Thursday 28 May 2015 at 7.00pm at Stow Youth Centre


a)of a chairperson

b)of a deputy chairperson

Public participation


Declarations of interest

Members must declare the existence and nature of any interest as it arises.

Code of Conduct

The Effect of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI) on Participation

“Unless a dispensation has been granted, you may not participate in any discussion of, vote on, or discharge any function related to any matter in which you have a DPI.

Unless a dispensation has been granted, you must withdraw from the room or chamber when a meeting discusses and votes on any matter in which you have a DPI.”

Chairman’s Announcements (if any)

Minutes of the last meeting held 21 April 2015 & 5 May 2015

Matters Arising

a)15/00703/FUL Unicorn Hotel: CDC planners, building control & health and safety have been notified of STC concerns re. safety of the gate.

b)15/00239/FUL Rear of Barclays Bank.CDC Tree Officer emailed again 11/5/15.

c)Kevin Field has responded, email 13 May offering training.See copy attached.

d)White Hart Lane: Copies of STC letters to CDChave been exchanged with Chris Graham, Moore Allen. Copy of their response emailed and available in the office.

e)Responses submitted to CDC

  • 15/01195/ADV & 15/01194/LBC VIC sign, St Edwards hall - Approve
  • 15/01328/FUL Full Application for Erection of a single dwelling house and associated works, formation of a new access and erection of a garage at Windy Ridge Station Road Stow-On-The-Wold - Objections
  • 14/03649/FUL Full Application for Construction of four houses and three apartments at Land At White Hart Lane Stow-On-The-Wold - Objections


1.To agree the Committee Terms of Reference

2.To consider new Planning Applications:

a)15/01621/LBC Listed Building Consent for existing shopfront white

proposed shopfront 'made good' and finished in cream at Ross House The

Square Stow-On-The-Wold (28 May 2015)

b)14/02444/FUL Full Application for Demolition of former care home and redevelopment of site with 21 dwellings including garages and associated infrastructure at Ashton House Union Street Stow-On-The-Wold (19 May 2015)

c)15/01484/FUL Full Application for Change of use A1 (retail) to Health and Beauty Salon (sui generis) at Broadwell House Sheep Street Stow-On-The-Wold (3 June, Christopher Fleming)

d)15/01334/FUL & 15/01335/LBC Listed Building Consent for New kitchen extraction system (retrospective) at Old Stocks Hotel The Square Stow-On-The-Wold (3 June 2015 Joanne Reeves)

e)14/03649/FUL Full Application for Construction of four houses and three apartments at Land At White Hart Lane Tue 26 May 2015 Deborah Smith

3.To consider a response to email from Bovis. Copy attached

4.Church Alley Bins: To agree an action plan

5.Signs:To consider implications of document ‘Outdoor Advertisements and Signs’

Any other business Items to be discussed at the next meeting

Committee Terms

of Reference

Adopted 14 July 2011

Amended & adopted 12 March 2015

All Chairmen of sub-committees are responsible for the efficient organisation of their committee.

It is not in their remit or that of their committee to interfere in the operation of any other committee.

Committees have delegated powers to spend as

detailed in the Financial Regulations

  1. Planning:
  • To exercise the Council’s statutory powers in relation to Town & Country Planning ( T&C Planning Act 1990)
  • To consider and comment on all planning applications received via Cotswold District Council
  • To consider and comment on strategic planning issues that may impact on the town
  • To identify and assess any risks associated with the Committees remit and where needed identify mitigating actions
  • To report to Council on decisions and recommendations
  • To co-opt suitable community and/or business representatives onto the committee


The Planning Committee has the power to make decisions on behalf of council as set out below and to spend/manage the committee budget allocated by council annually.

Number of Seats:

Chairman:To be elected from the committee

Vice-ChairmanTo be elected from the committee

Quorate:A third or a minimum of 3

Term of Office:To be reviewed at the next AGM

Meeting frequency:Every 3 weeks

Budget:As determined annually by council



  1. To make representations, as a Statutory Consultee,to the Local Planning Authority on any application referred to the Town Council and on any other matter that affects the town.
  1. To take into consideration approved development plans, planning guidance and policies together with the strategic aims of the town council and the recommendations from the emerging neighbourhood plan.
  1. To consider and comment on strategic planning issues that may impact on the town.


  1. To elect a chair person
  1. To respond to applications and consultations in a timely manner
  1. To agree projects/activities for the committee on an annual basis and to manage and monitor them
  1. To authorise correspondence that will not, in itself, result in council expenditure or bind the council to any course of action, except for that already provided for in the annual budget
  1. To co-opt suitable community and/or business representatives onto the committee
  1. To prepare by October in each year budget proposals for revenue and capital expenditure for recommendation to Council
  1. To spend sums in the planning budget following approval (minuted) by the committee
  1. To make the relevant decisions on behalf of the council, for the overall responsibility of the above, and when felt appropriate, to refer matters to full Council for approval. To refer major or contentious applications to Council with recommendations
  1. To present a report and minutes to Council for information