Board of Supervisor’s Meeting Minutes
December 18, 2007
Chairman Gerald Cox called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The pledge of allegiance was followed by a moment of silence.
The following were in attendance: Gerald Cox, David Ross, Eric Todd, Candace Miller, John S. Carnes, Jr.,and Marcella Peyre-Ferry.
The meeting was recessed at 7:33 p.m. to conduct a public hearing regarding the adoption of Ordinance No. 4-2007, an Intergovernmental agreement between WestNottinghamTownship and EastNottinghamTownship for the purpose of cable franchise negotiations with Armstrong Cable. The regular meeting was reconvened at 7:40 p.m.
COMMITTEE REPORTS – Committee reports are available from the Secretary.
Board of Supervisors’ Meeting of November20, 2007 – Mr. Ross moved to approve the meeting minutes from the November 20, 2007 meeting. Mr. Todd seconded the motion. Mr. Cox abstained citing that he was not present at the November meeting. Motion carried.
Public Hearing held on November20, 2007– Mr. Ross moved to approve the minutes from the public hearing for Ordinance 3-2007. Mr. Todd seconded the motion. Mr. Cox abstained citing that he was not present at the Public Hearing. Motion carried.
An Executive Session was held on December 3, 2007 to discuss personnel issues.
AnExecutive Session was held on December 10, 2007 to meet with candidates interested in filling various vacancies on township boards.
A Workshop was held on December 17, 2007 to set the agenda for the Supervisors’ meeting.
AGENDA COMMENTS – There were no comments for the agenda.
Ordinance 4-2007 – Mr. Ross moved to adopt ordinance 4-2007 authorizing an intergovernmental agreement between East Nottingham and WestNottinghamTownships for the purpose of cable franchise negotiations with Armstrong Cable. Mr. Todd seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
ChesterCountyS.P.C.A. – Mr. Ross moved to enter into the Animal Protective Services (APS) Contract No. 1 Agreement with the ChesterCountyS.P.C.A. with a cost of $6353. Mr. Cox seconded the motion. DISCUSSION: Mr. Ross explained that the APS contract cost for 2008 more than doubled. The Board invited the S.P.C.A. to discuss the increase and they were very responsive. The large increase is necessary to keep up with expenses, and the S.P.C.A. has not increased annual fees in a number of years. Mr. Cox called for a vote. Motion carried unanimously.
Nottingham Business Center/CVS Retail – Mr. Carnes explained thatthe settlement stipulation was signed by the Board of Supervisors and by Jim and Elizabeth Mark. The judge is reviewing the agreement and both parties are waiting for the judge’s signature.
HerrFoods,Inc.Land Development – Mr. Cox moved to authorize the secretary to write a letter to DEP acknowledging the revised narrative, new production line, no increase in sewage flow from original Planning Module, and that the Township has no objections to the changes. Mr. Ross seconded the motion. Mr. Todd recused himself citing a business conflict. Motion carried.
Vision Partnership Grant – Mr. Ross explained that the township entered into an intergovernmental agreement to create a joint comprehensive plan with 6 municipalities and part of that process was the application for a Vision Partnership Grant (VPG) through the County. Mr. Ross moved to enter into the VPG agreement with ChesterCounty for a grant to be used for the Oxford Regional Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Todd seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
2008 Budget – Mr. Cox moved to approve the 2008 budget. Mr. Todd seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution 17-2007 – Mr. Ross moved to adopt Resolution 17-2007 setting the proposed tax millage rate to continue unchanged at .93 mills. Mr. Todd seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution 18-2007 – Mr. Ross moved to adopt Resolution 18-2007 setting the street light assessment tax to zero (0) for both classes of assessments, for now and the future. Mr. Todd seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Advertising of Reorganization Meetings –Mr. Cox moved toauthorize the secretary to advertise the meeting dates and times for the elected Auditors and Planning Commissions reorganization meetings, both of which will be held on Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., respectively. Mr. Todd seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Ross made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report ending November30, 2007, subject to audit. Mr. Todd seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Ross made a motion to accept the Bills List for November 21 to December 18, 2007, subject to audit. Mr. Todd seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Ross made a motion to accept the Reconciliation Report for the period ending November 26, 2007, subject to audit. Mr. Todd seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
No public comments were made.
Financial Security Agreement (Escrow Account) and Subdivision and Land Development Improvement and Maintenance Agreement – Mr. Ross explained that the Township Solicitor has put together two standard agreements to be used when public improvements to a subdivision and land development are necessary. The agreements can be customized if necessary. Mr. Ross publicly thanked the Codes Enforcement Officer for reviewing and commenting on the documents on such short notice. Mr. Ross moved to accept the two documents and bond to be used as a package for entering into an agreement with an applicant for subdivision and land development public improvements. Mr. Todd seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Pickering Lane – The Road Master is concerned about the condition of Pickering Lane. Mr. Cox said he would request the inspection reports from the Township Engineer.
2008 Paving – The Road Master has requested that the Board ride the roads early so that bid packages can put out for bid. The Board will pick a date and coordinate the review of the roads with the Road Master.
2008 PSATSState Convention – Mr. Cox moved to authorize the secretary to submit the applications and fees for the 2008 PSATS state convention and to appoint Gerald Cox as the state delegate and David Ross as the County delegate. Mr. Todd seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Cox moved to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:30p.m. Mr. Ross seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Candace Miller