QIV 2015 Advertisement Instructions.wpd (or pdf)
(or - how to get noticed on $1,000 or less)

By Jeri Kennedy

Phase 1: Engage Membership in Creating local Media Interest

Phase 2: Engage Quilt Community

Phase 3: General Advertising

Schedule 2015 (appropriate for future quilt shows):

  • June (1 year prior to show) - Assemble Publicity Team
  • September - Quilted Lawn Sign Campaign Launched
  • Visit both guilds
  • explain program - hand out rules
  • Write article in every newsletter until April 2015
  • Speak at each guild, every meeting until April 2015
  • January Meetings - FINAL PUSH - bring racks to meetings, bring examples -- make it fun.
  • April photography team - go to sites where Lawn Signs are present and take pictures
  • Send photos to webmaster
  • September
  • Contact "THE QUILTER's PATH"
  • Place Ad for Show to be presented in Feb/Mar/Apr Publication
  • October BIG MEETING
  • assemble the publicity team and review the status of where you are where you need to go with respect to:
  • lawn sign campaign
  • (how engaged are the members -- are they getting signs in? What needs to happen to promote this?)
  • Advertisers - do you have a DROP DEAD schedule for getting ads in
  • Posters, flyers and handouts
  • Has the QIV Board gotten written material into your hands?
  • ADJUST - make whatever adjustments you need to do now and get your team's energy level up.
  • November - PREP MONTH - get your contact lists together!
  • Have press release ready and make sure that there is a spokesperson for the press
  • Letters with a flyer are sent to ALL Southern California Assoc of Quilt Shop owners. (Consider doing this for No Cal as well)
  • -Letter and Flyers to VENDORS who have participated in local shows
  • Road to CA vendors
  • Get Schedules of all local Guild Meetings - send a representative (usually with the opportunity quilt) to speak at the meeting (5 minute speech- write one so that anybody in the guild can go and present)
  • GET LIST OF VQG and SFVQGA Speakers - past 2 years and create contact List.
  • email
  • blog
  • website
  • Have a 1 Paragraph statement about the show and photos from past show and QUILTED LAWN Sign campaigns
  • January - CONTACT MONTH
  • Letters and flyers as above are MAILED OUT
  • Member assigned for each meeting at local guilds for APRIL meetings
  • CONTACT "Country Register"
  • Place Ad
  • Order Extra Copies of paper
  • Create a list of places to distribute paper ANYTHING THIS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH QUILTING - BUT HAS A LONG WAIT TIME
  • Auto Mechanics waiting room
  • Dentist/Dr office
  • Vet office
  • Car wash waiting area

(Distribution in APRIL)

  • February -
  • Advertising
  • (Post cards at Register of Quilt Shops)
  • March
  • Email/contact/Blog to all past speakers at both guilds
  • Wrap up program with LAWN SIGNS -
  • Do you have a photographer
  • Do you have enough Lawn Signs
  • Do you have a media contact
  • prepare a local story about a block with a lot of signs and submit to LA Times and Valley News - etc. (may or may not get picked up)
  • APRIL - "It's ON"
  • Place ads -
  • Verify that what you've asked to be done by membership has been done
  • Check websites of speakers
  • have interviews - if possible -- etc.
  • Lawn Signs are in
  • Judging is established
  • prizes are obtained
  • Photos taken and on website
  • Organize presentation of awards
  • JUNE


Amend this document and prepare binder for next team

Have a drink! You deserve it!