October 30, 2011

31st Sunday in ordinary time

Mal 1:14b-2:2b, 8-10/1 Thes 2:7b-9, 13/Mt 23:1-12

“We were gentle among you, as a nursing mother cares for her children. With such affection for you, we were determined to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our very selves as well, so dearly beloved had you become to us… we proclaimed to you the gospel of God. And for this reason we too give thanks to God unceasingly, that, in receiving the word of God from hearing us, you received it not as human word but, as it truly is the word of God, which is now at work in you who believe.”

Have you ever stopped to talk with someone about the Word of God read and preached at mass? Have you ever paused to think about the way you read, listen or meditate on the Word of God? Today’s passage from Paul might provide a great opportunity to do so.

I might ask myself, if I read the Word like the child being cared for by a gentle parent. I might find someone else who was touched by the Word. Do I see the Word as a proclamation, an announcement of the good news of Jesus Christ? Is my attitude as the Word of God is to be proclaimed at mass one of anticipation of receiving a message from God?

Because I create a desire to listen attentively to the word, it finds a home in me. Like the seed described in the parable, though the Word might fall to silence, it quietly works in forming me as a disciple of Jesus Christ. With Samuel I pray “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.”

HIS WORD TODAY by Rev. William J. Reilly

The collection for October 23rd was $6,816. Please be generous with your weekly contribution to our parish ministries.
We encourage you to enroll via the ParishPay website https://www.parishpay.com/. Select the St Joseph West Village link. Use the paperless way to help our ministry.


If you want to get some insight from how the Israelites wandered for 40 years through the desert, come join a Bible Study Group on Thursdays, from 6:50-8 pm. We’ll be using William T. Miller’s The Book of Exodus: Question by Question from the Paulist Press. There’s some homework involved, but it’s a really wonderful way of having the Bible come alive in your hands. We’ll be starting up on October 27th. If you’re interested, contact: Melissa Eagan () – with the subject heading: EXODUS. Hope you’ll come!

Theology on Tap-NYC ( Young Adult Ministry for those in their 20s and 30s) presents: “Will the Son of Man Find Any Faith When He Comes?”: On November 7, 2011, Msgr Lorenzo Albacete, Chairman of Crossroads Cultural Center, will address Theology on Tap about finding faith in our current society. ToTNYC is located at Klub 45 Room-Connolly’s Bar, 121 West 45th Street, between 6th and 7th Avenues. Event begins at 7:30pm and ends around 9pm. For more info, visit www.totnyc.org

Family Enrichment NY is presenting the First Steps Program, which is a well-structured program that offers parents with

children ages 0 to 4 a chance to become friends with other couples who are striving to provide their children with the best family life possible. The case study method, pioneered at Harvard Business School, is taught and used to discuss case studies that illuminate common family issues.

For more information, visit www.fe-ny.org

For young men of high school age considering the priesthood Cathedral Prep is offering Prep Weekends. Time for prayer, recreation, and discernment.

November 5-7

December 10-12

For more information please email: or visit cathedralprep.com

Young Adult Speaker Series

St. Francis of Assis Church

135 West 31st. St. NYC

A Speakers' Series for Young Adults: Nov 3, Who Am I Called To Be?;Nov 10, Making Important Choices in Young Adult Life; Nov 17, Tuning Into God's Voice (Prayer). Talks will be followed by reflection and conversation with presenters and other young adults.

All dates are 7-9pm

Adult Education Course

Mary, Mother and Model of the Church



Church of St. Francis of Assisi

135 W. 31st Street.

New York, NY 10001

In this course, we will look at and study the Marian Doctrines of the Church. We will also study the different apparitions of the Blessed Mother. Her message to us is always the same. “Do whatever He Tells you” (John 2:5).

Please remember that November 1st is the Feast of All Saints is a Holy Day of Obligation. There will be a 12:10 and 5:30 Mass.

Theology in the City 2011-21

Church of St. Vincent Ferrer-869 Lexington Ave

New York, NY 10065

November 7-7pm

What do you know about the Apocalypse? In this series of lectures, Fr. Shah will unpack the rich and hopeful vision of all things, as seen by the Catholic faith. These lectures are suitable for the layperson, but they are aimed to take you more deeply into your spiritual life and theological understanding. And each conference can stand on its own. October 3rd is our first installment, where the nature of Beauty will be discussed: What is it? How do we know something is beautiful and why? Is God beautiful? Are we? How? We hope you will join us for Theology in the City 2011-2012! Bring friends!

Topic for 11/7: The Wisdom of Creation

Upcoming dates include:

The Promise of the Temple - December 5

The Poetics of the Bible - January 2

The Glory of the Lord - February 6

The Apocalypse in the Bible - March 5

The Work of Liturgy - April 2

The End of Man - May 7

The Catholic Artists Society, an association of professionals in the arts, entertainment and media industries, will host a special All Hallows Eve event for artists, patrons and friends

at 6.30pm on October 31st, at the Dominican Church of St. Vincent Ferrer, 869 Lexington Avenue @ E. 66th Street.

Internationally renowned author and speaker Father Uwe Michael Lang, from London’s Brompton Oratory, will preside at vespers and give a lecture entitled Art, Beauty and the Sacred in the parish hall. A reception with refreshments will follow. Attendance is free of charge, but donations are welcome to cover the costs of the event.

Gregorian chant and polyphonic settings for vespers will be provided by a schola of professional singers led by David J. Hughes, Organist and Choirmaster at St. Mary’s

Church in Norwalk, CT.

For more information and to RSVP, log onto www.catholicartistssociety.posterous.com,

or email .



SATURDAY, October 29

Rom 8:1-11/Lk 13:1-9


5:30PM Roy Daniels

SUNDAY, October 30

Mal 1:14b-2:2b, 8-10/1 Thes 2:7b-9, 13/Mt 23:1-12

9:00 AM Clara Del Pllato Perna

11:30 AM Julia & Daniel Flannery

6:00 PM

MONDAY, October 31

Rom 11:29-36/Lk 14:12-14

12:10 PM Frank Prano

5:30 PM

TUESDAY November 1 Feast of All Saints-Holy Day of Obligation

Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a

12:10 PM

5:30 PM Kathi Christiensen (living)

WEDNESDAY, November 2 Feast of All Souls

Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9/Jn 6:37-40

12:10 PM Rose Arias

5:30 PM Florence & Carlos Arias

THURSDAY, November 3

Rom 14:7-12/Lk 15:1-10

12:10PM Carl & Angelo Conetta


FRIDAY, November 4

Rom 15:14-21/Lk 16:1-8

12:10PM Sr. M. Charles, VHM


SATURDAY, November 5

Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27/Lk 16:9-15


5:30PM Rosalind & Vincent Lazara


10:00 AM / Children’s Religious Studies / Casserly
10:00 AM / Scripture Discussion / Library
2:30 PM / Roman Forum Lectures / Casserly
7:00 PM / Grad Law / Casserly/Rectory
6:30 PM / Centering Prayer / Church
7:00 PM / YACHT Club for Young Adults / Casserly/Library
7:00 PM / Aquinas Circle of Undergraduates / Casserly/Library
6:30 PM / Korean Catholic Students / Casserly/Library
7:30 PM / Lenten Confirmation Class / 1st Floor Back Parlor
6:30 PM 1st /mo / Pax Christi Bd Mtg / PCMNY
7:00 PM / Newman Club / Casserly/Library
7:00PM / Scripture Study / 1st Floor-Back Parlor
6:00 PM 1st/mo / Novena/ Sacred Heart / Church
6:15 PM / St. Egidio Prayer / Church
10:00-3:00 PM / Soup Kitchen / Casserly
12:30 PM 1st/mo / Blessing of the Sick / Church
6:00 PM / Alcoholics Anonymous / Caserly