If You’re Happy and You Know It

Example of a Classroom Planning

Class 1:

A.) Present key elements :

happy • face • clap your hands • stomp your feet • do all three

B.) Self-Monitoring 1:

Did you lool at the teacher? Did you listen to the teacher?

Did you look at the posters?

C.) Listen to the song 1-2-3:

B.1- Details of use / Teacher / Students
- listens
(points to
key elements) / - listens
- does gestures / - listens
- does gestures
- sings along /

- listen only

/ - listen
- imitate the
gestures / - listen
- imitate the
- sing along
1st time / X /


2nd time / X / / X
3rd time / X / / X

D.) Self-Monitoring 2:

Did you listen to the music? Super listening? J

E.) Winding Down Moment 1:

Glue lyrics in scrapbook

F.) Listen to the song 4-5:

B.1- Details of use / Teacher / Students
- listens
(points to
key elements) / - listens
- does gestures / - listens
- does gestures
- sings along /

- listen only

/ - listen
- imitate the
gestures / - listen
- imitate the
- sing along
4th time / X / / X
5th time / X / / X

G.) Self-Monitoring 3:

Did you sing along?

Did you do the actions?

H.) Winding Down Moment 2:

Glue pictures + trace letters (colour pictures?)

I.) Listen 6:

B.1- Details of use / Teacher / Students
- listens
(points to
key elements) / - listens
- does gestures / - listens
- does gestures
- sings along /

- listen only

/ - listen
- imitate the
gestures / - listen
- imitate the
- sing along
Other times / X / / X

J.) SE if necessary:

Class 2:

A.) Review key elements

B.) Listen to the song

C.) Self-Monitoring

D.) Winding Down Moment: Speedy Touch / Simon Says

E.) Listen to the song

F.) Winding Down Moment: Sequencing

G.) Self-Monitoring


Dominique Plourde C.s. St-Hyacinthe 2005-2006