Directions for Writing an Editorial on Colonial Rebellion

  1. Complete Prewriting Chart with a partner. Part of the chart will be completed in class today. Finish it for homework and turn it in next time. Due 10/10-11, 1point.
  2. Choose an act of Colonial Rebellion –the Boston Massacre or the Boston Tea Party- about which to write an editorial. An editorial is an article written from a particular perspective or point of view.
  3. Decide which perspective you want for your editorial—either Patriot or British (Loyalist).
  4. Write a Rough Draft. Due 10/21, 1point (Peer editors will critique your rough draft on the 22nd)
  5. Write a Final Draft. Due 10/24-25 1point.

Your Final copy of the editorial must include:

  1. The name of the newspaper in which the editorial appears. The name should reflect the perspective of the editorial;
  2. A picture representing the event with a caption that reflects your chosen perspective;
  3. A headline that reflects your perspective;
  4. A brief introductory paragraph that summarizes the who, what, where, when, and why, of the event. This should be written in language that reflects your viewpoint;
  5. A section that clearly supports or criticizes the actions of the people involved in the event and explains what should be done as a result of this action. This should reflect your newspaper’s perspective;
  6. A section that briefly presents the opposing point of view and then tells why that point of view is wrong. (rebuttal)
  1. A conclusion emphasizing why your point of view is right.

How it willbescored:

Rubric / Headline
and newspaper
name are consistent with Patriot or Loyalist perspective. 1-25 / The article shows use of bias or point of view that is clear and consistent, but not so overly exaggerated as to be ridiculous. 1-25 / Writer acknowledges the opposing argument and successfully refutes it.
1-25 / Spelling, grammar, punctuation, and format are correct and appropriate.
1-25 / Total Score and comments.

When is it due?

Editorial Project Due Dates:

Chart due 10/10-11

Rough Draft Due: 10/21

Final Draft Due: 10/24-25