Objection letter (Wards Corner Regeneration)

Compulsory Purchase Order 2016





Interest in the Land……………………………………...

To the National Planning Casework Unit, 5 St Philips Place, Colmore Row,

Birmingham B3 2PW. email

The deadline is 21st October.

I object to the Compulsory Purchase Order for the following reasons;

There is a viable and sustainable alternative plan (Wards Corner Community Plan HGY/2014/0575) that has planning permission and will restore the historic and iconic Wards Corner building

I oppose the demolition of an Historic Building and replacement with a block of little architectural merit by Grainger.

There is no social Housing provided in the proposed Grainger development. Only private gated flats.

There has been massive and sustained local objection to the Grainger Plan for the last seven years with over 2,000 objections on planning websites.

Despite being offered alternative premises; Seven Sisters Market is put at risk of being priced out of any future developments.

Grainger has refused to move any market stallholders in Seven Sisters Market to a new site except the original licence holders, which will result in decimation of the market, thus rendering it unviable.

The Wards Corner Community Plan for restoration of Wards Corner will result in less disruption for local businesses and will keep the entire market on site, The Community plan to restore Wards Corner is a more sustainable plan.

There has been a lack of proper public consultation for Grainger plan. Demolition will erase the history of Tottenham. Seven Sisters urgently needs its history to give it a sense of place and community.

This local town centre is vital to Tottenham. Any building put on this site must be of high quality and for the use and ownership by the community to give civic pride to Tottenham. The Grainger plan for private gated flats with chain stores will not fulfil this requirement. There are good examples of this form of civic pride further up the High Road that can be seen to be reaping benefits for the area. Objections to the Grainger plan have been made by prominent organisations. eg. English Heritage. Planning Aid for London, Tottenham Traders, London Forum of Civic and Amenities Groups, Save Britain's Heritage, Tottenham CAAC, Tottenham Civic Society, Haringey Federation of Residents Associations and Princes Regeneration Trust.

Wards Corner Community Coalition (WCC), has received much publicity opposing the Grainger plan. eg. Films, TV documentaries and research by Universities.

Grainger’s failure to publish any viability plans despite requests for such information, There has been a questionable use of just under £2 million from "New Deal for Communities" given to Grainger for their redevelopment.

The Grainger plan will damage the local economy, replacing skilled small businesses with poorly paid unskilled retail work.

For many years there has been a consistent refusal by TfL and Haringey Council to engage with any enquiries from parties interested in restoring and using the current building.

The harm caused by the Grainger development would be substantial and would not be outweighed by any benefits to the local area.