Minutes of the Regular Meeting

January 28, 2013

The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Lion Roly Thomas led the Members and guests in O Canada; Lion Tony Haberl gave the Invocation; Lion Ron Nugent led the toast to The Queen; and Lion Denise Axenty gave the toast to Lions International.

Visitors:Doug Lane, Auctioneer; Michael Murray, Prospective Member.

CLERC Request: Lion President David Dean listed some items coming up. He then read out a request from Lion James Lee, CLERC Chairman asking for Club Members to help out at the various CLERC Sessions during the months of February to April 30, 2013, where the Lions will be grading, bagging, and getting numerous eyeglasses ready for shipment to the Head Office of CLERC for them to be shipped to areas and countries who need them. It was suggested that we pick Saturday, April 20, 2013 for our Club Members to go to the LionsVillage to assist CLERC for that day. It would be excellent if we can supply all 15 to 20 Lions Members to be a work party for that day. However, any of our Members can go to LionsVillage on the dates of Feb.2, 16, 23 are available. Mar. 2, 16, 23 are also available. For more information or to sign up, please contact CLERC Chairman James Lee at (403)-933-2922 or better yet email him at .

60th Anniversary Party: Lion Tony Haberl told the Lions Members that we want at least 250 people to help us celebrate our Club’s Anniversary on June 22, 2013. Receiving ticket holders will begin at 5:30 p.m. and Supper will be at 6:00 p.m. PID Lion Judge Brian Stevenson will be the Emcee and Lion Frank King will be our guest speaker. Lion Tony Haberl said the ticket books will be given to various Club Members to go out to the various Clubs to sell “tables” and tickets. We need sponsors for the Program. Lion Denise Axenty will be coordinating visitations and Lion Anne Harty will be setting up the listing of tickets available and tickets sold for the event.

Cremona Trip: Lion Blaine Robinson asked who would like to go to visit the Cremona Lions Club on March 11, 2013. He will be arranging to get the bus from the Inn From The Cold to meet us at the Northland Village Mall (near the McDonalds Restaurant) at 5:30 p.m. We shall be leaving at 6 p.m. SHARP. Those that wish may carpool and meet us out at the Cremona Hall. The meal is free for all guests and we meet at 6:30 with supper at 7:00. The Cremona Hall is clustered in the centre of town with the Arena and Curling Rink. He can provide a more detailed map if you need it. He will also get the Waiver Forms from IFTC to be filled out before we get on board the bus. There may be a small charge for riding the bus but the meal will be free. An e-mail will be sent out to all members as there were some members not in attendance at the meeting on Jan. 28, 2013.

Gift of Sight: Lion Marg Atchison spoke about their involvement in taking over the Gift of Sight from Lion Ron Nugent. She said that she has just realized the amount of work that Lion Ron did for 8+ years when he was doing this project and mostly on his own time. It was estimated that Lion Ron processed over 1,000 requests. She suggested that we give Lion Ron an ovation of thanks for his involvement in this project. Which we did.

Multiple Dist. Convention: Lion Pres. David Dean said that he enjoyed the Convention in Strathmore so much that he has booked him and his wife for the Multiple District Convention being held on May 16 – 18, 2013 in Helena, Montana.

Auction: Lion Pres. David Dean had invited Doug Lane who does auctioneering for his church to take over the duties of Auctioneer for the fun part of our evening. Members were asked to bring items that they had “cluttering” up their cupboards or had obtained at Xmas as gifts they really didn’t need. After the conclusion of the auction there was $281.00 collected for our Administration Fund. Thanks are to Lion Barb Atchison, Tony Haberl, for suggesting the Auction and to those members who bought the various items. It is hoped that this will happen again as there was a lot of fun had by those who attended the meeting.

The Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. and we went out to our snowy cars.


Feb. 4, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting at 7 p.m. at the CNIB

Feb. 11, 2013, Regular Meeting (Coffee & Dessert)

Feb. 25, 2013, Regular Meeting (Full Supper, Prime Rib). District Governor’s Visitation.

MAR. 1, 2013: Our Club is MOVING to the LionsVillage for the balance of the Lionistic Year ( to June 30, 2013).

Mar. 4, 2013, Board of Directors Meeting at the CNIB (?)

Mar. 11, 2013, Visitation to the Cremona Lions Club. Bus to be provided. Meet at Northland Mall for your ride.

Mar. 25, 2013, Regular Meeting at the LionsVillage. Full Supper.