Hampton Falls Historical Society

Draft Meeting Minutes

Tues. April 15, 2015

Present: David French, Chair, Cindy Wojicki, Vice President, Kay Graham, Treasurer, Forrest Brown, Trustee, Marietta Garavaglia, Trustee, Carolyn Petit, Trustee, Karen Sabatini, Trustee, and Beverly Mutrie, Alternate and guest Tracey Beattie. We commenced at 6:50 pm.

We discussed the CD that came due today for $20,784.53. We agreed that it would be placed in Citizens money market fund. Upon a motion by Beverly, seconded by Cindy, we agreed to put $20K in Vanguard Wellesley Fund until needed as we were earning 3% there. Marietta was a bit concerned that the principal would be at risk.

Further discussion on Fundraising:

From the list we developed two weeks ago, every one voted for the top three fundraisers in their opinion that would generate the most money for the least effort, serve to market the society or the museum, and have a historical theme. Marietta added that it should be appealing to many.

The top three were: Dick Sanborn's slide show, a micro or specialty beer tasting with food and third, a town wide yard sale.

Further discussion of each brought up the following pros and cons.

Eric Small would do the narration for the slide show once the slides were catalogued. He could decide which ones to use. Eric would ask for a donation to the Seabrook HS. It would be at the museum for an admission. Seating may be an issue or could have two showings. Refreshments served and maybe a silent auction in conjunction. We could sell digital copies of the slides if we had a good slide scanner and way to print in color. This event would assumedly be very popular with the townsfolk as we haven't had one in 10 years. Families and perhaps the school would deem it a worthy event and participate. Forrest Brown will double check/confirm with Eric. Proposed time frame: June or early fall.

The Beer Tasting would involve paying for the speaker to talk on the historical importance/use of beer as a beverage, perhaps purchasing the samples with set ups. Expense would be food from C'est Cheese or Cornucopia. Donations of crackers, fruit, chili or other beverages (wine) could occur.

This would involve having a TULIP rider (one day) from the insurance company. There may be a limit on occupancy of building (Karen will find out) and most probably occur in early October. There was concern re the interior being presentable by then and the Town Hall was suggested as an alternate venue. We preferto keep it at the Museum for PR reasons if possible. Parking at the Town Hall and Library.

Yard Sale would involve selling maps of the town with historical places and yard sales identified by number and listed on the back. This would be an early am to mid-afternoon activity. The maps would be sold out of the Town Hall parking lot with coffee and pastries available to the attendees. Yard Salers would purchase a slot on the map and attendees would buy the map for a small fee. There could be advertising sold on the map also. The HFHS might have to pay for advertising in the local paper and other yard sale venues. Each yard sale would have to get a town permit. Is there a limit to the number in one day? Con: Other town residents could also hold their yard sale that day if they obtained a permit without being on the map. Traffic and parking might be a problem for the police.

May 13th is the next meeting. Beverly Mutrie, Recording Secretary