.2COSCAP-NA to provide guidance material to DGCAs that could be utilized to assist Airline CEO’s to promote safety and visibility of their Director of Safety (DOS) – target date 15 March 2004.
37.3COSCAP-NA to organize a Flight Safety Programme/Safety Management System Workshop prior to 30 May 2004.
37.4 COSCAP-NA to develop guidance material based on ICAO Annex 6, Amendment # 28 concerning Flight Safety Documents System and CAST/JSSI Outputs for Member States by 15 February 2004.
37.5Airbus and Boeing representatives to provide information to CTA concerning the information of manual status by 30 October 2003.
37.6Bulletin to be issued to States concerning availability of Manual Amendment status by the manufactures of Airbus and Boeing aircraft – target 15 March 2004.
37.7CTA to examine the availability of manual status for other aircraft types in North Asia and report to the 2nd NARAST Meeting.
Recommendations of the 2nd NARAST meeting as approved by the 3rd SC meeting:
37.1The Meeting reviewed the Draft Advisory Bulletin on ‘Information to States on Promotion of Flight Safety by the Air Operator Chief Executive Officer (CEO)’; the Draft Sample Letter and the Draft Sample Aviation Policy and found them acceptable. However, comments if any on the three documents are to be forwarded to COSCAP-NA by 15th May, 2004 after which the documents will be finalized.
37.2The Meeting reviewed the Advisory Circular on ‘Air Operator Flight Safety Department’ and found it acceptable. However, further comments if any, are to be forwarded to COSCAP-NA by 15th May, 2004 after which the document will be issued.
37.3A Flight Safety Programme/Safety Management System Workshop is scheduled to take place at Beijing from 24-28 May, 2004.
37.4The Meeting reviewed the Draft Advisory Circular on ‘Guidance for Air Operators in Establishing a Flight Safety Documents System’ and found it acceptable. However, further comments if any, are to be forwarded to COSCAP-NA by 15th May, 2004 after which the document will be issued.
37.5 CTA to develop and issue an Advisory Bulletin to States on ‘ Manual Amendment Status’ on the information provided by Boeing and Airbus by November 2004.
37.6(i) The availability of manual status for other aircraft types in North Asia is under review by COSCAP-NA.
(ii) Mr. Kyle Olsen, FAA to provide assistance in procuring information on Embraer aircraft.
Recommendations of the 3rd NARAST meeting as approved by the 4th SC meeting:
37.4A. NARAST to advise the CAAC National Aviation Safety Team of concerns related to the potential delays in translation and distribution management of safety material.
Recommendations of the 4th NARAST meeting as approved by the 5th SC meeting:
37.6ANARAST Member to review draft Advisory Bulletin – Access to Information on Airplane Manufactures and provide comments to COSCAP-NA by 1 December 2005.
37.6BCOSCAP-NA to provide feedback to FAA on additional information required to include Embraer in the Advisory Bulletin. / COSCAP-NA
37.1, Advisory Bulletin 005 “Information to States on Promotion of Flight Safety by the Air Operator Chief Executive Officer (CEO)” was finalized and forwarded to Member States on 30th July 2004. Completed
37.1 Mongolia will provide this information to air operators when amending the AOC. ROK has a process of regular meetings between corporate levels of air operators and CASA to review, discuss and promote aviation safety.
37.2, Advisory Circular 003 Air Operator Flight Safety Department” was issued on 12th March 2004. Completed
37.3 Flight Safety Programme/Safety Management System Workshop was conducted in BeijingChina during the last week of May 2004. Completed
In ROK air operators have established safety departments that meet the requirements of AC 003.
37.4 AC004, Guidance for Air Operators in Establishing a Flight Safety Documents System, was finalize and forwarded to Member States on 30th July 2004. Completed
ROK is amending regulations in accordance with ICAO SARPs, to be completed by June 2005. ROK air operators have developed a Flight Safety Documents system that meet ICAO SARPs.
37.4., 37.5, 37.6, 37.6A, 37.6B, 37.7 CTA finalize the and send to Member States – see 37.6A, 37.6B
37.4A Letter sent to CAAC 27 March 2006.COMPLETED
FAA provided required information and CTA finalize the Advisory Bulletin 012. It was sent to Member States on 23 March 2006 - Completed
SE 23 / AP 2.01: - Approach and Landing Accident Reduction (Flight CrewTraining) / Recommendations of the 2nd NARAST meeting as approved by the 3rd SC meeting:
2.2.1 NARAST to develop / issue a Bulletin on ALAR and incorporate training aspects related to reducing the risks to approach and landing accidents.
2.2.2 CFIT being a sub-set of Approach and Landing Accidents, the Draft Bulletin on CFIT Prevention Training presented to the Meeting be amalgamated into the ALAR guidance material and issued as one Bulletin / Advisory Circular. / COSCAP-NA
2.2.1, 2.2.2 Advisory Circular 007 “Information to States on Approach and Landing Accident Reduction (ALAR) and Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) Prevention Training was finalized and forwarded to Member States in November 2004.Completed
The present ROK regulations require CFIT/ALAR training and air operators have incorporated these aspects into their training programmes.
SE 26/ AP 3.03 : - Loss of Control (SOPs) / Recommendations of the 2nd NARAST meeting as approved by the 3rd SC meeting:
2.3.1 FAA to kindly review the NARAST AC on SOPs and the suggested amendments to incorporate the CRM aspects, against the FAA AC 120-71A and provide comments to COSCAP-NA.
2.3.2 CTA to finalize the amendment once it is confirmed that the Loss of Control SOPs are included. / COSCAP-NA
2.3.1, 2.3.2 It was confirmed that the recent version of AC002A based on FAA AC 120-71A included SOPs related to Loss of Control. The amended Advisory Circular 002A “Standard Operating Procedures for Flight Deck Crew Members” was finalize and forwarded to Member States on 29 June 2004.Completed
Mongolia is presently amending their regulations. ROK has regulations that meet ICAO SARPs and air operators are currently reviewing their SOPs.
SE 27/ AP 3.04 : - Loss of Control (Risk Assessment and Management) / Recommendations of the 2nd NARAST meeting as approved by the 3rd SC meeting:
2.4.1 As the aspect of Risk Assessment was still being developed by FAA/JAA the Meeting decided to postpone further deliberations on the Safety Enhancement / Action Plan pending additionalinputs. / COSCAP-NA
No action required until FAA review completed.
SE28/AP 3.05 : Loss of Control ( Safety Information) / Recommendations of the 2nd NARAST meeting as approved by the 3rd SC meeting:
2.5.1 As NARAST has already issued a draft AC on Flight Safety Document System, CTA to review the AC and ensure it satisfies the requirements of SE28 (excluding manufacturing issues). / COSCAP-NA
2.5.1 It was confirmed that the recent version of AC004, Guidance for Air Operators in Establishing a Flight Safety Documents System adequately addresses the aspects of timely dissemination of safety information. The AC was finalize and forwarded to Member States on 30th July 2004.Completed
SE 29/AP3.05 Loss of Control / Recommendations of the 2nd NARAST meeting as approved by the 3rd SC meeting:
2.6.1 The NARAST draft FDA AC highlights the need to objectively utilize the information from FDA to verify and optimize training and development. CTA to ensure that the draft AC includes aspects highlighted by SE 29. / COSCAP-NA
2.6.1 CTA reviewed the draft AC and concluded that aspects of FDA addressed issues highlighted by SE 29/AP3.05. Advisory Bulletin 006 “Information to States on Flight Data Analysis (FDA) Programme” and Advisory Circular 006 “Guidance on the Establishment of a Flight Data Analysis (FDA) Programme” was finalized and forwarded to Member States on 30th July 2004.Completed
CAST SE-9 Controlled Flight Into Terrain -“Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW)” / Recommendations of the 3rd NARAST meeting as approved by the 4th SC meeting:
9-1.1 Recognizing that installation of radars and associated MSAW capability provides the necessary levels of terrain avoidance protection to aircraft operations, States to consider this aspect when determining the justification for installation of new radar equipment. Justification would be strengthened for installation of radar where the CFIT risk is high.
9-1.2COSCAP-NA to organize MSAW Workshop. The Workshop to review the aspects of MSAW certification and inspection, nuisance warnings as well as Air Traffic Controller MSAW procedures and training.