IOF World Masters Mountain Bike ORIENTEERING Championships (WMMTBOC)

Application for the year 2019

To be filled in and signed by the national orienteering federation.

The application shall reach the IOF Office by 13 January 2017.


Name of responsible English-speaking contact person:
Function within Federation:

Local Applicant

Name of Local Applicant:
Name of responsible English-speaking contact person:
The (local) applicant’s experience in organising major orienteering events:

Event date

Preferred dates
or period*:
Reason for proposing
this period*:
Other suitable dates or period:
Impossible dates or period:
* dates cannot overlap with the dates of the following event:
·  World Mountain Bike Orienteering Championships: end July 2019 (to be confirmed)
·  World Masters Orienteering Championships: 1-7 July 2019 + 2 days before/after
IOF preferred dates or period: See the International MTBO calendar below

Public and combined Events

Is the Event intended to be combined with another event? If yes, which event?

The international MTBO calendar and event programme

The IOF MTB Orienteering Commission envisions the following structure of international events for season 2019 and onwards, but happy to consider alternatives proposed by strong applications:

May/June / July/August / September/October
World Cup round 1
EMTBOC / World Cup round 2
WMTBOC + JWMTBOC / World Cup round 3
WMMTBOC preferably with EJMTBOC and EYMTBOC

There should be at least 6 weeks between two World Cup rounds.

WMMTBOC organisers are also expected to organise EJMTBOC and EYMTBOC if the event takes place in Europe. WMMTBOC may be organised together with a World Cup round, but it is not a requirement.

Event programme

The World Masters Mountain Bike Orienteering programme includes three individual-start competitions per gender, Sprint, Middle Distance and Long Distance and one Mass-start competition per gender.

The European Youth and Junior Mountain Bike Orienteering Championships includes three individual-start competitions per gender, Sprint, Middle Distance and Long Distance and one Relay competition per gender

European Youth and Junior Championships (EYJMTBOC)

If the WMMTBOC is organised in Europe, please tick this box if you also apply to organise the EYMTBOC and EJMTBOC. In this case please fill in the additional sheet regarding the details of the youth and junior event.

Venue & Distances

Town of Event Centre:
Distances between Event Centre and planned accommodation (km and minutes):
Competition / Distances between Event Centre and planned competition areas (km and minutes):
Middle Distance
Long Distance
Name / Means of transport to Event Centre / Distance (km) and time (minutes) of transport to Event Centre
Nearest international airport
Nearest domestic airport
Nearest railway station


Description of planned accommodation for teams, media representatives, IOF officials and spectators

What facilities (at the accommodation, Event Centre or town) are provided to enable contacts amongst participants outside of the competitions?

Terrain and Maps


Description of terrains and vegetation

/ Sprint / Middle Distance / Mass-start / Long Distance /
Land form (contours)
Stones, rocks, roots, sand
Track density
Any special features
Additional comments

Do previous orienteering maps of the planned competition areas exist?

Map name/area / Map discipline / Map year / Other map details

Information about relevant major events (orienteering and non-orienteering) held in the planned competition areas within the last 5 years

Event / Year / Event details (size; venue; arenas; media; organiser etc.)

Planned accreditation and entry fees

Information about planned fees to be paid by the participants

Name / Fee (EUR) / Comment
Accreditation fee (incl. compulsory transport)
Entry fee - Sprint
Entry fee - Middle distance
Entry fee - Long distance
Entry fee - Mass start
Accommodation of high standard
+ breakfast for 8 nights – type “A”
Accommodation of medium standard
+ breakfast for 8 nights – type “B”
Basic accommodation (e.g. hard floor)
for 8 nights – type “C”
Dinner per day
Typical fee for one training map

Comment on

Area permissions (permissions obtained from landowners and/or relevant authorities?)

Agreements with local authorities

Agreement with sponsors

Agreements with media

Special arrangement to attract non-orienteering spectators

Further comments

The application must be accompanied by the following enclosures:

·  Overview map showing the Event Centre, accommodation sites, competition areas, airports, railway station, and main roads. Either add or paste it into the application document or enclose as a PDF document.

·  If Ski-, MTB- or Foot Orienteering maps of the planned competition areas exist, please provide scanned versions (PDF) of the latest edition of each map.

·  If the planned competition areas are not covered by any orienteering map, the best available map of the areas together with an orienteering map of a similar terrain (PDF).

Embargo requirements

·  At the time of event application, any and all possible competition terrains that form part of the application shall be embargoed.

o  All terrains shall be drawn onto an interactive internet document, such as Google Maps.

o  This document will then be freely available

·  As possible terrains are added or removed, the interactive document shall be updated immediately.

·  Four years shall be the minimum period of time for a terrain to remain unused for competition. This means a terrain should be unused for 1-2 years prior to application.

Further details on embargo requirements are listed under Appendix 8 of the IOF MTBO Rules.

Sanction fee to be paid for the organising rights

·  In accordance with the Competition Rules for IOF Mountain Bike Orienteering Events, the IOF Council has taken the decision to impose a levy on the Event. The fee applicable to the WMMTBOC in the year 2019 is 1,000 EUR + 15 EUR per participant and the fee applicable to the EYJMTBOC is 250 EUR. These compulsory sanction fees shall be paid to the IOF to obtain the organising rights for the event. The fee also includes limited rights to sell advertisement space to local sponsors.

·  The IOF sanction fee shall be paid by the agreed due date. An interest of 10 % will be added to all sanction fees that remain unpaid after this date. The IOF Council also reserves the right to impose restrictions on the IOF membership privileges of the respective national Federation (e.g. the right to organise IOF events or to enter teams to IOF competitions) should the sanction fee not be paid. Questions related to the payment of the sanction fee can be addressed to the IOF Office.

Application format, dates and timelines

·  The application and the appropriate attachments must reach the IOF Office () by 13 January 2017.

·  The preferred application format is a scanned PDF copy of the application that is emailed to IOF Office. Attachment documents should also be in PDF format.

·  The application will be processed by IOF and decided upon at the latest 31 October 2017.

Further information and advice

The IOF MTB Orienteering Commission (MTBOC) and the IOF Office are prepared to offer guidance on all aspects of organising WMMTBOC and EYJMTBOC. Rules and Guidelines are available on the IOF website. Especially important for this Event is:

·  Competition Rules for IOF Mountain Bike Orienteering Events

If you have any questions regarding the Applications, please contact IOF:

Matter / Contact / Email /
TV rights, contracts, etc. / Tom Hollowell, IOF CEO / /
Practical administration matters / IOF Office / /
Orienteering-related matters* / MTBO / Sandor Talas, MTBO Commission Chair / /

*terrains, arenas, technical requirements, etc.

Additional information sheet for EYJMTBOC organisers

Please describe which youth/junior competition day do you plan to organise together with which masters competition. Please describe any planned separation method in time and use of the terrain.

Competition / WMMTBOC competition organised together,
any separation method in time or area, if planned
Middle Distance
Long Distance

EYJMTBOC - Planned accreditation and entry fees

Information about planned fees to be paid by the participants

Name / Fee (EUR) / Comment
Accreditation fee (incl. compulsory transport)
Entry fee - Sprint
Entry fee - Middle distance
Entry fee - Long distance

Information about other costs

Name / Fee (EUR) / Comment
Accommodation of high standard
+ breakfast for 8 nights – type “A”
Accommodation of medium standard
+ breakfast for 8 nights – type “B”
Basic accommodation (e.g. hard floor)
for 8 nights – type “C”
Dinner per day
Typical fee for one training map

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