WANT to learn

  1. Resources
  2. How to set mutual objectives
  3. How can we collaborate in PLC’s with teachers from other districts?

Challenges to Overcome

  1. Time
  2. Morale

Want to Learn

  1. What other schools are doing.
  2. PLC schedule – plan
  3. Time use with other schools (45 min a week)

Challenges to Overcome

  1. Time to work with PLC
  2. Small school challenges

Want to Learn:

  1. Extend to the greater learning area e.g. Eng 8 teachers
  2. Structure of the PLCs – make up of teams?
  3. How to get everyone to “buy in”.
  4. How do we combat resistance?

Challenges to Overcome:

  1. Time
  2. Resistance
  3. Focus on one initiative

Want to Learn:

  1. How PLCs will be organized (groups, topics, grade level)
  2. Meeting logistics (times, frequency, timelines)
  3. Implications for classroom (immediate results?)


  1. Scheduling & Resources
  2. Leadership & Facilitators


Challenges to overcome:

Due process changes


Challenges; Looking at concepts – standards – from special edu. View anf gen. ed. Look at it from grade-level view.

Time – 2 locations

We don’t have a common planning time.

Enough time.


Not enough time


  • Bare bones
  • Stretched to the max

Challenges: - time


Want to learn:

How do we choose topics?

What do our PLCs look like?

Data to show if PLCs working far as student progress.

Standard based IEPs




Where does SPED fit in to a PLC?

How RTI fits for the new SLD criteria.

Disability Specific Trainings

New/ Specific

Instructional Strategies or Programs

More effective strategies for working as a team (gen ed & sped)

Want to learn about PLCs?

  • Other curriculum or strategies
  • What point do we look at life skills vs. academics for DCD students?

Want to learn = Where do we fit in?

Small group

Just spec.ed.

To discuss data – programs etc.

Meet & Greet – Grade 5

Want to learn:

  • How to establish teams
  • How to establish essential outcomes
  • How to establish assessments.

Challenges to Overcome:

  • Time for PLTs
  • How to reach students that do not meet essential outcomes

Meet & Greet – Grade 5

Want to learn:

  • Who is involved
  • How to tackle reading

Challenges to Overcome:


-When to meet


-- Topics

-- How effective

-- Continuing Ed

-- Time


-- Getting Bldg staff to understand what we do and how we can help.

-- Standards



-A. How can SLPs effectively utilize PLCs within the school setting?

-B. How can SLPs support teachers in the PLC?

-C. Time for PLC? Logistics for travel or cross district communication.


-2. A. Limitations of small districts (singleton).

-B. Compatibility of PLC/IEP.

-C. Tools to get all staff on board.



-- Topics

-- How effective

-- Continuing Ed

-- Time


-- Getting Bldg staff to understand what we do and how we can help.

-- Standards



-A. How can SLPs effectively utilize PLCs within the school setting?

-B. How can SLPs support teachers in the PLC?

-C. Time for PLC? Logistics for travel or cross district communication.


-2. A. Limitations of small districts (singleton).

-B. Compatibility of PLC/IEP.

-C. Tools to get all staff on board.


Standard: Interpret text words and phrases to determine meanings and analyze choices

Benchmark: Determine meaning of social studies words

Target: I will be able to explain the loaded language and reason for the word choice in a political speech or ad.


-Activate prior knowledge

-Identify/define content-specific vocabulary

-Provide examples relevant to students to engage them

-Demonstrate the model (teacher-led)

-Collective group practice

-Compose an ad

-Analyze your partner’s ad

-Present your explanation of the language and reasons


- share ideas

- expand on current ideas

- Problem solving

- teaching styles/techniques

- create confidence/reassurance

- networking

- Share resources & materials

Look Like:

-Library of equipment (share equip)

- Grade level collaboration

- Go to workshops together

- Shared days schedule a content specific presenter

- Private web forum for Networking


  1. What does a PLC actually look like?
  2. How Special Education fits into a PLC?
  3. How often do you meet as a PLC?
  4. What workshops will we have for Professional Growth?


  1. Personalities
  2. Difficult for loaner teacher
  3. Change can be difficult

Where will I go?

What is a PLC?

What will our focus be?

What data can/will we use?


1)What does gen. ed. Know about sped students in regards to data collection?

2)When will we have time?

3)We always look at data, how will this be different?

Where do we start?

How do we get others to buy in?

Where does it fit in to our day/week?

Where does SpEd fit into/with GenEd?

How do we manage this w/our sometimes huge caseloads? w/already so many different needs…

Will SpEd staff be valued contributors to a group outside SpEd?

Mixing specialties/departments

Will our input be perceived as valuable?

Implementing “Our Kids” philosophy

What we Want to Learn.

How does special Ed. Fit into the PLCs?

When would we meet long enough – possibilities?

What kind of topics are there for special ed. PLCs?

How to collect data.

Challenges / Hurdles in PLC



-Evaluation – is the PLC productive?

-How does Spec Ed match to AYP?

Activity #1

1)All liked fall, sports, plane (travel)

2)Law abiding, right handed

3)Correct vision, pizza

4)Have kids, like water


Time to Meet

Common Calendar

Early Outs / Late Starts

New Law for calendar

Spectrum of where staff members are relative to PLCs.

Small groups in small schools.

Need for admin.Commitment.

What happens in PLC sessions

2 Common Early Outs / late Common Time


In the Future

-District PE Staff 1X month 60 min

-Area PE staff 1 day 2X year

-Presidential Physical fitness vs Physical best


- Sharing with Seasoned PE teachers

- Sharing New ideas

- Sharing Equipment

- Grant writing

- technology in Phy.Ed.



6-8 #3


Identify key steps of a process related to social studies.

Teacher target

SWBAT correctly order the steps to how a bill becomes a law.

Kid friendly

I can list the steps of how a bill becomes a law.




-Problem solving


What Should it look like?

-clear communication (time, effort)

- teacher driven vs. Admin

- driven by standards

- involvement (presentation, delivery)