Thalassemia Major-Recorded Documentation:

Recorded Documentation------

Brief History of Master XXX, 4 months old-----[DOB.05042011]. Both parents—father Mr.A, mother Mrs.M and elder sister N, 7 yrs., all are affected by Thalassemia Minor.

Mail dated 11082011 from Mrs.M, mother.

2. Before Blood transfusion, I had observed the following symptoms in XYZ:

a) Fatigue.

b) Pale complexion.

c) Jaundice at the time of birth.

d) Less appetite

e) Less sound sleep.

In order to know the reason of his pale complexion, his haemoglobin was tested which came to be 5. and after that doctor advised us to go for various Tests after which he was detected with Thallesimia.

Doctor has just recommended Blood transfusion after every 21 days and a tablet FOLVITE-250 mg to be given once a day daily. NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE AS OF NOW.

He was detected with Thallesimia on 10th July and he underwent his first Blood Transfusion the same day. 2nd transfusion was on 2nd August 2011 and now 3rd is due on 23rd August 2011.

Tender Acupressure Points---8, 16, 22, 23, 27, 28 & 37.---8-thyroid, 16-lymph, 22-gall bladder, 23-liver,27-stomach,28-adrenal,37-spleen.

Treatment was infused through the lactating mother Mrs.M, a patient of Thalassemia Minor. so that the antibodies produced by mother could reach the infant through the milk-route.

SSince, mother happens to be a Thalassemia Minoir, no risk is involved in treating mother also.

TTreatment by Acupressure Techniques & Indian Natural Remedies was commenced for both mother and son on 01082011.

1. Give 2 to 3 cups of green juice adding in each cup one teaspoonful of health powder +1 tablespoonful of pure honey.

2. 1 to 2 glasses of fruit juices.

3. Plenty of green salad adding therein sprouted mung (green Chinese peas), nuts and jaggery.

4. Stop all salts and spices, baking soda and cooked food. Also stop milk, chocolates, biscuits and bread made out of fine flour. If the child cannot remain on this diet, give it well-cooked rice with curd-boiled vegetables and a pinch of rock salt.

5. Take sunbath and if it is not possible, take blue light on the affected part of the body [on head, spinal cord, and abdomen on both sides for 1 to 3 minutes twice a day.

  • Take blue light on the stomach for five minutes and on the back, neck and spine for five minutes twice daily. This will revitalize these organs. If feasible, let the infant play in the sunlight ---within 90 minutes from sunrise and within 60 minutes before sunset. Massage the entire body with olive oil and put the infant to the sunlight by keeping a blue colored glass frame in between. U may do so both morning & evening. Sunlight @ the specified hours renders maximum energy to the child. It invigorates the entire immune system.
  • 6. Triphala Churna.
  • 7. Charged water.
  • 8. green salads, raithas, fruit juices, Aloe vera juice, Noni Juice, Wheat grass powder, Canova drops, sprouted seeds, black grapes, Ener-G, Elixir Caps, Anti-oxidant Caps, KP-6x, NV-30, Black tea, Green tea.9, hormonal balancing globules, Panacea, Immuno drops, . Acupressure techniques to activate all the internal organs to work up to optimum levels.

The documented recordings are as follows:

1ST Date.10072011 5.6 12.8 ----
2ND Date 02082011 9.5 NOT CHECKED 21DAYS

3RD Date 23082011 11.2 NOT CHECKED 21 DAYS

4TH Date 22092011 10.5 NOT CHECKED 31 days

5 TH Date 15102011 9.6 NOT CHECKED 21 days

6 TH Date 09112011 9.7 NOT CHECKED 24 days

7 TH Date 07122011*** 11.2 NOT CHECKED 31 days

8 TH Date 04012012 11.00 NOT CHECKED 31 days

***Copy of mail dated 08122011 from Mrs. M, Thalassemia Minor and mother of Master XXX, 6 month old a patient old Thalassemia Major.

Dear Sir,

Gud evening!

Yesterday was a good day for us. But with that a fear has engulfed. We all join together to pray almighty for increased Hb levels towards a direction of improvement and hence complete cure.

His doctor was expecting Hb near about 9.5 & was very surprised to hear 11.4 and advised lab to check again as in her words, 11.4 was impossible.

Then lab people rechecked and told her 11.2.

As per gap of 4 weeks, next due date is 4th January. She said that will confirm about 1 week further extension on 3rd january.

Yesterday received the pack and will raise queries tomorrow.

Warm Regards

My feedback on XYZ with ref. to last month's observation:

1.After transfusion on 9th NOv., noted XYZ giving a more plump, grown up appearance. Colour of lips got more rosy and moist.

This appearance started fading after 25th Nov. & from 1st Dec, his complexion started appearing a bit pale to me.

2. Infant started standing by taking support.

3. Started speaking words like- nana, tata....

4. Infant's body weight increased by 500 gms between a period from 9th NOv. to 7th December. On 7th Dec, he weighed approx.

8.300 kgs.

Appetite increased. Demands food whenever sees anyone eating.

Lips natural pink.

5. . Medicines given: Anaemia- 1& 2, Hormonal balancing , kp-3, NV 30, 5 phos, Spleen, Immuno drops, Amrith Drops, Wheat grass, noni, aloe vera. + ACCUPRESSURE & massage

6. Above all, Hb before 6th transfusion that on 9th Nov. was 9.7 & Hb before 7th transfusion i.e., 7th Dec. was 11.2.

His doctor will comment upon further increase of gap by 1 week i.e, from 4 weeks to 5 weeks on 3rd January .

Hope this suffices.

If you feel i have missed on some point kindly intimate me.

Warm Regards

Mrs.M Dated. 05042012.

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