Examples in Faith:
Barnabas Equipping the Church

Acts 11:19-30

1. Barnabas as ______

Acts 11:22-24

2. Barnabas as ______-______

Acts 11:25-26

3. Barnabas and Saul as ______

Acts 11:27-30

Reflection Questions:

What is the significance of the gospel being preached to Hellenists?

Barnabas has already been associated with the church in the Acts narrative. He is clearly already a Follower of the Way. What does this text tell us about the standing he had with the church in Jerusalem? What does that tell us about the character of Barnabas?

This is the third time Barnabas appears in the narrative of Acts. What other information about Barnabas does Luke give us here that helps readers understand who Barnabas is? In what counter-cultural ways does Barnabas live up to his name as he preaches and teaches to a non-Jewish audience accepting the Lord? What example(s) does Barnabas set for Christians in the 21st century?

Why do you think Barnabas went in search of Saul? What was Saul doing all the time he was there in Tarsus? In what ways was Saul’s presence beneficial to the church at Antioch? How might Barnabas’ inclusion of Saul been beneficial to Saul?

There is a bit of irony in this text. In Acts 9, Saul is sent to Tarsus because Hellenists are trying to kill him. Here he ministers to the church inclusive of Hellenists. In Acts 7:54-8:3, Saul is heavily involved in persecuting the church in Jerusalem/Judea. Here he is given charge of relief money for the church in that area. How is this reflective of the gospel? In what ways is Barnabas an instrument of the gospel in the life of Saul and the church?

In what ways does Barnabas fill the role of an “example setter” that Paul calls attention to in Philippians 3:17? How can/should 21st century Christians follow the example Barnabas here?

Lyle Hinsdale1/21/2018